Creating a simple feedforward neural network (without using libraries)

Deep learning refers to neural networks, a type of statistical model, which are deep in the sense that they have many layers between the input and output. We can think of these layers as computational stages.(More precisely, you can think of them as big matrices.) These statistical models have now become interchangeable with the much loved term artificial intelligence (AI). But how do neural networks work?

Neural networks are collections of large — often extraordinarily large — matrices with values that have been carefully chosen (or found) so that running inputs through these matrices generates accurate outputs for certain problems like classifying photos or writing readable sentences. There are many types of neural networks, but to understand them, it’s best to start with a basic one, which is an approach I covered in a previous post.

Without using any of the neural network libraries in MATLAB or Python (of which there are several), I wrote a simple four-layer feedforward (neural) network, which is also called a multilayer perceptron. This is an unadorned neural network without any of the fancy bells and whistles that they now possess.

And that’s all you need to understand the general gist of deep learning.

Binary classification problem

I applied the simple neural network to the classic problem of binary classification. More specifically, I created a simple problem by divided two-dimensional (Cartesian) square into two non-overlapping regions. My neural network needs to identify in region a point lies in a square. A simple problem, but it is both fundamental and challenging.

I created three such problems with increasing difficulty. Here they are:

  1. Simple: Ten points of two types located in a square, where the classification border  between the two types is curve lined.
  2. Voronoi: A Voronoi tessellation is (deterministically) created with a small number of seeds (or Voronoi cells). A point can either be in a given Voronoi cell or not, hence there are two types of points.
  3. Rose: A simple diagram of a four-petal flower or rose is created using a polar coordinates. Located entirely inside a square, points can either be inside the rose or not, giving two types of points.

Components of the neural network model

Optimization method

I fitted or or trained my four-layer neural network model by using a simple stochastic gradient descent method. The field of optimization (or operations research) abounds with methods based on gradients (or derivatives), which usually fall under the category of convex optimziation.

In the code I wrote,  a random coordinate is chosen, and then the fitting (or optimization) method takes a step where the gradient is the largest, where the size of step is dictated by a fixed constant called a learning rate. This procedure is repeated for some pre-fixed number of steps. The random choosing of the coordinate is done with replacement.

This is basically the simplest training method you can use. In practice, you never use such simple methods, relying upon more complex gradient-based methods such as Adam.

Cost function

For training, the so-called cost function or loss function is a root-mean-square function,1Or \(L^2\) norm. which goes against the flow today, as most neural networks now employ cost functions based on the maximum likelihood and cross-entropy. There is a good reason why these are used instead of the root-mean-square. They work much better.

Activation function

For the activation function, the code uses the sigmoid function, but you can easily change it to use recitified linear unit (ReLU), which is what most neural networks use today. For decades, it commonly accepted to use the sigmoid function, partly because it’s smooth. But it seems only work well for small networks. The rectified linear unit reigns supreme now, as it is considerably better than the sigmoid function and others in large neural networks.


I stress that this code is only for educational purposes. It’s designed to gain intuition into how (simple) neural networks do what they do.

If you have a problem that requires neural networks (or deep learning), then use one of the libraries such as PyTorch or TensorFlow. Do not use my code for such problems.

I generally found that the MATLAB code run much faster and smoother than the Python code. Python isn’t great for speed. (Serious libraries are not written in Python but C or, like much of the matrix libraries in Python, Fortran.)

Here’s my code.


% This code runs a simple feedforward neural network inspired.
% The neural network is a multi-layer perceptron designed for a simple
% binary classification. The classification is determining whether a
% two-dimensional (Cartesian) point is located inside some given region or
% not.
% For the simple binary examples used here, the code seems to work for
% sufficiently large number of optimization steps, typically in the 10s and
% 100s of thousands.
% This neural network only has 4 layers (so 2 hidden layers). The
% trainning procedure, meaning the forward and backward passes, are
% hard-coded. This means changing the number of layers requires additional
% information on the neural network architecture.
% It uses the sigmoid function; see the activate function.
% NOTE: This code is for illustration and educational purposes only. Use a
% industry-level library for real problems.
% Author: H. Paul Keeler, 2019.
% Website:
% Repository:

clearvars; clc; close all;

choiceData=3; %choose 1, 2 or 3
numbSteps = 2e5; %number of steps for the (gradient) optimization method
rateLearn = 0.05; %hyperparameter
numbTest = 1000; %number of points for testing the fitted model

rng(42); %set seed for reproducibility of results

%generating or retrieving the training data
switch choiceData
    case 1
        %%% simple example
        %recommended minimum number of optimization steps: numbSteps = 1e5
        x1 = 2*[0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6,0.4,0.6,0.5,0.9,0.4,0.7]-1;
        x2 = 2*[0.1,0.4,0.5,0.9,0.2,0.3,0.6,0.2,0.4,0.6]-1;
        numbTrainAll = 10; %number of training data
        %output (binary) data
        y = [ones(1,5) zeros(1,5); zeros(1,5) ones(1,5)];
    case 2
        %%% voronoi example
        %recommended minimum number of optimization steps: numbSteps = 1e5
        numbTrainAll = 1000; %number of training data
        x1 = 2*rand(1,numbTrainAll)-1;
        % output (binary) data
    case 3
        %%% rose/flower example
        %recommended minimum number of optimization steps: numbSteps = 2e5
        numbTrainAll=1000; %number of training data
        %output (binary) data

booleTrain = logical(y);

%dimensions/widths of neural network
numbWidth1 = 2; %must be 2 for 2-D input data
numbWidth2 = 4;
numbWidth3 = 4;
numbWidth4 = 2; %must be 2 for binary output

%initialize weights and biases
scaleModel = .5;
W2 = scaleModel * randn(numbWidth2,numbWidth1);
b2 = scaleModel * rand(numbWidth2,1);
W3 = scaleModel * randn(numbWidth3,numbWidth2);
b3 = scaleModel * rand(numbWidth3,1);
W4 = scaleModel * randn(numbWidth4,numbWidth3);
b4 = scaleModel * rand(numbWidth4,1);

%create arrays of matrices
%w matrices
%b vectors
%activation matrices
%delta (gradient) vectors

costHistory = zeros(numbSteps,1); %record the cost for each step
for i = 1:numbSteps
    %forward and back propagation
    xTrain = x(:,indexTrain);

    %run forward pass
    A2 = activate(xTrain,W2,b2);
    A3 = activate(A2,W3,b3);
    A4 = activate(A3,W4,b4);

    %new (replaces above three lines)
    for j=2:numbLayer

    %run backward pass (to calculate the gradient) using Hadamard products
    delta4 = A4.*(1-A4).*(A4-y(:,indexTrain));
    delta3 = A3.*(1-A3).*(transpose(W4)*delta4);
    delta2 = A2.*(1-A2).*(transpose(W3)*delta3);

    %new (replaces above three lines)
    for j=numbLayer-1:-1:2
        array_delta{j-1}= A_temp.*(1-A_temp).*(transpose(W_temp)*delta_temp);

    %update using steepest descent
    %transpose of xTrains used for W matrices
    W2 = W2 - rateLearn*delta2*transpose(xTrain);
    W3 = W3 - rateLearn*delta3*transpose(A2);
    W4 = W4 - rateLearn*delta4*transpose(A3);
    b2 = b2 - rateLearn*delta2;
    b3 = b3 - rateLearn*delta3;
    b4 = b4 - rateLearn*delta4;

    %new (replaces above six lines)
    for j=1:numbLayer-1
        arrayW{j}=arrayW{j} - rateLearn*delta_temp*transpose(A_temp);
        array_b{j}=array_b{j} - rateLearn*delta_temp;

    %update cost
    costCurrent_i = getCost(x,y,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer);
    costHistory(i) = costCurrent_i;

%generating test data
xTest1 = 2*rand(1,numbTest)-1;
xTest2 = 2*rand(1,numbTest)-1;
xTest = [xTest1;xTest2];
booleTest = (false(2,numbTest));

%testing every point
for k=1:numbTest
    xTestSingle = xTest(:,k);
    %apply fitted model
    yTestSingle = feedForward(xTestSingle,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer);
    [~,indexTest] = max(yTestSingle);

    booleTest(1,k) = (indexTest==1);
    booleTest(2,k) = (indexTest==2);

if boolePlot

    %plot history of cost
    xlabel('Number of optimization steps');
    ylabel('Value of cost function');
    title('History of the cost function')

    %plot training data
    hold on;
    title('Training data');
    axis square;

    %plot test data

    hold on;
    title('Testing data');
    axis square;


function costTotal = getCost(x,y,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer)
numbTrainAll = max(size(x));
%originally y, x1 and x2 were defined outside this function
costAll = zeros(numbTrainAll,1);

for i = 1:numbTrainAll
    %loop through every training point
    x_i = x(:,i);

    %find difference between algorithm output and training data
    costAll(i) = norm(y(:,i) - A_Last,2);
costTotal = norm(costAll,2)^2;

function y = activate(x,W,b)
%evaluate sigmoid (ie logistic) function
y = 1./(1+exp(-z));

%evaluate ReLU (rectified linear unit)
%y = max(0,z);

function A_Last= feedForward(xSingle,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer)
%run forward pass
for j=2:numbLayer


function booleFlowerInside=checkFlowerInside(x1,x2)
% This function creates a simple binary classification problem.
% A single point (x1,x2) is either inside a flower petal or not, where the
% flower (or rose) is defined in polar coordinates by the equation:
% rho(theta) =cos(k*theta)), where k is a positive integer.

orderFlower = 2;
[thetaFlower, rhoFlower] = cart2pol(x1(:)',x2(:)');
% check if point (x1,x2) is inside the rose
booleFlowerInside = abs(cos(orderFlower*thetaFlower)) <= rhoFlower;


function booleVoronoiInside=checkVoronoiInside(x1,x2)
% This function creates a simple binary classification problem.
% A single point (x1,x2) is either inside a chosen Voronoi cell or not,
% where the Voronoi cells are defined deterministically below.

numbPoints = length(x1);
% generat some deterministic seeds for the Voronoi cells
numbSeed = 6;
indexCellChosen = 4; %arbitrary chosen cells from first up to this number

t = 1:numbSeed;
% a deterministic points located on the square [-1,+1]x[-1,+1]
xSeed1 = sin(27*t.*pi.*cos(t.^2*pi+.4)+1.4);
xSeed2 = sin(4.7*t.*pi.*sin(t.^3*pi+.7)+.3);
xSeed = [xSeed1;xSeed2];

% find which Voroinoi cells each point (x1,x2) belongs to
indexVoronoi = zeros(1,numbPoints);
for i = 1:numbPoints
    x_i = [x1(i);x2(i)]; %retrieve single point
    diff_x = xSeed-x_i;
    distSquared_x = diff_x(1,:).^2+diff_x(2,:).^2; %relative distance squared
    [~,indexVoronoiTemp] = min(distSquared_x); %find closest seed
    indexVoronoi(i) = indexVoronoiTemp;

% see if points are inside the Voronoi cell number indexCellSingle
booleVoronoiInside = (indexVoronoi==indexCellChosen);


The use of matrices in Python are kindly described as an afterthought. So it takes a bit of Python sleight of hand to get MATLAB code translated into working Python code.

(This stems partly from the fact that Python is row-major, as the language it’s built upon, C, whereas MATLAB is column-major, as its inspiration, Fortran.)

# This code runs a simple feedforward neural network.
# The neural network is a multi-layer perceptron designed for a simple
# binary classification. The classification is determining whether a
# two-dimensional (Cartesian) point is located inside some given region or
# not.
# For the simple binary examples used here, the code seems to work for
# sufficiently large number of optimization steps, typically in the 10s and
# 100s of thousands.
# This neural network only has 4 layers (so 2 hidden layers). The
# trainning procedure, meaning the forward and backward passes, are
# hard-coded. This means changing the number of layers requires additional
# information on the neural network architecture.
# It uses the sigmoid function; see the activate function.
# NOTE: This code is for illustration and educational purposes only. Use a
# industry-level library for real problems.
# For more details, see the post:
# Author: H. Paul Keeler, 2019.
# Website:
# Repository:

import numpy as np;  # NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # For plotting
#from FunctionsExamples import checkFlowerInside, checkVoronoiInside

plt.close('all');  # close all figures

choiceData=1; #choose 1, 2 or 3

numbSteps = 1e5; #number of steps for the (gradient) optimization method
rateLearn = 0.05; #hyperparameter
numbTest = 1000; #number of points for testing the fitted model
boolePlot = True;

np.random.seed(42); #set seed for reproducibility of results

#helper functions for generating problems
def checkFlowerInside(x1,x2):
    # This function creates a simple binary classification problem.
    # A single point (x1,x2) is either inside a flower petal or not, where the
    # flower (or rose) is defined in polar coordinates by the equation:
    # rho(theta) =cos(k*theta)), where k is a positive integer.

    orderFlower = 2;
    thetaFlower = np.arctan2(x2,x1);
    rhoFlower = np.sqrt(x1**2+x2**2);
    # check if point (x1,x2) is inside the rose
    booleFlowerInside = np.abs(np.cos(orderFlower*thetaFlower)) <= rhoFlower;
    return booleFlowerInside

def checkVoronoiInside(x1,x2):
    # This function creates a simple binary classification problem.
    # A single point (x1,x2) is either inside a chosen Voronoi cell or not,
    # where the Voronoi cells are defined deterministically below.
    numbPoints = len(x1);
    # generat some deterministic seeds for the Voronoi cells
    numbSeed = 6;
    indexCellChosen = 4; #arbitrary chosen cells from first up to this number

    t = np.arange(numbSeed)+1;
    # a deterministic points located on the square [-1,+1]x[-1,+1]
    xSeed1 = np.sin(27*t*np.pi*np.cos(t**2*np.pi+.4)+1.4);
    xSeed2 = np.sin(4.7*t*np.pi*np.sin(t**3*np.pi+.7)+.3);
    xSeed = np.stack((xSeed1,xSeed2),axis=0);

    # find which Voroinoi cells each point (x1,x2) belongs to
    indexVoronoi = np.zeros(numbPoints);
    for i in range(numbPoints):
        x_i = np.stack((x1[i],x2[i]),axis=0).reshape(-1, 1); #retrieve single point
        diff_x = xSeed-x_i;
        distSquared_x = diff_x[0,:]**2+diff_x[1,:]**2; #relative distance squared
        indexVoronoiTemp = np.argmin(distSquared_x); #find closest seed
        indexVoronoi[i] = indexVoronoiTemp;

    # see if points are inside the Voronoi cell number indexCellSingle
    booleVoronoiInside = (indexVoronoi==indexCellChosen);
    return booleVoronoiInside

#generating or retrieving the training data
if (choiceData==1):
    ### simple example
    #recommended minimum number of optimization steps: numbSteps = 1e5
    x1 = 2*np.array([0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6,0.4,0.6,0.5,0.9,0.4,0.7])-1;
    x2 = 2*np.array([0.1,0.4,0.5,0.9,0.2,0.3,0.6,0.2,0.4,0.6])-1;
    numbTrainAll = 10; #number of training data
    #output (binary) data
    y = np.array([[1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1]]);


if (choiceData==2):
    ### voronoi example
    #recommended minimum number of optimization steps: numbSteps = 1e5
    numbTrainAll = 500; #number of training data
    x=2*np.random.uniform(0, 1,(2,numbTrainAll))-1;
    x1 = x[0,:];
    x2 = x[1,:];
    # output (binary) data

if (choiceData==3):
    ### rose/flower example
    #recommended minimum number of optimization steps: numbSteps = 2e5
    numbTrainAll=100; #number of training data
    x=2*np.random.uniform(0, 1,(2,numbTrainAll))-1;
    x1 = x[0,:];
    x2 = x[1,:];
    #output (binary) data

#helper functions for training and running the neural network
def activate(x,W,b):
    #evaluate sigmoid (ie logistic) function
    y = 1/(1+np.exp(-z));

    #evaluate ReLU (rectified linear unit)
    #y = np.max(0,z);
    return y

def feedForward(xSingle,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer):
    #run forward pass
    for j in np.arange(1,numbLayer):

    return A_Last;

def getCost(x,y,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer):
    numbTrainAll = np.max(x.shape);
    #originally y, x1 and x2 were defined outside this function
    costAll = np.zeros((numbTrainAll,1));

    for i in range(numbTrainAll):
        #loop through every training point
        x_i = x[:,i].reshape(-1, 1);

        #find difference between algorithm output and training data
        costAll[i] = np.linalg.norm(y[:,i].reshape(-1, 1) - A_Last,2);

        costTotal = np.linalg.norm(costAll,2)**2;

    return costTotal

#dimensions/widths of neural network
numbWidth1 = 2; #must be 2 for 2-D input data
numbWidth2 = 4;
numbWidth3 = 4;
numbWidth4 = 2; #must be 2 for binary output

#initialize weights and biases
scaleModel = .5;
W2 = scaleModel * np.random.normal(0, 1,(numbWidth2,numbWidth1));
b2 = scaleModel * np.random.uniform(0, 1,(numbWidth2,1));
W3 = scaleModel * np.random.normal(0, 1,(numbWidth3,numbWidth2));
b3 = scaleModel * np.random.uniform(0, 1,(numbWidth3,1));
W4 = scaleModel * np.random.normal(0, 1,(numbWidth4,numbWidth3));
b4 = scaleModel * np.random.uniform(0, 1,(numbWidth4,1));

#create lists of matrices
#w matrices
#b vectors
#activation matrices
for j in range(numbLayer):
    arrayA.append(np.zeros(numbWidthAll[j]).reshape(-1, 1).T);
#delta (gradient) vectors
for j in range(numbLayer-1):
    array_delta.append(np.zeros(numbWidthAll[j+1]).reshape(-1, 1).T);

costHistory = np.zeros((numbSteps,1));
booleTrain = y;
for i in range(numbSteps):
    #forward and back propagation
    xTrain = x[:,indexTrain].reshape(-1, 1);

    #run forward pass
    arrayA[0]=xTrain; #treat input as the A1 matrix
    for j in (range(numbLayer-1)):

    #run backward pass (to calculate the gradient) using Hadamard products
    array_delta[-1]=A_temp*(1-A_temp)*(A_temp-y[:,indexTrain].reshape(-1, 1));
    for j in np.arange(numbLayer-2,0,-1):
        array_delta[j-1]= A_temp*(1-A_temp)*np.matmul(np.transpose(W_temp),delta_temp);

    #update using steepest descent
    #transpose of xTrains used for W matrices
    for j in range(numbLayer-1):
        arrayW[j]=arrayW[j] - rateLearn*np.matmul(delta_temp,np.transpose(A_temp));
        array_b[j]=array_b[j] - rateLearn*delta_temp;

    #update cost
    costCurrent_i = getCost(x,y,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer);
    costHistory[i] = costCurrent_i;

#generating test data
xTest = 2*np.random.uniform(0,1,(2,numbTest))-1;
xTest1 = xTest[0,:];
xTest2 = xTest[1,:];

booleTest = np.zeros((2,numbTest));

#testing every point
for k in range(numbTest):
    xTestSingle = xTest[:,k].reshape(-1, 1);
    #apply fitted model
    yTestSingle = feedForward(xTestSingle,arrayW,array_b,numbLayer);
    indexTest = np.argmax(yTestSingle, axis=0);
    booleTest[0,k] = ((indexTest==0)[0]);
    booleTest[1,k] = ((indexTest==1)[0]);

if boolePlot:
    #plot history of cost
    plt.xlabel('Number of optimization steps');
    plt.ylabel('Value of cost function');
    plt.title('History of the cost function')

    #plot training data
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2);
        'rs', markerfacecolor='none');
    ax[0].set_title('Training data');
    ax[0].set_xlim([-1, 1])
    ax[0].set_ylim([-1, 1])

    #plot test data
        'rd', markerfacecolor='none');
    ax[1].set_title('Testing data');
    ax[1].set_xlim([-1, 1])
    ax[1].set_ylim([-1, 1])


After fitting or training the models, I tested them by applying the fitted neural network to other data. (In machine learning and statistics, you famously don’t use the same data to train and test a model.)

The number of steps needed to obtain reasonable results was about 100 thousand. To get a feeling of this, look at the plot of the cost function value over the number of optimization steps. For more complicated problems, such as the flower or rose problem, even more steps were needed.

I found the Python code, which is basically a close literal translation (by me) of the MATLAB code, too slow, so I generated the results using MATLAB.

Note: These results were generated with stochastic methods (namely, the training method), so my results will not agree exactly with yours, but hopefully they’ll be close enough.




The rose problem was the most difficult to classify. Sometimes it was a complete fail. Sometimes the training method could only see one component of the rose. It worked a couple of times, namely with 20 thousand optimization steps and a random seed of 42.

I imagine this problem is difficult due to the obvious complex geometry. Specifically, the both ends of each petal become thin, which is where the testing breaks down.



Success (mostly)

Further reading

There is just so many things to read on neural networks, particularly on the web. This post was inspired by this tutorial paper:

  • 2019 – Higham and Higham, Deep Learning: An Introduction for Applied Mathematicians.

I covered this paper in a previous post.

For a readable book, I recommend this book:

  • Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville – Deep Learning – MIT Press.


The Bertrand paradox

Mathematical paradoxes are results or observations in mathematics that are (seemingly) conflicting, unintuitive, incomprehensible, or just plain bizarre. They come in different flavours, such as those that play with notions of infinity, which means they often make little or no sense in a physical world. Other paradoxes, particularly those in probability, serve as a lesson that the problem needs to be posed in a precise manner. The Bertrand paradox is one of these.

Joseph Bertrand posed the original problem in his 1889 book Calcul des probabilités, which is available online (in French); page 4, Section 5. It’s a great illustrative problem involving simple probability and geometry, so it often appears in literature on the (closely related) mathematical fields of geometric probability and integral geometry.

Based on constructing a random chord in a circle, Bertrand’s paradox involves a single mathematical problem with three reasonable but different solutions. It’s less a paradox and more a cautionary tale. It’s really asking the question: What exactly do you mean by random?

Consequently, over the years the Bertrand paradox has inspired debate, with papers arguing what the true solution is. I recently discovered it has even inspired some passionate remarks on the internet; read the comments at

Update: The people from Numberphile and 3Blue1Brown have recently produced a video on YouTube describing and explaining the Bertrand paradox.

But I am less interested in the different interpretations or philosophies of the problem. Rather, I want to simulate the three solutions. This is not very difficult, provided some trigonometry and knowledge from a previous post, where I describe how to simulate a (homogeneous) Poisson point process on the disk.

I won’t try to give a thorough analysis of the solutions, as there are much better websites doing that. For example, this MIT website gives a colourful explanation with pizza and fire-breathing monsters. The Wikipedia article also gives a detailed though less creative explanation for the three solutions.

My final code in MATLAB, R and Python code is located here.

The Problem

Bertrand considered a circle with an equilateral triangle inscribed it. If a chord in the circle is randomly chosen, what is the probability that the chord is longer than a side of the equilateral triangle?

The Solution(s)

Bertrand argued that there are three natural but different methods to randomly choose a chord, giving three distinct answers. (Of course, there are other methods, but these are arguably not the natural ones that first come to mind.)

Method 1: Random endpoints

On the circumference of the circle two points are randomly (that is, uniformly and independently) chosen, which are then used as the two endpoints of the chord.

The probability of this random chord being longer than a side of the triangle is one third.

Method 2: Random radius

A radius of the circle is randomly chosen (so the angle is chosen uniformly), then a point is randomly (also uniformly) chosen along the radius, and then a chord is constructed at this point so it is perpendicular to the radius.

The probability of this random chord being longer than a side of the triangle is one half.

Method 3: Random midpoint

A point is randomly (so uniformly) chosen in the circle, which is used as the midpoint of the chord, and the chord is randomly (also uniformly) rotated.

The probability of this random chord being longer than a side of the triangle is one quarter.


All three answers involve randomly and independently sampling two random variables, and then doing some simple trigonometry. The setting naturally inspires the use of polar coordinates. I assume the circle has a radius \(r\) and a centre at the origin \(o\). I’ll arbitrarily number the end points one and two.

In all three solutions we need to generate uniform random variables on the interval \((0, 2\pi)\) to simulate random angles. I have already done this a couple of times in previous posts such as this one.

Method 1: Random endpoints

This is probably the most straightforward solution to simulate. We just need to simulate two uniform random variables \(\Theta_1\) and \(\Theta_2\) on the interval \((0, 2\pi)\) to describe the angles of the two points.

The end points of the chord (in Cartesian coordinates) are then simply:

Point 1: \(X_1=r \cos \Theta_1\), \(Y_1=r \sin \Theta_1\),

Point 2: \(X_2=r \cos \Theta_2\), \(Y_2=r \sin \Theta_2\).

Method 2: Random radius

This method also involves generating two uniform random variables. One random variable \(\Theta\) is for the angle, while the other \(P\) is the random radius, which means generating the random variable \(P\) on the interval \((0, r)\).

I won’t go into the trigonometry, but the random radius and its perpendicular chord create a right-angle triangle. The distance from the point \((\Theta, P)\) to the circle along the chord is:


The endpoints of the chord are then:

Point 1: \(X_1=P \cos \Theta+ Q\sin \Theta\), \(Y_1= P \sin \Theta- Q\cos \Theta\),

Point 2: \(X_2=P \cos \Theta- Q\sin \Theta\), \(Y_2= P \sin \Theta+Q \cos \Theta\).

Take note of the signs in these expressions.

Method 3: Random midpoint

This method requires placing a point uniformly on a disk, which is also done when simulating a homogeneous Poisson point process on a disk, and requires two random variables \(\Theta’\) and \(P’\). Again, the angular random variable \(\Theta’\) is uniform.

The other random variable \(P’\) is not uniform. For \(P’\), we generate a random uniform variable on the unit interval \((0,1)\), and then we take the square root of it. We then multiply it by the radius, generating a random variable between \(0\) and \(r\). (We must take the square root because the area element of a sector is proportional to the radius squared, and not the radius.) The distribution of this random variable is an example of the triangular distribution.

The same trigonometry from Method 2 applies here, which gives the endpoints of the chord as:

Point 1: \(X_1=P’ \cos \Theta’+ Q’\sin \Theta’\), \(Y_1= P’ \sin \Theta’- Q’\cos \Theta’\),

Point 2: \(X_2=P’\cos \Theta’- Q’\sin \Theta’\), \(Y_2= P’\sin \Theta’+Q’ \cos \Theta’\),

where \(Q’:=\sqrt{r^2-{P’}^2}\). Again, take note of the signs in these expressions.


To illustrate how the three solutions are different, I’ve plotted a hundred random line segments and their midpoints side by side. Similar plots are in the Wikipedia article.

Method 1: Random endpoints
Method 2: Random radius

Method 3: Random midpoint


For the chord midpoints, we know and can see that Method 3 gives uniform points, while Method 2 has a concentration of midpoints around the circle centre. Method 1 gives results that seem to somewhere between Method 2 and 3 in terms of clustering around the circle centre.

For the chords, we see that Method 3 results in fewer chords passing through the circle centre. Methods 1 and 2 seem to give a similar number of lines passing through this central region.

It’s perhaps hard to see, but it can be shown that Method 2 gives the most uniform results. By this, I mean that the number of lines and their orientations statistically do not vary in different regions of the circle.

We can now position random lines in uniform manner. All we need now is a Poisson number of lines to generate something known as a Poisson line process, which will be the subject of the next post.

Further reading

I’ve already mentioned that there are some good websites on the topic of the Bertrand paradox. For example:

Various authors have mentioned or discussed the Bertrand paradox in books on the related subjects of geometric probability, integral geometry and stochastic geometry. A good and recent introduction is given by Calka in Section 1.3 of the published lectures Stochastic Geometry: Modern Research Frontiers.

Other classic books that cover the topic including, for example, see Problem 1.2 in Geometrical Probability by Kendall and Moran. (Despite Maurice G. Kendall writing a book on geometric probability, he was not related to stochastic geometry pioneer David G Kendall.) It’s also discussed on page 44 in Geometric Probability by Solomon. For a book that involves more advance knowledge of geometry and (abstract) algebra, see Chapter 3 in Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability by Santaló.

The Bertrand paradox is also in The Pleasures of Probability by Isaac. It’s covered in a non-mathematical way in the book Paradoxes from A to Z by Clark. Edwin Jaynes studied the problem and proposed a solution in a somewhat famous 1973 paper, titled The Well-Posed Problem.

The original problem can be read in French in Bertrand’s work, which is available online here or here (starting at the bottom of page 4).


The MATLAB, R and Python code can be found here. In the code, I have labelled the methods A, B and C instead 1, 2 and 3.

Testing the Julia language with point process simulations

I started writing these posts (or blog entries) about a year ago. In my first post I remarked how I wanted to learn to write stochastic simulations in a new language. Well, I found one. It’s called Julia. Here’s my code. And here are my thoughts.


For scientific programming, the Julia language has arisen as a new contender. Originally started in 2012, its founders and developers have (very) high aspirations, wanting the language to be powerful and accessible, while still having run speeds comparable to C. There’s been excitement about it, and even a Nobel Laureate in economics, Thomas Sargent, has endorsed it. He co-founded the QuantEcon project, whose website has this handy guide or cheat sheet for commands between MATLAB, Python and Julia.

That guide suggests that Julia’s main syntax inspiration comes from MATLAB. But perhaps its closest (and greatest) competitor in scientific programming languages is Python, which has become a standard language used in scientific programming, particularly in machine learning. Another competitor is the statistics language R, which is popular for data science. But R is not renown for its speed.

As an aside, machine learning is closely related to what many call data science. I consider the two disciplines as largely overlapping with statistics, where their respective emphases are on theory and practice. In these fields, often the languages Python and R are used. There are various websites discussing which language is better, such as this one, which in turn is based on this one. In general, it appears that computer scientists and statisticians respectively prefer using Python and R.

Returning to the Julia language, given its young age, the language is still very much evolving, but I managed to find suitable Julia functions for stochastic simulations. I thought I would try it out by simulating some point processes, which I have done several times before. I successfully ran all my code with Julia Version 1.0.3.

In short, I managed to replicate in (or even translate to) Julia the code that I presented in the following posts:

Simulating a homogeneous Poisson point process on a rectangle

Simulating a Poisson point process on a disk

Simulating a Poisson point process on a triangle

Simulating an inhomogeneous Poisson point process

Simulating a Matérn cluster point process

Simulating a Thomas cluster point process

The Julia code, like all the code I present here, can be found on my Github repository, which for this post is located here.


Language type and syntax

The Wikipedia article on Julia says:

Julia is a high-level general-purpose dynamic programming language designed for high-performance numerical analysis and computational science.

Scientific programming languages like the popular three MATLAB, R and Python, are interpreted languages. But the people behind Julia say:

it is a flexible dynamic language, appropriate for scientific and numerical computing, with performance comparable to traditional statically-typed languages.

Because Julia’s compiler is different from the interpreters used for languages like Python or R, you may find that Julia’s performance is unintuitive at first.

I already remarked that Julia’s syntax is clearly inspired by MATLAB, as one can see in this guide for MATLAB, Python and Julia. But there are key differences. For example, to access an array entry in Julia, you use square brackets (like in most programming languages), whereas parentheses are used in MATLAB or, that old mathematical programming classic, Fortran, which is not a coincidence.


Julia requires you to install certain packages or libraries, like most languages. For random simulations and plots, you have to install the respective Julia packages Distributions and Plots, which is done by running the code.


After doing that, it’s best to restart Julia. These packages are loaded with the using command:

Using Distributions;
Using Plots;

Also, the first time it takes a while to run any code using those newly installed packages.

I should stress that there are different plotting libraries. But Plots, which contains many plotting libraries, is the only one I could get working. Another is PlotPy, which uses the Python library. As a beginner, it seems to me that the Julia community has not focused too much on developing new plotting functions, and has instead leveraged pre-existing libraries.

For standard scientific and statistical programming, you will usually also need the packages LinearAlgebra and Statistics.

Data types

Unlike MATLAB or R, Julia is a language that has different data types for numbers, such as integers and floating-point numbers (or floats). This puts Julia in agreement with the clear majority of languages, making it nothing new for most programmers. This is not a criticism of the language, but this can be troublesome if you’ve grown lazy after years of using MATLAB and R.

Simulating random variables

In MATLAB, R and Python, we just need to call a function for simulating uniform, Poisson, and other random variables. There’s usually a function for each type of random variable (or probability distribution).

Julia does simulation of random objects in a more, let’s say, object-oriented way (but I’m told, it’s not an object-oriented language). The probability distributions of random variables are objects, which are created and then sent to a general function for random generation. For example, here’s the code for simulating a Poisson variable with mean \(\mu=10\).


Similarly, here’s how to simulate a normal variable with mean \(\mu=10\) and standard deviation \(\sigma=1\).


Of course the last two lines can be collapsed into one.


But if you just want to create standard uniform variables on the interval (0,1), then the code is like that in MATLAB. For example, this code creates a \(4\times3\) matrix (or array) \(X\) whose entries are simulation outcomes of independent uniform random variables:


The resulting matrix \(X\) is a Float 64 array.


The indexing of arrays in Julia starts at one, just like MATLAB, R, or Fortran. When you apply a function to an array, you generally need to use the dot notation. For example, if I try to run the code:

Y=sqrt(rand(10,1)); #This line will result in an error.

then on my machine (with Julia Version 1.0.3) I get the error:

ERROR: DimensionMismatch(“matrix is not square: dimensions are (10, 1)”)

But this code works:


Also, adding scalars to arrays can catch you in Julia, as you also often need to use the dot notation. This code:

Z=Y+1; #This line will result in an error.

gives the error:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching +(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Int64)

This is fixed by adding a dot:

Z=Y.+1; #This line will work.

Note the dot has to be on the left hand side. I ended up just using dot notation every time to be safe.

Other traps exist. For example, with indexing, you need to convert floats to integers if you want to use them as indices.

Repeating array elements

There used to be a Julia function called repmat, like the one in MATLAB , but it was merged with a function called repeat. I used such repeating operations to avoid explicit for-loops, which is generally advised in languages like MATLAB and R. For example, I used the repelem function in MATLAB to simulate Matérn and Thomas cluster point processes. To do this in Julia, I had to use this nested construction:

y=vcat(fill.(x, n)...);

This line means that the first value in \(x \) is repeated \(n[1]\) times, where \(n[1]\) is the first entry of \(n\) (as indexing in Julia starts at one), then the second value of \(x\) is repeated \(n[2]\) times, and so on. For example, the vectors \(x=[7,4,9]\) and \(n=[2,1,3]\), the answer is \(y=[7,7,4,9,9,9]\).

To do this in Julia, the construction is not so bad, if you know how, but it’s not entirely obvious. In MATLAB I use this:


Similarly in Python:

Different versions of Julia

I found that certain code would work (or not work) and then later the same code would not work (or would work) on machines with different versions of Julia, demonstrating how the language is still being developed. More specifically, I ran code on Julia Version 1.0.3 (Date 2018-12-18) and Julia Version 0.6.4 (Date: 2018-07-09). (Note how there’s only a few months difference in the dates of the two versions.)

Consider the code with the errors (due to the lack of dot operator) in the previous section. The errors occurred on one machine with Julia Version 1.0.3, but the errors didn’t occur on another machine with the older Julia Version 0.6.4. For a specific example, the code:

Z=Y+1; #This line will not result in an error on Version 0.6.4.

gives no error with Julia Version 0.6.4, while I have already discussed how it gives an error with Julia Version 1.0.3.

For another example, I copied from this MATLAB-Python-Julia guide the following command:

A = Diagonal([1,2,3]); #This line will (sometimes?) result in an error.

It runs on machine with Julia Version 0.6.4 with no problems. But running it on the machine with Julia Version 1.0.3 gives the error:

ERROR: UndefVarError: Diagonal not defined

That’s because I have not used the LinearAlgebra package. Fixing this, the following code:

using LinearAlgebra; #Package needed for Diagonal command.
A = Diagonal([1,2,3]); #This line should now work.

gives no error with Julia Version 1.0.3.

If you have the time and energy, you can search the internet and find online forums where the Julia developers have discussed why they have changed something, rendering certain code unworkable with the latest versions of Julia.


It seems that performing optimization on functions is done with the Optim package.


But some functions need the Linesearches package, so it’s best to install that as well.


Despite those two optimization packages, I ended up using yet another package called BlackBoxOptim.


In this package, I used a function called bboptimize. This is the first optimziation function that I managed to get working. I do not know how it compares to the functions in the Optim and Linesearches packages.

In a previous post, I used optimization functions to simulate a inhomogeneous or nonhomogeneous Poisson point process on a rectangle. I’ve also written Julia code for this simulation, which is found below. I used bboptimize, but I had some problems when I initially set the search regions to integers, which the package did not like, as the values need to be floats. That’s why I multiple the rectangle dimensions by \(1.0\) in the following code:

boundSearch=[(1.0xMin,1.0xMax), (1.0yMin, 1.0yMax)]; #bounds for search box
#WARNING: Values of boundSearch cannot be integers!
resultsOpt=bboptimize(fun_Neg;SearchRange = boundSearch);
lambdaNegMin=best_fitness(resultsOpt); #retrieve minimum value found by bboptimize


In this brief experiment, I found the language Julia good for doing stochastic simulations, but too tricky for doing simple things like plotting. Also, depending on the version of Julia, sometimes my code would work and sometimes it wouldn’t. No doubt things will get better with time.

Further reading

As I said, Julia is still very much an ongoing project. Here’s a couple of links that helped me learn the basics.

Julia, Matlab, and C


I’ve only posted here code for some of simulations, but the rest of the code is available on my GitHub repository located here. You can see how the code is comparable to that of MATLAB.

Poisson point process on a rectangle

I wrote about this point process here. The code is located here.

using Distributions #for random simulations
using Plots #for plotting

#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

#Point process parameters
lambda=100; #intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

#Simulate Poisson point process
numbPoints=rand(Poisson(areaTotal*lambda)); #Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*rand(numbPoints,1).+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=yDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1)).+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

plot1=scatter(xx,yy,xlabel ="x",ylabel ="y", leg=false);
Inhomogeneous Poisson point process on a rectangle

I wrote about this point process here. The code is located here.

using Distributions #for random simulations
using Plots #for plotting
using BlackBoxOptim #for blackbox optimizing

#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

s=0.5; #scale parameter

#Point process parameters
function fun_lambda(x,y)
    100*exp.(-(x.^2+y.^2)/s^2); #intensity function

###START -- find maximum lambda -- START ###
#For an intensity function lambda, given by function fun_lambda,
#finds the maximum of lambda in a rectangular region given by
#NOTE: Need xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax to be floats eg xMax=1. See boundSearch

function fun_Neg(x)
     -fun_lambda(x[1],x[2]); #negative of lambda
xy0=[(xMin+xMax)/2.0,(yMin+yMax)/2.0];#initial value(ie centre)

#Find largest lambda value
boundSearch=[(1.0xMin,1.0xMax), (1.0yMin, 1.0yMax)];
#WARNING: Values of boundSearch cannot be integers!
resultsOpt=bboptimize(fun_Neg;SearchRange = boundSearch);
lambdaNegMin=best_fitness(resultsOpt); #retrieve minimum value found by bboptimize
###END -- find maximum lambda -- END ###

#define thinning probability function
function fun_p(x,y)

#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints=rand(Poisson(areaTotal*lambdaMax)); #Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*rand(numbPoints,1).+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=yDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1)).+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities
#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleRetained=rand(numbPoints,1).<p; #points to be retained
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];

plot1=scatter(xxRetained,yyRetained,xlabel ="x",ylabel ="y", leg=false);
Thomas point process on a rectangle

I wrote about this point process here. The code is located here.

using Distributions #for random simulations
using Plots #for plotting

#Simulation window parameters

#Parameters for the parent and daughter point processes
lambdaParent=10;#density of parent Poisson point process
lambdaDaughter=10;#mean number of points in each cluster
sigma=0.05; #sigma for normal variables (ie random locations) of daughters

#Extended simulation windows parameters
rExt=7*sigma; #extension parameter
#for rExt, use factor of deviation sigma eg 6 or 7
#rectangle dimensions
areaTotalExt=xDeltaExt*yDeltaExt; #area of extended rectangle

#Simulate Poisson point process
numbPointsParent=rand(Poisson(areaTotalExt*lambdaParent)); #Poisson number of points

#x and y coordinates of Poisson points for the parent

#Simulate Poisson point process for the daughters (ie final poiint process)
numbPoints=sum(numbPointsDaughter); #total number of points

#Generate the (relative) locations in Cartesian coordinates by
#simulating independent normal variables

#replicate parent points (ie centres of disks/clusters)
xx=vcat(fill.(xxParent, numbPointsDaughter)...);
yy=vcat(fill.(yyParent, numbPointsDaughter)...);

#Shift centre of disk to (xx0,yy0)

#thin points if outside the simulation window
#retain points inside simulation window

plot1=scatter(xx,yy,xlabel ="x",ylabel ="y", leg=false);

Checking Poisson point process simulations

In previous posts I described how to simulate homogeneous Poisson point processes on a rectangle, disk and triangle. Then I covered how to randomly thin a point process in a spatially dependent manner. Building off these posts, I wrote in my last post how to simulate an inhomogeneous or nonhomogeneous Poisson point process. Now I’ll describe how to verify that the simulation code correctly simulates the desired Poisson point process.

Although this post is focused on the Poisson point process, I stress that parts of the material hold for all point processes. Also, not surprisingly, some of the material and the code overlaps with that presented in the post on the inhomogeneous point process.


Any Poisson point process is defined with a measure called the intensity measure or mean measure, which I’ll denote by \(\Lambda\). For practical purposes, I assume that the intensity measure \(\Lambda\) has a derivative \(\lambda(x,y)\), where \(x\) and \(y\) denote the Cartesian coordinates. The function \(\lambda(x,y)\) is often called the intensity function or just intensity. I assume this function is bounded, so \(\lambda(x,y)<\infty\) for all points in a simulation window \(W\). Finally, I assume that the simulation window \(W\) is a rectangle.

Several times before I have mentioned that simulating a Poisson point process requires simulating two random components: the number of points and the locations of points. Working backwards, to check a Poisson simulation, we must run the Poisson simulation a large number of times (say \(10^3\) or \(10^4\)), and collect the statistics on these two properties. We’ll start by examining the easiest of the two random components.

Number of points

For any Poisson point process, the number of points is a Poisson random variable with a parameter (that is, a mean) \(\Lambda(W)\). Under our previous assumptions, this is given by the surface integral

$$\Lambda(W)=\int_W \lambda(x,y)dxdy.$$

Presumably we can evaluate such an integral analytically or numerically in order to simulate the Poisson point process. To check that we correctly simulate the random the number of points, we just need to simulate the point process a large number of times, and compare the statistics to those given by the analytic expressions.


The definition of the intensity measure of a point process is a measure that gives the average or expected number of points in some region. As the number of simulations increases, the (sample) average number of points will converge to the intensity measure \(\Lambda(W)\). I should stress that this is a test for the intensity measure, a type of first moment, which will work for the intensity measure of any point process.

For Poisson point processes, there is another moment test that can be done. It can be shown mathematically that the variance of the number of points will also converge to the intensity measure \(\Lambda(W)\), giving a second empirical test based on second moments. There is no point process theory here, as this moment result is simply due to the number of points being distributed according to a Poisson distribution. The second moment is very good for checking Poissonness, forming the basis for statistical tests. If this and the first moment test hold, then there’s a very strong chance the number of points is a Poisson variable.

Empirical distribution

Beyond the first two moments, an even more thorough test is to estimate an empirical distribution for the number of points. That is, we perform a histogram on the number of points, and then we normalize it, so the total mass sums to one, producing an empirical probability distribution for the number of points.

The results should closely match the probability mass function of a Poisson distribution with parameter \(\Lambda(W)\). This is simply

$$ P(N=n)= \frac{[\Lambda(W)]^n}{n!} e^{-\Lambda(W)}, $$

where \(N\) is the random number of points in the window \(W\), which has the area \(|W|\). If the empirical distribution is close to results given by the above expression, then we can confidently say that the number of points is a Poisson random variable with the right parameter or mean.

Locations of points

To check the positioning of points, we can empirically estimate the intensity function \(\lambda(x,y)\). A simple way to do this is to perform a two-dimensional histogram on the point locations. This is very similar to the one-dimensional histogram, which I suggested to do for testing the number of points. It just involves counting the number of points that fall into two-dimensional non-overlapping subsets called bins.

To estimate the intensity function, each bin count needs to be rescaled by the area of the bin, giving a density value for each bin. This empirical estimate of the intensity function should resemble the true intensity function \(\lambda(x,y)\). For a visual comparison, we can use a surface plot to illustrate the two sets of results.

This procedure will work for estimating the intensity function of any point process, not just a Poisson one.

Advanced tests

In spatial statistics there are more advanced statistical tests for testing how Poisson a point pattern is. But these tests are arguably too complicated for checking a simple point process that is rather easy to simulate. Furthermore, researchers usually apply these tests to a small number of point patterns. In this setting, it is not possible to accurately obtain empirical distributions without further assumptions. But with simulations, we can generate many simulations and obtain good empirical distributions. In short, I would not use such tests for just checking that I have properly coded a Poisson simulation.


I produced the results with ten thousand simulations, which gave good results and took only a few seconds to complete on a standard desktop computer. Clearly increasing the number of simulations increases the accuracy of the statistics, but it also increases the computation time.

For the results, I used the intensity function





and \(s>0\) is a scale parameter. We can see that this function has two maxima or peaks at \((-0.5,-0.5)\) and \((0.5,0.5)\).



Further reading

I have not covered much new theoretical stuff in this post, so looking at the references in previous posts, such as this one, should help.

For two-dimensional histograms, I recommend going to the respective MATLAB and Python function websites. Here’s an example of a two-dimensional histogram implemented in Python.

Probably the most difficult part for me was performing the plotting in Python. I recommend these links:


All code from my posts, as always, can be found on the my GitHub repository. The code for this post is located here.

The estimating the statistical moments is standard. Performing the histograms is also routine, but when normalizing, you have to choose the option that returns the empirical estimate of the probability density function (pdf).

Fortunately, scientific programming languages usually have functions for performing two-dimensional histograms. What is a bit tricky is how to normalize or rescale the bin counts. The histogram functions can, for example, divide by the number of simulations, the area of each bin, or both. In the end, I chose the pdf option in both MATLAB and Python to give an empirical estimate of the probability density function, and then multiplied it by the average number of points, which was calculated in the previous check. (Although, I could have done this in a single step in MATLAB, but not in Python, so I chose to do it in a couple of steps in both languages so the code matches more closely.)


I used the surf function to plot the intensity function and its estimate; see below for details on the histograms.

close all;

%Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; %rectangle dimensions
areaTotal=xDelta*yDelta; %area of rectangle

numbSim=10^4; %number of simulations

s=0.5; %scale parameter

%Point process parameters
fun_lambda=@(x,y)(100*exp(-((x).^2+(y).^2)/s^2));%intensity function

%%%START -- find maximum lambda -- START %%%
%For an intensity function lambda, given by function fun_lambda,
%finds the maximum of lambda in a rectangular region given by
funNeg=@(x)(-fun_lambda(x(1),x(2))); %negative of lambda
%initial value(ie centre)
xy0=[(xMin+xMax)/2,(yMin+yMax)/2];%initial value(ie centre)
%Set up optimization step
%Find largest lambda value
%%%END -- find maximum lambda -- END%%%

%define thinning probability function

%for collecting statistics -- set numbSim=1 for one simulation
numbPointsRetained=zeros(numbSim,1); %vector to record number of points
for ii=1:numbSim
%Simulate Poisson point process
numbPoints=poissrnd(areaTotal*lambdaMax);%Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+xMin;%x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+yMin;%y coordinates of Poisson points

%calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

%Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleRetained=rand(numbPoints,1)<p; %points to be retained %x/y locations of retained points xxRetained=xx(booleRetained); yyRetained=yy(booleRetained); %collect number of points simulated numbPointsRetained(ii)=length(xxRetained); end %Plotting plot(xxRetained,yyRetained,'bo'); %plot retained points xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); %run empirical test on number of points generated if numbSim&gt;=10
%total mean measure (average number of points)
%Test: as numbSim increases, numbPointsMean converges to LambdaNumerical
%Test: as numbSim increases, numbPointsVar converges to LambdaNumerical


For the histogram section, I used the histcounts and histcounts2 functions respectively to estimate the distribution of the number of points and the intensity function. I used the pdf option.

Number of points


Locations of points


I used the Matplotlib library to plot the intensity function and its estimate; see below for details on the histograms.

import numpy as np; #NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #for plotting
from matplotlib import cm #for heatmap plotting
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d #for 3-D plots
from scipy.optimize import minimize #for optimizing
from scipy import integrate #for integrating
from scipy.stats import poisson #for the Poisson probability mass function

plt.close("all"); #close all plots

#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

numbSim=10**4; #number of simulations
numbBins=30; #number of bins for histogram

#Point process parameters
s=0.5; #scale parameter

def fun_lambda(x,y):
#intensity function
return lambdaValue;

###START -- find maximum lambda -- START ###
#For an intensity function lambda, given by function fun_lambda,
#finds the maximum of lambda in a rectangular region given by
def fun_Neg(x):
return -fun_lambda(x[0],x[1]); #negative of lambda

xy0=[(xMin+xMax)/2,(yMin+yMax)/2];#initial value(ie centre)
#Find largest lambda value
resultsOpt=minimize(fun_Neg,xy0,bounds=((xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax)));; #retrieve minimum value found by minimize
###END -- find maximum lambda -- END ###

#define thinning probability function
def fun_p(x,y):
return fun_lambda(x,y)/lambdaMax;

#for collecting statistics -- set numbSim=1 for one simulation
numbPointsRetained=np.zeros(numbSim); #vector to record number of points
xxAll=[]; yyAll=[];

### START -- Simulation section -- START ###
for ii in range(numbSim):
#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints = np.random.poisson(lambdaMax*areaTotal);#Poisson number of points
xx = xDelta*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbPoints)+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy = yDelta*np.random.uniform(0,1,numbPoints)+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleRetained=np.random.uniform(0,1,numbPoints)<p; #points to be thinned

#x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];
xxAll.extend(xxRetained); yyAll.extend(yyRetained);
### END -- Simulation section -- END ###

#Plotting a simulation
fig1 = plt.figure();
plt.scatter(xxRetained,yyRetained, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none');
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y");
plt.title('A single realization of a Poisson point process');;

#run empirical test on number of points generated
###START -- Checking number of points -- START###
#total mean measure (average number of points)
LambdaNumerical=integrate.dblquad(fun_lambda,xMin,xMax,lambda x: yMin,lambda y: yMax)[0];
#Test: as numbSim increases, numbPointsMean converges to LambdaNumerical
#Test: as numbSim increases, numbPointsVar converges to LambdaNumerical
pdfEmp, binEdges=np.histogram(numbPointsRetained, bins=binEdges,density=True);

#analytic solution of probability density

fig2 = plt.figure();
plt.scatter(nValues,pdfExact, color='b', marker='s',facecolor='none',label='Exact');
plt.scatter(nValues,pdfEmp, color='r', marker='+',label='Empirical');
plt.xlabel("n"); plt.ylabel("P(N=n)");
plt.title('Distribution of the number of points');
###END -- Checking number of points -- END###

###START -- Checking locations -- START###
#2-D Histogram section
p_Estimate, xxEdges, yyEdges = np.histogram2d(xxAll, yyAll,bins=numbBins,density=True);

X, Y = np.meshgrid(xxValues,yyValues) #create x/y matrices for plotting

#analytic solution of probability density

#Plot empirical estimate
fig3 = plt.figure();
plt.rc('text', usetex=True);
plt.rc('font', family='serif');
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y,lambda_Estimate,;
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y");
plt.title('Estimate of $\lambda(x)$');
plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5);
plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5);
plt.locator_params(axis='z', nbins=3);
#Plot exact expression
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y,lambda_Exact,;
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y");
plt.title('True $\lambda(x)$');
plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=5);
plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5);
plt.locator_params(axis='z', nbins=3);
###END -- Checking locations -- END###

For the histogram section, I used the histogram and histogram2d functions respectively to estimate the distribution of the number of points and the intensity function. I used the pdf option. (The SciPy website recommends not using the the normed option.)

Number of points

np.histogram(numbPointsRetained, bins=binEdges,density=True);

Locations of points

np.histogram2d(xxArrayAll, yyArrayAll,bins=numbBins,density=True);

Some remarks regarding “On the Laplace Transform of the Aggregate Discounted Claims with Markovian arrivals”

Google Scholar has requested me to make available a freely available copy of this published comment my former PhD supervisor and I wrote a few years ago:

  • Keeler and Taylor, Some remarks regarding “On the Laplace Transform of the Aggregate Discounted Claims with Markovian arrivals”

OK, Google Scholar, here’s the manuscript that we submitted, which is basically the same as the published version.

The comment and the original paper cover an insurance model (for aggregate claims) that uses a Markov arrival process. Such stochastic processes use matrix theory. But there was a small error in the original paper, where commutativity had been assumed, which is clearly not the case in general for matrices. Despite this error, the incorrect solution gave surprisingly accurate answers, so we investigated why that was.

Nothing groundbreaking here by us. We were just curious.

Deep Learning: An Introduction for Applied Mathematicians

When I studied neural networks during my undergraduate, they didn’t receive the attention and praise that they now enjoy, becoming synonymous with artificial intelligence (AI). Loosely inspired by the workings of the brain, these statistical models were conceived by back in the 1940s for classifying data. But then they were underwent the so-called AI winter, receiving little notice from the broader research community, except for some notable exceptions.

But now neural networks are back with gusto under the term deep learning. To an outsider, which is most of the world, this term sounds perhaps a bit mysterious. What’s deep about them?

To dispel the mystery and shed light on these now ubiquitous statistical models, Catherine F. Higham and Desmond J. Higham wrote the tutorial:

  • 2019 – Higham and Higham, Deep Learning: An Introduction for Applied Mathematicians.

Here’s my take on the paper.


I recommend this paper if you want understand the basics of deep learning. It looks at a simple feedforward (neural) network, which is also called a multilayer perceptron, but the paper uses neither term. Taking a step beyond simple linear regression, this is the original nonlinear neural network without any complications that they now possess.

And this serves as an excellent starting point for, um, learning deep learning.

What the paper covers

When building up a neural network, a so-called activation function is needed. The working of the neural network involves this function being typically applied again and again (and again) to matrices.

The paper goes through the essential (for training neural networks) procedure of backpropagation, showing that it’s a clever, compact way based on the chain rule in calculus for getting the derivatives of this model. These derivatives are then used in the gradient-based optimization method for fitting the model. (Optimizing functions and fitting statistical models often results imply the same thing.)

Obviously written for (applied) mathematicians, the paper attempts to clarify some of the confusing terms, which have arisen because much of AI and machine learning in general have been developed by computer scientists. For example, what is called a cost function or loss function in the machine learning community is often called an objective function.

Other examples spring to mind. What is commonly called the sigmoid function may be better known as the logistic function. And what is linear in machine learning land is often actually affine.

Worked example with code

The paper includes a worked example with code (in MATLAB) of a simple 4-layer feedforward network (or  perceptron). This model is then fitted or trained using a simple stochastic gradient descent method, hence the need for derivatives. For training, the so-called cost function or loss function is a root-square function, but now most neural networks use cost functions based on maximum likelihoods. For the activation function, the papers uses the sigmoid function, but often practitioners use the recitified linear unit (ReLU) activation function is often used.

The problem is a simple binary classification problem, identifying in which of the two regions points lie in a two-dimensional square.

In the code, the neural network is hard coded, so if you want to modify the structure of the network, you’ll have to work a bit. Such coding practices are usually frowned upon, but the authors have done so for brevity and clarity purposes.

The rest of the paper

The next section of the paper involves using a pre-written MATLAB library (but not an official one) that applies a convolution neural network. (The word convolution is used, but the neural networks actually hinge upon filters.) These networks are become essential for treating image data, being now found on (smart)phones and computers for identifying contents of photos. There is less to gain here in terms of intuition on how neural networks work.

The last section of the paper details what the authors didn’t cover, which includes regularization methods (to prevent overfitting) and why the steepest descent method works, despite it being advised against outside of this field.

Code one up yourself

If you want to learning how these networks work, I would strongly suggest coding up one yourself, preferably first without looking at the code given by Higham and Higham.

Of course if you want to develop a good, functioning neural network, you wouldn’t use the code found in the tutorial, which is just for educational purposes. There are libraries such as TensorFlow or (Py)Torch.

Further reading

There is just too much literature, especially on the internet, covering this topic. For a good mix of words and equations, I recommend this book:

  • Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville – Deep Learning – MIT Press.

As I said, the book is recent, being published in 2016. It’s a fast (too fast?) moving field, but this text gets you up to speed with the main research topics in neural learning — sorry — deep learning.

Simulating an inhomogeneous Poisson point process

In previous posts I described how to simulate homogeneous Poisson point processes on a rectangle, disk and triangle. But here I will simulate an inhomogeneous or nonhomogeneous Poisson point process. (Both of these terms are used, where the latter is probably more popular, but I prefer the former.) For such a point process, the points are not uniformly located on the underlying mathematical space on which the Poisson process is defined. This means that certain regions will, on average, tend to have more (or less) points than other regions of the underlying space.


Any Poisson point process is defined with a non-negative measure called the intensity or mean measure. I make the standard assumption that the intensity measure \(\Lambda\) has a derivative \(\lambda(x,y)\). (I usually write a single \(x\) to denote a point on the plane, that is \(x\in \mathbb{R}^2\), but in this post I will write the \(x\) and \(y\) and coordinates separately.) The function \(\lambda(x,y)\) is often called the intensity function or just intensity, which I further assume is bounded, so \(\lambda(x,y)<\infty\) for all points in a simulation window \(W\). Finally, I assume that the simulation window \(W\) is a rectangle, but later I describe how to lift that assumption.

Number of points

To simulate a point process, the number of points and the point locations in the simulation window \(W\) are needed. For any Poisson point process, the number of points is a Poisson random variable with a parameter (that is, a mean) \(\Lambda(W)\), which under our previous assumptions is given by the integral

$$\Lambda(W)=\int_W \lambda(x,y)dxdy. $$

Assuming we can evaluate such an integral analytically or numerically, then the number of points is clearly not difficult to simulate.

Locations of points

The difficulty lies in randomly positioning the points. But a defining property of the Poisson point process is its independence, which allows us to treat each point completely independently. Positioning each point then comes down to suitably simulating two (or more) random variables for Poisson point processes in two (or higher) dimensions. Similarly, the standard methods used for simulating continuous random variables can be applied to simulating random point locations of a Poisson point process.

In theory, you can rescale the intensity function with the total measure of the simulation window, giving

$$f(x,y):=\frac{\lambda(x,y)}{\Lambda(W)}. $$

We can then interpret this rescaled intensity function \(f(x,y)\) as the joint probability density of two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\), because it integrates to one,

$$\int_W f(x,y)dxdy=1.$$

Clearly the method for simulating an inhomogeneous Poisson point process depends on the nature of the intensity function. For the inhomogeneous case, the random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) are, in general, not independent.


To simulate an inhomogeneous Poisson point process, one method is to first simulate a homogeneous one, and then suitably transform the points according to deterministic function. For simple random variables, this transformation method is quick and easy to implement, if we can invert the probability distribution. For example, a uniform random variable \(U\) defined on the interval \((0,1)\) can be used to give an exponential random variable by applying the transformation \(h(u)= -(1/\lambda)\log(u)\), where \(\lambda>0\), meaning \(h(U)\) is an exponential random variable with parameter \(\lambda>0\) (or mean \(1/\lambda\)).

Similarly for Poisson point processes, the transformation approach is fairly straightforward in a one-dimensional setting, but generally doesn’t work easily in two (or higher) dimensions. The reason being that often we cannot simulate the random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) independently, which means, in practice, we need first to simulate one random variable, then the other.

It is a bit easier if we can re-write the rescaled intensity function or joint probability density \(f(x,y)\) as a product of single-variable functions \(f_X(x)\) and \(f_Y(y)\), meaning the random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent. We can then simulate independently the random variables \(X\) and \(Y\), corresponding to the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of the points. But this would still require integrating and inverting the functions.

Markov chain Monte Carlo

A now standard way to simulate jointly distributed random variables is to use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), which we can also use to simulate the the \(X\) and \(Y\) random variables. Applying MCMC methods is simply applying random point process operations repeatedly to all the points. But this is a bit too tricky and involved. Instead I’ll use a general yet simpler method based on thinning.


The thinning method is the arguably the simplest and most general way to simulate an inhomogeneous Poisson point process. If you’re unfamiliar with thinning, I recommend my previous post on thinning and the material I cite.

This simulation method is simply a type of acceptance-rejection method for simulating random variables. More specifically, it is the acceptance-rejection or rejection method, attributed to the great John von Neumann, for simulating a continuous random variable, say \(X\), with some known probability density \(f(x)\). The method accepts/retains or rejects/thins the outcome of each random variable/point depending on the outcome of a uniform random variable associated with each random variable/point.

The thinning or acceptance-rejection method is also appealing because it is an example of a perfect simulation method, which means the distribution of the simulated random variables or points will not be an approximation. This can be contrasted with typical MCMC methods, which, in theory, reach the desired distribution of the random variables in infinite time, which is clearly not possible in practice.

Simulating the homogeneous Poisson point process

First simulate a homogeneous Poisson point process with intensity value \(\lambda^*\), which is an upper bound of the intensity function \(\lambda(x,y)\). The simulation step is the easy part, but what value is \(\lambda^*\)?

I will use the maximum value that the intensity function \(\lambda(x,y)\) takes, which I denote by

$$ \lambda_{\max}:=\max_{(x,y)\in W}\lambda(x,y),$$

so I set \(\lambda^*=\lambda_{\max}\). Of course with \(\lambda^*\) being an upper bound, you can use any larger \(\lambda\)-value, so \(\lambda^*\geq \lambda_{\max}\), but that just means more points will need to be thinned.

Scientific programming languages have implemented algorithms that find or estimate minima of mathematical functions, meaning such an algorithm just needs to find the \((x,y)\) point that gives the minimum value of \(-\lambda(x,y)\), which corresponds to the maximum value of \(\lambda(x,y)\). What is very important is that the minimization procedure can handle constraints on the \(x\) and \(y\) values, which in our case of a rectangular simulation window \(W\) are sometimes called box constraints.

Thinning the Poisson point process

All we need to do now is to thin the homogeneous Poisson point process with the thinning probability function


This will randomly remove the points so the remaining points will form a inhomogeneous Poisson point process with intensity function
$$ (1-p(x,y))\lambda^* =\lambda(x,y).$$
As a result, we can see that provided \(\lambda^*\geq \lambda_{\max}>0\), this procedure will give the right intensity function \(\lambda(x,y)\). I’ll skip the details on the point process still being Poisson after thinning, as I have already covered this in the thinning post.

Empirical check

You can run an empirical check by simulating the point process a large number (say \(10^3\) or \(10^4\)) of times, and collect statistics on the number of points. As the number of simulations increases, the average number of points should converge to the intensity measure \(\Lambda(W)\), which is given by (perhaps numerically) evaluating the integral

$$\Lambda(W)=\int_W \lambda(x,y)dxdy.$$

This is a test for the intensity measure, a type of first moment, which will work for the intensity measure of any point process. But for Poisson point processes, the variance of the number of points will also converge to intensity measure \(\Lambda(W)\), giving a second empirical test based on second moments.

An even more thorough test would be estimating an empirical distribution (that is, performing and normalizing a histogram) on the number of points. These checks will validate the number of points, but not the positioning of the points. In my next post I’ll cover how to perform these tests.


The homogeneous Poisson point process with intensity function \(\lambda(x)=100\exp(-(x^2+y^2)/s^2)\), where \(s=0.5\). The results look similar to those in the thinning post, where the thinned points (that is, red circles) are generated from the same Poisson point process as the one that I have presented here.



Method extensions

We can extend the thinning method for simulating inhomogeneous Poisson point processes a couple different ways.

Using an inhomogeneous Poisson point process

The thinning method does not need to be applied to a homogeneous Poisson point process with intensity \(\lambda^*\). In theory, we could have simulated a suitably inhomogeneous Poisson point process with intensity function \(\lambda^*(x,y)\), which has the condition

$$ \lambda^*(x,y)\geq \lambda(x,y), \quad \forall (x,y)\in W .$$

Then this Poisson point process is thinned. But then we would still need to simulate the underlying Poisson point process, which often would be as difficult to simulate.

Partitioning the simulation window

Perhaps the intensity of the Poisson point process only takes two values, \(\lambda_1\) and \(\lambda_2\), and the simulation window \(W\) can be nicely divided or partitioned into two disjoints sets \(B_1\) and \(B_2\) (that is, \(B_1\cap B_2=\emptyset\) and \(B_1\cup B_2=W\)), corresponding to the subregions of the two different intensity values. The Poisson independence property allows us to simulate two independent Poisson point processes on the two subregions.

This approach only works for a piecewise constant intensity function. But if if the intensity function \(\lambda(x)\) varies wildly, the simulation window can be partitioned into subregions \(B_1\dots,B_m\) for different ranges of the intensity function \(\lambda(x)\). This allows us to simulate independent homogeneous Poisson point processes with different densities \(\lambda^*_1\dots, \lambda^*_m\), where for each subregion \(B_i\) we set

$$ \lambda^*_i:=\max_{x\in B_i}\lambda(x,y).$$

The resulting Poisson point processes are then suitably thinned, resulting in a more efficient simulation method. (Although I imagine the gain would often be small.)

Non-rectangular simulation windows

If you want to simulate on non-rectangular regions, which is not a disk or triangle, then the easiest way is to simulate a Poisson point process on a rectangle \(R\) that completely covers the simulation window, so \(W \subset R\subset \mathbb{R}^2\), and then set the intensity function \(\lambda \) to zero for the region outside the simulation window \(W\), that is \(\lambda (x,y)=0\) when \((x,y)\in R\setminus W\).

Further reading

In Section 2.5.2 of Stochastic Geometry and its Applications by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall and Mecke, there is an outline of the thinning method that I used. The same simulation section appears in the previous edition by Kendall and Mecke, though these books in general have little material on simulation methods.

More details on the thinning method and its connection to acceptance-rejection sampling are given in Section 2.3 of the applications-oriented book Poisson Point Processes by Streit. The acceptance-rejection method is covered in, for example, books on Monte Carlo methods, including Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing by Liu (in Section 2.2 )and Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering by Glasserman (in Section 2.2.2). This method and others for simulating generals random variable are covered in stochastic simulation books such as Uniform Random Variate Generation by Devroye and Stochastic Simulation: Algorithms and Analysis by Asmussen and Glynn.

Kroese and Botev have a good introduction to stochastic simulation in the edited collection Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields : Models and Algorithms by Schmidt, where the relevant chapter (number 12) is also freely available online. And of course there are lectures notes on the internet that cover simulation material.


All code from my posts, as always, can be found on the my GitHub repository. The code for this post is located here. You can see that the code is very similar to that of the thinning code, which served as the foundation for this code. (Note how we now keep the points, so in the code the > has become < on the line where the uniform variables are generated).

I have implemented the code in MATLAB and Python with an intensity function \(\lambda(x,y)=100\exp(-(x^2+y^2)/s^2)\), where \(s>0\) is a scale parameter. Note that in the minimization step, the box constraints are expressed differently in MATLAB and Python: MATLAB first takes the minimum values then the maximum values, whereas Python first takes the \(x\)-values then the \(y\)-values.

The code presented here does not have the empirical check, which I described above, but it is implemented in the code located here. For the parameters used in the code, the total measure is \(\Lambda(W)\approx 77.8068\), meaning each simulation will generate on average almost seventy-eight points.

I have stopped writing code in R for a couple of reasons, but mostly because anything I could think of simulating in R can already be done in the spatial statistics library spatstat. I recommend the book Spatial Point Patterns, co-authored by the spatstat’s main contributor, Adrian Baddeley.


I have used the fmincon function to find the point that gives the minimum of \(-\lambda(x,y)\).

%Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; %rectangle dimensions
areaTotal=xDelta*yDelta; %area of rectangle

s=0.5; %scale parameter

%Point process parameters
fun_lambda=@(x,y)(100*exp(-((x).^2+(y).^2)/s^2));%intensity function

%%%START -- find maximum lambda -- START %%%
%For an intensity function lambda, given by function fun_lambda,
%finds the maximum of lambda in a rectangular region given by
funNeg=@(x)(-fun_lambda(x(1),x(2))); %negative of lambda
%initial value(ie centre)
xy0=[(xMin+xMax)/2,(yMin+yMax)/2];%initial value(ie centre)
%Set up optimization step
%Find largest lambda value
%%%END -- find maximum lambda -- END%%%

%define thinning probability function

%Simulate Poisson point process
numbPoints=poissrnd(areaTotal*lambdaMax);%Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+xMin;%x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+yMin;%y coordinates of Poisson points

%calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

%Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleRetained=rand(numbPoints,1)<p; %points to be thinned

%x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx(booleRetained); yyRetained=yy(booleRetained);

plot(xxRetained,yyRetained,'bo'); %plot retained points

The box constraints for the optimization step were expressed as:


I have used the minimize function in SciPy.

import numpy as np; #NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #For plotting
from scipy.optimize import minimize #For optimizing
from scipy import integrate

#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

s=0.5; #scale parameter

#Point process parameters
def fun_lambda(x,y):
return 100*np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/s**2); #intensity function

###START -- find maximum lambda -- START ###
#For an intensity function lambda, given by function fun_lambda,
#finds the maximum of lambda in a rectangular region given by
def fun_Neg(x):
return -fun_lambda(x[0],x[1]); #negative of lambda

xy0=[(xMin+xMax)/2,(yMin+yMax)/2];#initial value(ie centre)
#Find largest lambda value
resultsOpt=minimize(fun_Neg,xy0,bounds=((xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax)));; #retrieve minimum value found by minimize
###END -- find maximum lambda -- END ###

#define thinning probability function
def fun_p(x,y):
return fun_lambda(x,y)/lambdaMax;

#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints = np.random.poisson(lambdaMax*areaTotal);#Poisson number of points
xx = np.random.uniform(0,xDelta,((numbPoints,1)))+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy = np.random.uniform(0,yDelta,((numbPoints,1)))+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleRetained=np.random.uniform(0,1,((numbPoints,1)))<p; #points to be thinned

#x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];

plt.scatter(xxRetained,yyRetained, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5 );
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y");;

The box constraints were expressed as:

(xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax)

After writing this post, I later wrote the code in Julia. The code is here and my thoughts about Julia are here.

Thinning point processes

One way to create new point processes is to apply thinning to a point process. As I mentioned in a previous post on point process operations, thinning is a random operation applied to the points of an underlying point process, where the points are thinned (or removed) or retained (or kept) according to some probabilistic rule. Both the thinned and retained points form two separate point processes, but one usually focuses on the retained points. Given an underlying point process, the nature of the thinning rule will result in different types of point processes.

As I detailed in the Applications section below, thinning can be used to simulate an inhomogeneous Poisson point process, as I covered in another post.

Thinning types

Thinning can be statistically independent or dependent, meaning that the probability of thinning any point is either independent or dependent of thinning other points. The more tractable case is statistically independent thinning, which is the thinning type covered here. We can further group this thinning into two types based on whether the thinning rule depends on the locations of the point. (I use the word location, instead of point, to refer to where a point of a point process is located on the underlying mathematical space on which the point process is defined.)

Spatially independent thinning

The simplest thinning operation is one that does not depend on point locations. This thinning is sometimes referred to as \(p\)-thinning, where the constant \(p\) has the condition \(0\leq p \leq 1\) because it is the probability of thinning a single point. Simply put, the probability of a point being thinned does not depend on the point locations.


We can liken the thinning action to flipping a biased coin with probability of \(p\) for heads (or tails) for each point of the underlying point process, and then removing the point if a head (or tails) occurs. If there were a constant number \(n\) of points of the underlying point process, then the number of thinned (or retained) points will form a binomial random variable with parameters \(n\) and \(p\) (or \(1-p\)).


Simulating this thinning operation is rather straightforward. Given a realization of a point process, for each point, simply generate or simulate a uniform random variable on the interval \((0,1)\), and if this random variable is less than \(p\), remove the point. (This is simply sampling a Bernoulli distribution, which is covered in this post.)

In the code section below, I have shown how this thinning operation is implemented.

Spatially dependent thinning

To generalize the idea of \(p\)-thinning, we can simply require that the thinning probability of any point depends on its location \(x\), which gives us the concept of \(p(x)\)-thinning. (I write a single \(x\) to denote a point on the plane, that is \(x\in \mathbb{R}^2\), instead of writing, for example, the \(x\) and \(y\) and coordinates separately.) More precisely, the probability of thinning a point is given by a function \(p(x)\) such that \(0 \leq p(x)\leq 1\), but all point thinnings occur independently of each other. In other words, this is a spatially dependent thinning that is statistically independent.


I’ll illustrate the concept of (statistically independent) spatially dependent thinning with a somewhat contrived example. We assume that the living locations of all the people in the world form a point process on a (slightly squashed) sphere. Let’s say that Earth has become overpopulated, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, so we decide to randomly choose people and send them off to another galaxy, but we do it based on how far they live from the North Pole. The thinning rule could be, for example, \(p(x)= \exp(- |x|^2/s^2)\), where \(|x|\) is the distance to the North Pole and \(s>0\) is some constant for distance scaling.

Put another way, a person at location \(x\) flips a biased coin with the probability of heads being equal to \(p(x)=\exp(- |x|^2/s^2)\). If a head comes up, then that person is removed from the planet. With the maximum of \(p(x)\) is at the North Pole, we can see that the lucky (or unlucky?) people in countries like Australia, New Zealand (or Aotearoa), South Africa, Argentina and Chile, are more likely not to be sent off (that is, thinned) into the great unknown.

For people who live comparable distances from the North Pole, the removal probabilities are similar in value, yet the events of being remove remain independent. For example, the probabilities of removing any two people from the small nation Lesotho are similar in value, but these two random events are still completely independent of each other.


Simulating a spatially dependent thinning is just slightly more involved than the spatially independent case. Given a realization of a point process, for each point at, say, \(x\), simply generate or simulate a uniform random variable on the interval \((0,1)\), and if this random variable is less than \(p(x)\), remove the point.

In the code section, I have shown how this thinning operation is implemented with an example like the above one, but on a rectangular region of Cartesian space. In this setting, the maximum of \(p(x)\) is at the origin, resulting in more points being thinned in this region.

Thinning a Poisson point process

Perhaps not surprisingly, under the thinning operation the Poisson point process exhibits a closure property, meaning that a Poisson point process thinned in a certain way gives another Poisson point process.  More precisely, if the thinning operation is statistically independent, then the resulting point process formed from the retained points is also a Poisson point process, regardless if it is spatially independent or dependent thinning. The resulting intensity (interpreted as the average density of points) of this new Poisson point process has a simple expression.

Homogeneous case

For a spatially independent \(p\)-thinning, if the original (or underlying) Poisson point process is homogeneous with intensity \(\lambda\), then the point process formed from the retained points is a homogeneous Poisson point process with intensity \(\lambda\).  (There are different ways to prove this, but you can gain some intuition behind the proof by conditioning on the Poisson number of points and then applying the total law of probability. Using generating functions helps.)

Inhomogeneous case

More generally, if we apply a spatially dependent \(p(x)\)-thinning to a  Poisson point process has a intensity \(\lambda\), then the retained points form a  an inhomogeneous or nonhomogeneous Poisson point process with \(\lambda p(x)\),  due to the spatial dependence in the thinning function \(p(x)\). This gives a way to simulate such Poisson point processes, which I’ll cover in another post.


We can see by symmetry that if we look at the thinned points, then the resulting point process is also a Poisson point process, but with intensity \((1-p(x))\lambda\). The retained and thinned points both form Poisson point processes, but what is really interesting is these two point processes are independent of each other.  This means that any random configuration that occurs among the retained points is independent of any configurations among the thinned points.

This ability to split a Poisson point processes into independent ones is sometimes called the splitting property.


Thinning point processes has the immediate application of creating new point processes. It can also be used to randomly generate two point processes from one. In network applications, a simple example is using the thinning procedure to model random sleep schemes in wireless networks, where random subsets of the network have been powered down.

Perhaps the most useful application of thinning is creating point processes with spatially-dependent intensities such that of an inhomogeneous Poisson point process. In another post I give details on how to simulate this point process.  In this setting, the thinning operation essentially is acceptance(-rejection) sampling, which I will cover in a future post.


All code from my posts, as always, can be found on the my GitHub repository. The code for this post is located here.

Spatially independent thinning

I have implemented in code the simple \(p\)-thinning operation applied to a Poisson point process on a rectangle, but in theory any point process can be used for the underlying point process that is thinned.


%Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; %rectangle dimensions
areaTotal=xDelta*yDelta; %area of rectangle

%Point process parameters
lambda=100; %intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

%Thinning probability parameters
p=0.25; %thinning probability

%Simulate Poisson point process
numbPoints=poissrnd(areaTotal*lambda);%Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+xMin;%x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+yMin;%y coordinates of Poisson points

%Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleThinned=rand(numbPoints,1)&amp;amp;gt;p; %points to be thinned
booleRetained=~booleThinned; %points to be retained

%x/y locations of thinned points
xxThinned=xx(booleThinned); yyThinned=yy(booleThinned);
%x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx(booleRetained); yyRetained=yy(booleRetained);

plot(xxRetained,yyRetained,'bo'); %plot retained points
hold on; plot(xxThinned,yyThinned,'ro'); %plot thinned points


#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

#Point process parameters
lambda=100; #intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

#Thinning probability

#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints=rpois(1,areaTotal*lambda);#Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*runif(numbPoints)+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=xDelta*runif(numbPoints)+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleThinned=runif(numbPoints)&amp;amp;gt;p; #points to be thinned
booleRetained=!booleThinned; #points to be retained

#x/y locations of thinned points
xxThinned=xx[booleThinned]; yyThinned=yy[booleThinned];
#x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];

plot(xxRetained,yyRetained,'p',xlab='x',ylab='y',col='blue'); #plot retained points
points(xxThinned,yyThinned,col='red'); #plot thinned points

Of course, as I have mentioned before, simulating a spatial point processes in R is even easier with the powerful spatial statistics library spatstat.  With this library, thinning can be done in quite a general way by using the function rthin.


import numpy as np; #NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

#Point process parameters
lambda0=100; #intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

#Thinning probability

#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints = np.random.poisson(lambda0*areaTotal);#Poisson number of points
xx = np.random.uniform(0,xDelta,((numbPoints,1)))+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy = np.random.uniform(0,yDelta,((numbPoints,1)))+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleThinned=np.random.uniform(0,1,((numbPoints,1)))&amp;amp;gt;p; #points to be thinned
booleRetained=~booleThinned; #points to be retained

#x/y locations of thinned points
xxThinned=xx[booleThinned]; yyThinned=yy[booleThinned];
#x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];

plt.scatter(xxRetained,yyRetained, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5 );
plt.scatter(xxThinned,yyThinned, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5 );
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y");; 
Spatially dependent thinning

I have implemented in code a \(p(x)\)-thinning operation with the function \(p(x)=\exp(-|x|^2/s^2)\), where \(|x|\) is the Euclidean distance from \(x\) to the origin. This small changes means that in the code there will be a vector or array of \(p\) values instead of a single \(p\) value in the section where the uniform random variables are generated and compared said \(p\) values.  (Lines 24, 26 and 28 respectively in the MATLAB, R and Python code presented below.)

Again, I have applied thinning to a Poisson point process on a rectangle, but in theory any point process can be used for the underlying point process.


%Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; %rectangle dimensions
areaTotal=xDelta*yDelta; %area of rectangle
%Point process parameters
lambda=100; %intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

%Thinning probability parameters
sigma=0.5; %scale parameter for thinning probability function
%define thinning probability function

%Simulate Poisson point process
numbPoints=poissrnd(areaTotal*lambda);%Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+xMin;%x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=xDelta*(rand(numbPoints,1))+yMin;%y coordinates of Poisson points

%calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

%Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleThinned=rand(numbPoints,1)&amp;amp;gt;p; %points to be thinned
booleRetained=~booleThinned; %points to be retained

%x/y locations of thinned points
xxThinned=xx(booleThinned); yyThinned=yy(booleThinned);
%x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx(booleRetained); yyRetained=yy(booleRetained);

plot(xxRetained,yyRetained,'bo'); %plot retained points
hold on; plot(xxThinned,yyThinned,'ro'); %plot thinned points


#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

#Point process parameters
lambda=100; #intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

#Thinning probability parameters
sigma=0.5; #scale parameter for thinning probability function
#define thinning probability function
fun_p &amp;amp;lt;- function(s,x,y) {
  exp(-(x^2 + y^2)/s^2);

#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints=rpois(1,areaTotal*lambda);#Poisson number of points
xx=xDelta*runif(numbPoints)+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy=xDelta*runif(numbPoints)+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleThinned=runif(numbPoints)&amp;amp;lt;p; #points to be thinned
booleRetained=!booleThinned; #points to be retained

#x/y locations of thinned points
xxThinned=xx[booleThinned]; yyThinned=yy[booleThinned];
#x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];

plot(xxRetained,yyRetained,'p',xlab='x',ylab='y',col='blue'); #plot retained points
points(xxThinned,yyThinned,col='red'); #plot thinned points

Again, use the spatial statistics library spatstat, which has the function rthin.


import numpy as np; #NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Simulation window parameters
xDelta=xMax-xMin;yDelta=yMax-yMin; #rectangle dimensions

#Point process parameters
lambda0=100; #intensity (ie mean density) of the Poisson process

#Thinning probability parameters
sigma=0.5; #scale parameter for thinning probability function
#define thinning probability function
def fun_p(s, x, y):
    return np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/s**2);    

#Simulate a Poisson point process
numbPoints = np.random.poisson(lambda0*areaTotal);#Poisson number of points
xx = np.random.uniform(0,xDelta,((numbPoints,1)))+xMin;#x coordinates of Poisson points
yy = np.random.uniform(0,yDelta,((numbPoints,1)))+yMin;#y coordinates of Poisson points

#calculate spatially-dependent thinning probabilities

#Generate Bernoulli variables (ie coin flips) for thinning
booleThinned=np.random.uniform(0,1,((numbPoints,1)))&amp;amp;gt;p; #points to be thinned
booleRetained=~booleThinned; #points to be retained

#x/y locations of thinned points
xxThinned=xx[booleThinned]; yyThinned=yy[booleThinned];
#x/y locations of retained points
xxRetained=xx[booleRetained]; yyRetained=yy[booleRetained];

plt.scatter(xxRetained,yyRetained, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5 );
plt.scatter(xxThinned,yyThinned, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5 );
plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y");; 


In the plotted results, the blue and red circles represent respectively the retained and thinned points.

Spatially independent thinning

For these results, I used a thinning probability \(p=0.25\), which means that roughly a quarter of the points will be thinned, so on average the ratio of blue to red circles is three to one.




Spatially dependent thinning

Observe how there are more thinned points (that is, red circles) near the origin, which is of course where the thinning function \(p(x)=\exp(-|x|^2/s^2)\) attains its maximum.




Further reading

The thinning operation is covered in Stochastic Geometry and its Applications by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall and Mecke (Chapter 5). It is also covered in the book Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes by Moller and Waagepetersen (Section 3.2.2). Kallenberg presents a more theoretical and rigorous take on thinning Poisson point processes in his new book Random Measures, Theory and Applications (Chapter 3). (A point process can be interpreted as a type of random measure called a random counting measure because it gives the random number of points in a set.)

Thinning is also covered in books that apply point processes to wireless networks, such as Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks by Baccelli and Błaszczyszyn (Volume 1, Section 1.3.2) or Stochastic Geometry for Wireless Networks (Section 2.7.3) by Haenggi. These books also give examples of thinning point processes for wireless network applications.


Beyond the Poisson point process

As great as the Poisson point process is — and it is pretty great — it is sadly not always suitable for mathematical models. The tractability of this point process is due to the independence of the locations of its points. Informally, this means that point locations of  a Poisson point process in any region will not affect the probability of finding other points in some other region. But such independence may not be true or even approximately true when trying to develop a mathematical model for certain phenomena.

Clustering and Repulsion

One can quickly think of examples where the Poisson point process is not a suitable model. For example, if a star is part of a galaxy, then it is more likely that another star will be located nearby. Conversely, given the location of a tree in the forest, then usually it is less likely to then find another tree relatively nearby, because trees need a certain amount of land to draw water from the earth.  In the language of point processes, we say that the stars tend to show clustering, while the trees tend to show repulsion.

To better model phenomena like like trees and stars, we can use point processes that also exhibit the properties of clustering and repulsion. In fact, a good part of spatial statistics has been dedicated to developing statistical tools for testing if repulsion or clustering exists in observed point patterns, which is the spatial statistics term used for samples of objects that can be represented as points in space. (A point process is a random object, so a single realization or outcome of a point process is an example of a point pattern.)

The Poisson point process lies halfway between these two categories, meaning that its points show an equal degree of clustering and repulsion. Mathematically, this can be made more formal by, for example, using something called factorial moment measures, which are mathematical objects used to study point processes.

For probability applications, Błaszczyszyn and Yogeshwaran developed a framework using factorial moment measures, which allowed them to classify point process into what they called super-Poisson and sub-Poisson, referring respectively to point processes with points that tend to cluster and repel more.

Point Process Operations

If a Poisson point processes is not suitable for certain models, then we need to develop and use other point processes that exhibit clustering or repulsion. Fortunately, one way to develop such point processes is to apply certain point process operations to Poisson and point processes in general. For developing new point processes, researchers have largely studied three types types of point process operations: thinning, superposition, and clustering. (But there are other operations one can apply to a point process such as randomly moving the points.)


To apply the thinning operation means to use some rule for selectively removing points from a point process \(\Phi\) to form a new point process \(\Phi_p\). A rule may be purely random such as the rule known as \(p\)-thinning. For this rule, each point of \(\Phi\) is independently removed (or kept) with some probability \(p\) (or \(1-p\)). This thinning method can be likened to looking at each point, flipping a biased coin with probability \(p\) for heads, and removing the point if a head occurs.

This rule may be generalized by introducing a non-negative function \(p(x)\leq 1\), where \(x\) is a point in the space on which the point process is defined.  This allows us to define a location-dependent \(p(x)\)-thinning, where now the probability of a point being removed is \(p(x)\) and is dependent on where the point \(x\) of \(\Phi\) is located on the underlying space.

The thinning operation is very useful, and I will write more about it in another post, including some examples implemented in code.


The superposition of two or more point processes simply means taking the union of two or more point processes. (Point processes can be considered as random sets, which is why point process notation consists of notation from set theory, as well as other mathematical branches.)

More formally, if there is a countable collection of point processes \(\Phi_1,\Phi_2\dots\), then their superposition
also forms a point process. If the point processes are all independent and Poisson, then the superposition will be another Poisson point process, meaning we have not produced a new point process.


Related to superposition is a point operation known as clustering, which entails replacing every point \(x\) in a given point process \(\Phi\) with a cluster of points \(N^x\). Each cluster is also a point process, but with a finite number of points. The union of all the clusters forms a cluster point process,  that is
\Phi_c=\bigcup_{x\in \Phi}N^x.

In two previous blogs I have already used this point process operation to construct the Matérn and Thomas (cluster) point processes, which both involve using an underlying Poisson point process. Each point of this point process was assigned a Poisson random number of points, and then the points were uniformly scattered on a disk (for Matérn) or scattered according to a two-dimensional normal distribution (for Thomas). They are members of a family of point processes called Neyman-Scott point processes.

Clustering or repulsion?

I mentioned earlier that in spatial statistics there are statistical tools for testing if clustering or repulsion exists in observed point patterns, usually by comparing it to the Poisson point process, which often serves as a benchmark. For example, in spatial statistics the second factorial moment measure is used for the descriptive statistic called Ripley’s \(K\)-function and its rescaled version, Ripley’s \(L\)-function. Keeping with the alphabetical theme, another example of such a statistic is the \(J\)-function, which was introduced by Van Lieshout and Baddeley.

Further reading

For spatial statistics in general, I always recommend the book Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R written by spatial statistics experts Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, which covers the spatial statistics (and point process simulation) R-package spatstat. This book covers statistically testing point patterns to see if they exhibit more clustering or repulsion, with details for the relevant functions in  spatstat.  For an introduction on factorial moment framework by Błaszczyszyn and Yogeshwaran for clustering and repulsion comparison, see this chapter from a published collection of of lecture notes.

In Chapter 5 of the classic text Stochastic Geometry and its Applications by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall and Meck, the point process operations thinning are described and used to construct new point processes.  The similar material is covered in the previous edition by Stoyan, Kendall and Mecke.

On a more theoretical level, operations of point processes are covered in the second volume of An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes by Daley and Vere-Jones. (These convergence results are now a little dated, because there are now various convergence results for point processes based on Stein’s method, which are not included in the book.)

See the previous posts for details and citations on the  Matérn and Thomas (cluster) point processes.

Simulating a Thomas cluster point process

Sometimes with just a little tweaking of a point process, you can get a new  point process. An example of this is the Thomas point process, which is a type of cluster point process, meaning that its randomly located points tend to form random clusters.  This point process is an example of a family of cluster point processes known as Neyman-Scott point processes, which have been used as models in spatial statistics and telecommunications. If that sounds familiar, that is because this point process is very similar to the Matérn point cluster process, which I covered in the previous post

The only difference between the two point processes is how the points are randomly located. In each cluster of a Thomas point process, each individual point is located according to two independent zero-mean normal variables with variance \(\sigma^2\), describing the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates relative to the cluster centre, whereas each point of a Matérn point process is located uniformly in a disk.

Working in polar coordinates, an equivalent way to simulate a Thomas point process is to use independent and identically-distributed Rayleigh random variables for the radial (or \(\rho\)) coordinates, instead of using random variables with a triangular distribution, which are used to simulate the Matérn point process. This method works because in polar coordinates a uniform random variable for the angular (or \(\theta\) ) coordinate and a Rayleigh random variable for the angular (or \(\rho\)) is equivalent to in Cartesian coordinates two independent zero-mean normal variables. This is exactly the trick behind the Box-Muller transform for generating normal random variables using just uniform random variables.

If you’re familiar with simulating the Matérn point process, the most difference is what size to make the simulation window for the parents points. I cover that in the next section.  


Simulating a Thomas cluster point process requires first simulating a homogeneous Poisson point process with intensity \(\lambda>0\) on some simulation window, such as a rectangle, which is the simulation window I will use here. Then for each point of this underlying point process, simulate a Poisson number of points with mean \(\mu>0\), and for each point simulate two independent zero-mean normal variables with variance \(\sigma^2\), corresponding to the (relative) Cartesian coordinates .

The underlying  point process is sometimes called the parent (point) process, and its points are centres of the cluster disks. The subsequent point process on all the disks is called daughter (point) process and it forms the clusters. I have already written about simulating the homogeneous Poisson point processes on a rectangle and a disk, so  those posts are good starting points, and I will not focus  too much on details for these steps steps.

Importantly, like the Matérn point process, it’s possible for daughter points to appear in the simulation window that come from parents points outside the simulation window. To handle these edge effects, the point processes must be first simulated on an extended version of the simulation window. Then only the daughter points within the simulation window are kept and the rest are removed.  

We can add a strip of some width \(d\) all around the simulation window. But what value does \(d\) take? Well, in theory, it is possible that a daughter point comes from a parent point that is very far from the simulation window. But that probability becomes vanishingly small as the distance increases, due to the daughter points being located according to zero-mean normal random variables. 

For example, if a single parent is at a distance \(d=6 \sigma\) from the simulation, then there is about a $1/1 000 000 000$ chance that a single daughter point will land in the simulation window. The probability is simply \(1-\Phi(6 \sigma)\), where \(\Phi\) is the cumulative distribution function of a normal variable with zero mean and standard deviation \(\sigma>0\).  This is what they call a six sigma event.  In my code, I set \(d=6 \sigma\), but \(d=4 \sigma\) is good enough, which is the value that the R library spatstat uses by default.  

Due to this approximation, this simulation cannot be called a perfect simulation, despite the approximation being highly accurate. In practice, it will not have no measurable effect on simulation results, as the number of simulations will rarely be high enough for (hypothetical) daughter points to come from (hypothetical) parent points outside the window. 


Number of points

Simulate the underlying or parent Poisson point process on the rectangle with \(N_P\) points. Then for each point, simulate a Poisson number of points, where each disk now has \(D_i\) number of points. Then the total number of points is simply \(N=D_1+\dots +D_{P}=\sum_{i=1}^{N_P}D_i \). The random variables \(P\) and \(D_i\) are Poisson random variables with respective means \(\lambda A\) and \(\mu\), where \(A\) is the area of the rectangular simulation window. To simulate these random variables in MATLAB, use the poissrnd function. To do this in R, use the  standard function rpois. In Python, we can use either functions scipy.stats.poisson or numpy.random.poisson from the SciPy or NumPy libraries.

Locations of points

The points of the parent point process are randomly positioned by using Cartesian coordinates. For a homogeneous Poisson point process, the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates of each point are independent uniform points, which is also the case for the binomial point process, covered in an earlier post.

As mentioned in the introduction of this post, the points of all the daughter point process are randomly positioned by either using polar  coordinates or Cartesian coordinates, due to the Box-Muller transform. But because we ultimately convert back to Cartesian coordinates (for example, to plot the points), we will work entirely in this coordinate system.  Each point is then simply positioned with two independent zero-mean normal random variables, representing the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates relative to the original parent point.

Shifting all the points in each cluster disk

In practice (that is, in the code), all the daughter points are simulated relative to the origin. Then for each cluster disk, all the points need to be shifted, so the origin coincides with the parent point, which completes the simulation step.

To use vectorization in the code,  the coordinates of each cluster point are repeated by the number of daughters in the corresponding cluster by using the functions repelem in MATLAB, rep in R, and repeat in Python. 


I have implemented the simulation procedure in MATLAB, R and Python, which as usual are all very similar. The code can be downloaded here.

 %Simulation window parameters xMin=-.5; xMax=.5; yMin=-.5; yMax=.5; %Parameters for the parent and daughter point processes lambdaParent=10;%density of parent Poisson point process lambdaDautgher=100;%mean number of points in each cluster sigma=0.05;%sigma for normal variables (ie random locations) of daughters %Extended simulation windows parameters rExt=7*sigma; %extension parameter -- use factor of deviation %for rExt, use factor of deviation sigma eg 6 or 7 xMinExt=xMin-rExt; xMaxExt=xMax+rExt; yMinExt=yMin-rExt; yMaxExt=yMax+rExt; %rectangle dimensions xDeltaExt=xMaxExt-xMinExt; yDeltaExt=yMaxExt-yMinExt; areaTotalExt=xDeltaExt*yDeltaExt; %area of extended rectangle %Simulate Poisson point process for the parents numbPointsParent=poissrnd(areaTotalExt*lambdaParent,1,1);%Poisson number %x and y coordinates of Poisson points for the parent xxParent=xMinExt+xDeltaExt*rand(numbPointsParent,1); yyParent=yMinExt+yDeltaExt*rand(numbPointsParent,1); %Simulate Poisson point process for the daughters (ie final poiint process) numbPointsDaughter=poissrnd(lambdaDautgher,numbPointsParent,1); numbPoints=sum(numbPointsDaughter); %total number of points %Generate the (relative) locations in Cartesian coordinates by %simulating independent normal variables xx0=normrnd(0,sigma,numbPoints,1); yy0=normrnd(0,sigma,numbPoints,1); %replicate parent points (ie centres of disks/clusters) xx=repelem(xxParent,numbPointsDaughter); yy=repelem(yyParent,numbPointsDaughter); %translate points (ie parents points are the centres of cluster disks) xx=xx(:)+xx0; yy=yy(:)+yy0; %thin points if outside the simulation window booleInside=((xx&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;=xMin)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(xx&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;=xMax)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(yy&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;=yMin)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(yy&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;=yMax)); %retain points inside simulation window xx=xx(booleInside); yy=yy(booleInside); %Plotting scatter(xx,yy); 

Note: it is a bit tricky to write “<-” in the R code (as it automatically changes to the html equivalent in the HTML editor I am using), so I have usually used “=” instead of the usual “<-”.

 #Simulation window parameters xMin=-.5; xMax=.5; yMin=-.5; yMax=.5; #Parameters for the parent and daughter point processes lambdaParent=10;#density of parent Poisson point process lambdaDaughter=100;#mean number of points in each cluster sigma=0.05; #sigma for normal variables (ie random locations) of daughters #Extended simulation windows parameters rExt=7*sigma; #extension parameter #for rExt, use factor of deviation sigma eg 6 or 7 xMinExt=xMin-rExt; xMaxExt=xMax+rExt; yMinExt=yMin-rExt; yMaxExt=yMax+rExt; #rectangle dimensions xDeltaExt=xMaxExt-xMinExt; yDeltaExt=yMaxExt-yMinExt; areaTotalExt=xDeltaExt*yDeltaExt; #area of extended rectangle #Simulate Poisson point process for the parents numbPointsParent=rpois(1,areaTotalExt*lambdaParent);#Poisson number of points #x and y coordinates of Poisson points for the parent xxParent=xMinExt+xDeltaExt*runif(numbPointsParent); yyParent=yMinExt+yDeltaExt*runif(numbPointsParent); #Simulate Poisson point process for the daughters (ie final poiint process) numbPointsDaughter=rpois(numbPointsParent,lambdaDaughter); numbPoints=sum(numbPointsDaughter); #total number of points #Generate the (relative) locations in Cartesian coordinates by #simulating independent normal variables xx0=rnorm(numbPoints,0,sigma); yy0=rnorm(numbPoints,0,sigma); #replicate parent points (ie centres of disks/clusters) xx=rep(xxParent,numbPointsDaughter); yy=rep(yyParent,numbPointsDaughter); #translate points (ie parents points are the centres of cluster disks) xx=xx+xx0; yy=yy+yy0; #thin points if outside the simulation window booleInside=((xx&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;=xMin)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(xx&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;=xMax)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(yy&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;=yMin)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(yy&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;=yMax)); #retain points inside simulation window xx=xx[booleInside]; yy=yy[booleInside]; #Plotting par(pty="s") plot(xx,yy,'p',xlab='x',ylab='y',col='blue'); 

Of course, as I have mentioned before, simulating a spatial point processes in R is even easier with the powerful spatial statistics library spatstat. The Thomas cluster point process is simulated by using the function rThomas, but other cluster point processes, including Neyman-Scott types, are possible.


Note: in previous posts I used the SciPy functions for random number generation, but now use the NumPy ones, but there is little difference, as SciPy builds off NumPy.

 import numpy as np;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;nbsp; # NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;nbsp; # For plotting # Simulation window parameters xMin = -.5; xMax = .5; yMin = -.5; yMax = .5; # Parameters for the parent and daughter point processes lambdaParent = 10; # density of parent Poisson point process lambdaDaughter = 100; # mean number of points in each cluster sigma = 0.05; # sigma for normal variables (ie random locations) of daughters #Extended simulation windows parameters rExt=7*sigma; #extension parameter #for rExt, use factor of deviation sigma eg 6 or 7 xMinExt = xMin - rExt; xMaxExt = xMax + rExt; yMinExt = yMin - rExt; yMaxExt = yMax + rExt; # rectangle dimensions xDeltaExt = xMaxExt - xMinExt; yDeltaExt = yMaxExt - yMinExt; areaTotalExt = xDeltaExt * yDeltaExt; # area of extended rectangle # Simulate Poisson point process for the parents numbPointsParent = np.random.poisson(areaTotalExt * lambdaParent);# Poisson number of points # x and y coordinates of Poisson points for the parent xxParent = xMinExt + xDeltaExt * np.random.uniform(0, 1, numbPointsParent); yyParent = yMinExt + yDeltaExt * np.random.uniform(0, 1, numbPointsParent); # Simulate Poisson point process for the daughters (ie final poiint process) numbPointsDaughter = np.random.poisson(lambdaDaughter, numbPointsParent); numbPoints = sum(numbPointsDaughter); # total number of points # Generate the (relative) locations in Cartesian coordinates by # simulating independent normal variables xx0 = np.random.normal(0, sigma, numbPoints); # (relative) x coordinaets yy0 = np.random.normal(0, sigma, numbPoints); # (relative) y coordinates # replicate parent points (ie centres of disks/clusters) xx = np.repeat(xxParent, numbPointsDaughter); yy = np.repeat(yyParent, numbPointsDaughter); # translate points (ie parents points are the centres of cluster disks) xx = xx + xx0; yy = yy + yy0; # thin points if outside the simulation window booleInside=((xx&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;=xMin)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(xx&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;=xMax)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(yy&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;=yMin)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;(yy&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;=yMax)); # retain points inside simulation window xx = xx[booleInside]; yy = yy[booleInside]; # Plotting plt.scatter(xx, yy, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none', alpha=0.5); plt.xlabel("x"); plt.ylabel("y"); plt.axis('equal'); 

After writing this post, I later wrote the code in Julia. The code is here and my thoughts about Julia are here.


The results show that the clusters of Thomas point process tend to be more blurred than those of Matérn point process, which has cluster edges clearly defined by the disks.  The points of of a Thomas point process can be far away from the centre of each cluster, depending on the variance of the normal random variables used in the simulation. 




Further reading

Thomas (and Matérn) cluster point processes and more generally Neyman-Scott point processes are covered in standard books on the related fields of spatial statistics, point processes and stochastic geometry, such as the following: Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R by  Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, on page 461; Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns Statistics by Illian, Penttinen, Stoyan, amd Stoyan, page 370 and Section 6.3.2; Stochastic Geometry and its Applications by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall and Mecke,  on page 173; and; Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes by Møller and Waagepetersen, in Section 5.3. I would probably recommend the first two books for beginners. 

The Thomas point process has also appeared in models of wireless networks, which we covered in the book Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Cellular Networks by Błaszczyszyn, Haenggi, Keeler, and Mukherjee, Section 8.1.8.

More generally, Neyman-Scott point processes belong to a family of point processes called shot noise Cox point processes; see the paper by Møller. 

I mentioned above the book Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R , which is written by spatial statistics experts Baddeley, Rubak and Turner. It covers the spatial statistics (and point process simulation) R-package spatstat.

In my travels on the web, I found this post where the writer also simulates the Thomas and Matérn point processes in Python, independent of my code.  That code is a bit different to mine because I use the repeat function and simulate all the Poisson variables at once, instead of using a for-loop and simulating a Poisson variable for each iteration.  I also think it’s not quite correct because I do not see how they account for edge effects.