The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in Python, Julia, R, and MATLAB

I wrote this code a little while ago, and I thought now would be a good time to present it, as I have covered the topic of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, particularly the central workhorse the Metropolis(-Rosenbluth-Rosenbluth-Teller-Teller)-Hastings algorithm.  For more details on these methods, I have written about these methods in a couple posts, starting with this one and ending with this particularly relevant one.

Update: I reproduced this code in C, located here, where I used my own code for generating Gaussian (or normal) variables, to keep the code entirely self-contained, but in practice you should never do that.

What the code does

The code basically does the same thing in four different (scientific) programming languages, namely Python, Julia, C, and MATLAB. It performs a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, simulating random variables (or more correctly, generating random variates) for two respective probabilities densities in one dimension and two dimensions.

Two examples

The one-dimensional case is particularly simple, as the code only simulates an exponential variable. But for this random variable in practice, you would never ever do with any MCMC method, because simply simulate exponential random variables directly. I discussed in a previous post how this direct approach is used to simulate Poisson variables.

The two-dimensional case is slightly more complicated than the the classic joint Gaussian (or normal) probability density, which you would use other methods to simulate. But the idea can be extended to \(n\) dimensions, which is often the case when dealing with the probability distributions and their corresponding integrals that arise in Bayesian statistics.

Testing the results

To test the results, you can empirical calculate the first two moments (that is, the mean and variance) of the simulated random variables. That acts as a very good sanity check.

But if you need more convincing, you can perform a histogram on the results, which effectively a way to empirically estimate the probability density of the simulated random variables. Fortunately, all four programming languages have built in histogram (counting) functions for one and two dimensions.

I already covered this topic in a previous posts on checking Poisson point process simulations.


I’ll only include the code for Python and Julia, and refefr the reader to the rest of the code found here.


I used the Matplotlib library to plot the probability density and its estimate.

For the histogram section, I used the histogram and histogram2d functions respectively to estimate the distribution of the number of points and the intensity function. I used the pdf option.

import numpy as np;  # NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # for plotting
from matplotlib import cm  # for heatmap plotting
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d  # for 3-D plots
from scipy import integrate  # for integrating

plt.close("all");  # close all previous plots

# Simulation window parameters
xMin = -1;
xMax = 1;
yMin = -1;
yMax = 1;

numbSim = 10 ** 4;  # number of random variables simulated
numbSteps = 200;  # number of steps for the Markov process
numbBins = 50;  # number of bins for histogram
sigma = 2;  # standard deviation for normal random steps

# probability density parameters
s = .5;  # scale parameter for distribution to be simulated

def fun_lambda(x, y):
    return np.exp(-(x ** 4 + x*y + y ** 2) / s ** 2);

# normalization constant
consNorm = integrate.dblquad(fun_lambda, xMin, xMax, lambda x: yMin, lambda y: yMax)[0];
#un-normalized joint density of variables to be simulated
def fun_p(x, y):
    return (fun_lambda(x, y) ) * (x >= xMin) * (y >= yMin) * (x <= xMax) * (y <= yMax);

xRand = np.random.uniform(xMin, xMax, numbSim);  # random initial values
yRand = np.random.uniform(yMin, yMax, numbSim);  # random initial values

pdfCurrent = fun_p(xRand, yRand);  # current transition (probability) densities

for jj in range(numbSteps):
    zxRand = xRand + sigma * np.random.normal(0, 1, numbSim);  # take a (normally distributed) random step
    zyRand = yRand + sigma * np.random.normal(0, 1, numbSim);  # take a (normally distributed) random step
    # Conditional random step needs to be symmetric in x and y
    # For example: Z|x ~ N(x,1) (or Y=x+N(0,1)) with probability density
    # p(z|x)=e(-(z-x)^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi)
    pdfProposal = fun_p(zxRand, zyRand);  # proposed probability

    # acceptance rejection step
    booleAccept = np.random.uniform(0, 1, numbSim) < pdfProposal / pdfCurrent;
    # update state of random walk/Markov chain
    xRand[booleAccept] = zxRand[booleAccept];
    yRand[booleAccept] = zyRand[booleAccept];
    # update transition (probability) densities
    pdfCurrent[booleAccept] = pdfProposal[booleAccept];

# for histogram, need to reshape as vectors
xRand = np.reshape(xRand, numbSim);
yRand = np.reshape(yRand, numbSim);

p_Estimate, xxEdges, yyEdges = np.histogram2d(xRand, yRand, bins=numbSteps, density=True);
xValues = (xxEdges[1:] + xxEdges[0:xxEdges.size - 1]) / 2;  # mid-points of bins
yValues = (yyEdges[1:] + yyEdges[0:yyEdges.size - 1]) / 2;  # mid-points of bins
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xValues, yValues);  # create x/y matrices for plotting

# analytic solution of (normalized) joint probability density
p_Exact = fun_p(X, Y) / consNorm;

# Plotting
# Plot empirical estimate
fig1 = plt.figure();
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d");
#plt.rc("text", usetex=True);
#plt.rc("font", family="serif");
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, p_Estimate,;
plt.title("p(x,y) Estimate");

# Plot exact expression
fig2 = plt.figure();
#plt.rc("text", usetex=True);
#plt.rc("font", family="serif")
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d");
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, p_Exact,;
plt.title("p(x,y) Exact Expression");


using Distributions #for random simulations
using PyPlot #for plotting
using StatsBase #for histograms etc
using Random
using LinearAlgebra
using HCubature #for numerical integration
#using LaTeXStrings #for LateX in labels/titles etc
PyPlot.close("all");  # close all PyPlot figures

#set random seed for reproducibility

# Simulation window parameters
xMin = -1;
xMax = 1;
yMin = -1;
yMax = 1;

numbSim = 10 ^ 5;  # number of random variables simulated
numbSteps = 25;  # number of steps for the Markov process
numbBins = 50;  # number of bins for histogram
sigma = 2;  # standard deviation for normal random steps

# probability density parameters
s = .5;  # scale parameter for distribution to be simulated

function fun_lambda(x,y)
    return (exp.(-(x.^4+x.*y+y.^2)./s^2));

#normalization constant -- UNDER CONSTRUCTION
consNorm,errorCub=hcubature(x -> fun_lambda(x[1],x[2]), [xMin, yMin], [xMax, yMax]);
#un-normalized joint density of variables to be simulated
function fun_p(x,y)
xRand=(xMax-xMin).*rand(numbSim).+xMin; #random initial values
yRand=(yMax-yMin).*rand(numbSim).+yMin; #random initial values

pdfCurrent=fun_p(xRand,yRand); #current transition (probability) densities
for jj=1:numbSteps
    zxRand= xRand.+sigma.*rand(Normal(),numbSim);#take a (normally distributed) random step
    zyRand= yRand.+sigma.*rand(Normal(),numbSim);#take a (normally distributed) random step

    # Conditional random step needs to be symmetric in x and y
    # For example: Z|x ~ N(x,1) (or Y=x+N(0,1)) with probability density
    # p(z|x)=e(-(z-x)^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi)
    pdfProposal = fun_p(zxRand, zyRand);  # proposed probability

    # acceptance rejection step
    booleAccept=rand(numbSim) .< pdfProposal./pdfCurrent;
    # update state of random walk/Markov chain
    xRand[booleAccept] = zxRand[booleAccept];
    yRand[booleAccept] = zyRand[booleAccept];
    # update transition (probability) densities
    pdfCurrent[booleAccept] = pdfProposal[booleAccept];

#histogram section: empirical probability density
histXY=fit(Histogram, (xRand,yRand),nbins=numbBins); #find histogram data
histXY=normalize(histXY,mode=:pdf); #normalize histogram
binEdges=histXY.edges; #retrieve bin edges
xValues=(binEdges[1][2:end]+binEdges[1][1:end-1])./2; #mid-points of bins
yValues=(binEdges[2][2:end]+binEdges[2][1:end-1])./2; #mid-points of bins
#create a meshgrid
X=[xValues[ii] for ii=1:length(xValues), jj=1:length(yValues)];
Y=[yValues[jj] for ii=1:length(xValues), jj=1:length(yValues)];

#analytic solution of (normalized) joint probability density
p_Exact = fun_p(X, Y)./consNorm;

# Plotting
# Plot empirical estimate
fig1 = PyPlot.figure();
PyPlot.rc("text", usetex=true);
PyPlot.rc("font", family="serif");
surf(X, Y, p_Estimate,;
PyPlot.title("p(x,y) Estimate");

# Plot exact expression
fig2 = PyPlot.figure();
PyPlot.rc("text", usetex=true);
PyPlot.rc("font", family="serif")
surf(X, Y, p_Exact,;
PyPlot.title("p(x,y) Exact Expression");


The Metropolis(-Rosenbluth-Rosenbluth-Teller-Teller)-Hastings algorithm

Consider a collection of random variables described by a joint probability distribution. Often, in any field with probability or statistics, one faces the task of simulating these random variables, which typically depend on each other in some fashion.

A now standard way for simulating or sampling such random variables is to use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, undoubtedly the cornerstone of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. This method creates a discrete-time Markov chain that has a stationary or invariant distribution being the aforementioned distribution.

The algorithm was born out of a 1953 paper by Nicholas Metropolis, Arianna W. Rosenbluth, Marshall Rosenbluth, Augusta H. Teller, and Edward Teller (two husband-wife pairs), who looked at a special case, and a 1970 paper by W.K. Hastings, who generalized the method. It is typically called the Metropolis-Hastings or the Metropolis algorithm. And some have called it the M(RT)2 H algorithm.

(The history is a bit complicated, but perhaps we should drop the name Metropolis. The late Arianna (née Wright) Rosenbluth did most of the work. She was also a dab hand at fencing.)

Although the algorithm’s initial adoption and use was slow, taking decades partly due to slower computers, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is now a widely used method for simulating collections of random variables. This in turn gives fast ways for exploring, integrating, and optimizing otherwise unwieldy mathematical functions, such as those found in Bayesian statistics, machine learning, statistical physics, and combinatorial optimization. The algorithm serves as the foundation for other random simulation methods, such as the Gibbs sampler, hence it’s been called the workhorse of Marko chain Monte Carlo methods.

There are many books, articles, lecture notes, and websites describing the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; see the Further reading section below. But I’ll detail the core ideas here. This post is designed to be somewhat self-contained, but it arose from a series of posts, starting with this one and ending with this particularly relevant one.

Constructing a Markov process

Take a collection of \(n\) random variables \(X_1,\dots,X_n\) with a (joint) probability distribution \(\pi(x)=\pi(x_1,\dots,x_n)\). This distribution will either be a (joint) probability mass function or (joint) probability density for discrete or continuous random variables, respectively.

We wish to construct a Markov chain on an abstract mathematical space \(\mathbb{X}\). We assume we can write a point \(x\in \mathbb{X}\) as \(x=(x_1,\dots,x_n)\). More specifically, the space \(\mathbb{X}\) is a Cartesian product of spaces \(\mathbb{X}_1,\dots,\mathbb{X}_n\) on which the variables are defined.

Which mathematical space is \(\mathbb{X}\)? That will, of course, depend on the random variables you’re trying to simulate. But it’s usually the lattice \(\mathbb{Z}^n\), Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^n\), or a subset of one of these two spaces.

For this post, we’ll assume that the space \(\mathbb{X}\) is discrete, which makes the things simpler. But the mathematics is similar for continuous spaces, with small changes such as replacing probabilities and sums with probability densities and integrals, respectively. We’ll further assume the space is finite, so we can use matrices to describe the Markov transition kernels. But everything covered here will work on infinite spaces such as \(\mathbb{R}^n\), which is the most common space used in practice.

Again, our overall aim is to construct a Markov chain with a stationary \(\pi\) being the same as the distribution that we want to sample.

Jumper process

There’s a random jumper that wants to jump around the space \(\mathbb{X}\). The jumper randomly jumps from one point in this mathematical space \(x\in \mathbb{X}\) to another point \(y\in \mathbb{X}\) according to the probability \(J(x,y)\). If the the state space \(\mathbb{X}\) is finite, then \(J\) becomes a matrix. The matrix row \(J(x,\cdot)\) is a probability mass function for each \(x\in \mathbb{X}\), so it sums to one. By definition, this random jumping forms a Markov chain.

The only thing we ask is that, for our jumper, every point \(x\) in \(\mathbb{X}\) where \(\pi(x)>0\) is reachable with positive probability in a single step. This implies the easy-to-achieve condition \(J(x,y)>0\) where \(\pi(x)>0\) for all points \(x,y\in\mathbb{X}\).

Now we have a Markovian jumper on the space \(\mathbb{X}\). But this turns out to be too much jumping for our jumper. Furthermore, the jumper is jumping more in certain directions than others. Occasionally the jumper wants to stay put (and have a rest) with the aim of balancing the jump directions.

The jumper still wants to jump sometimes from a point \(x\in \mathbb{X}\) to another point \(y\in \mathbb{X}\) based on \(J(x,y)\). But now at each time step, after choosing the jump direction but before jumping, the jumper flips a biased coin whose success probability \(\alpha(x,y)\) depends on the current position \(x\in \mathbb{X}\) and the (potential) next position \(y\in \mathbb{X}\). For the coin, the acceptance probability, which allows (or not) the jumper to move from \(x\) to \(y\), is given by

$$\alpha(x,y)=\min[1,\frac{\pi(y)}{\pi(x)}\frac{J(y,x)}{J(x,y)} ]\,,\quad x, y\in \mathbb{X}\,.$$

The function \(\alpha(x,y)\) is clearly never negative. The minimum in the above expression ensures that \(\alpha(x,y)\) is a valid probability.

Metropolis-Hastings ratio

The ratio in the expression for \(\alpha(x,y)\) is sometimes called the Metropolis-Hastings ratio, which we’ll soon see is designed specifically to balance the jump directions. The ratio means that a constant factor in the target distribution \(\pi(x)\) will vanish due to cancellation.

More specifically, if we can write the target distribution as \(\pi(x)=f(x)/C\), where \(C>0\) is some constant and \(f(x)\) is a non-negative function, then the ratio term \(\pi(y)/\pi(x)=f(y)/f(x)\). This reasoning also applies to a constant factor in the transition kernel \(M\).

The constant factor being irrelevant in the target distribution \(\pi(x)\) is very useful. It is particularly important for posterior distributions in Bayesian statistics and the Gibbs distributions in statistical physics, as these distributions typically have difficult-to-calculate constants.

Metropolis-Hastings process

The pairing of the original jumper Markov chain with the coin flipping creates a new Markov chain, which we call the Metropolis-Hastings process. What’s remarkable is its stationary distribution will be the target distribution \(\pi(x)\).

Transition kernel (matrix)

For the Metropolis-Hastings process, we can readily reason the structure of the transition kernel (matrix) \(M\) that describes this Markov chain. First we’ll look at the off-diagonal entries of \(M\).

Jumping from \(x\) to \(y\neq x\)

To jump from point \(x\) and to another point \(y\neq x\), the probability is simply the previous probability \(J(x,y)\) multiplied by the probability of that proposed jump being accepted, which is \(\alpha(x,y)\), giving

$$ M(x,y) = \alpha(x,y) J(x,y), \quad x\neq y\,.$$

Now we examine the diagonal entries of \(M\).

Jumping from \(x\) to \(x\)

There are two different ways for the jumper to remain at point \(x\). The first way is that the jumper simply jumps from \(x\) to \(x\), which happens with probability \(J(x,x)\). This proposed jump, so to speak, is accepted with probability one because \(\alpha(x,x)=1\). Consequently, we can write this probability as \(\alpha(x,x)J(x,x)\) or \(J(x,x)\).

The second way consists of all the possible jumps from \(x\) to \(z\), but then for each of those proposed jumps to be rejected, which happens (for each jump) with probability \([1-\alpha(x,z)]\). (I am using here the dummy or bound variable \(z\) instead of \(y\) for clarity.) Adding up the probabilities of these events gives the probability of the second way being the sum \(\sum_{z\in \mathbb{X}}[1-\alpha(x,z)] J(x,z) \,.\)

Consequently, for a single time step, the probability that the jumper starts at point \(x\) and remains at \(x\) is

$$ M(x,x) = \alpha(x,x)J(x,x)+\sum_{z\in \mathbb{X}}[1-\alpha(x,z)] J(x,z) \,.$$

The transition matrix \(M\) should be stochastic, so the rows sum to one, which we see is the case

$$ \sum_{y\in\mathbb{X}}M(x,y)=1\,.$$

Of course, we could have derived the diagonal entry \(M(x,x)\) immediately by starting with the above sum, but that approach lacks intuition into what’s happening.

Expression for the transition kernel \(M\)

$$M(x,y) = \begin{cases}
\alpha(x,y) J(x,y) & \text{if }
x&\neq y
\alpha(x,x)J(x,x)+\sum_{z\in \mathbb{X}}[1-\alpha(x,z)] J(x,z) & \text{if } x=y

Often the above expression is written as a single line by placing an indicator function or similar in front of the sum for the diagonal entries. (In the continuous case, where the sum is replaced with an integral, a Dirac delta distribution is often used instead.)


A Markov process on \(\mathbb{X}\) with kernel (matrix) \(K\) is (time) reversible with respect to the distribution \(\mu\) if the following holds

$$ \mu(x)K(x,y) = \mu (y) K(y,x)\quad x,y\in\mathbb{X}\,.$$

This reversibility condition is also called the detailed balance equation. If this condition is met, then the Markov process will have a stationary distribution \(\mu\). By summing over \(x\), we can verify this because we obtain

$$ \sum_{x\in\mathbb{X}}\mu(x)K(x,y) =\mu(y)\sum_{x\in\mathbb{X}} K(y,x)=\mu(y)\,.$$

This is just the balance equation, often written as \(\mu=K\mu\), which says that the transition kernel \(K\) has a stationary distribution \(\mu \).

(Strictly speaking, we don’t necessarily need reversibility, as long as the Markov chain has a stationary distribution. Reversibility just makes the algebra easier.)

The Metropolis-Hastings process is reversible

We can show that the Metropolis-Hastings process with the transition kernel \(M\) satisfies the reversibility condition. The proof essentially just requires the swapping of rows and columns. Clearly then we only need to look at the off-diagonal entries, so we assume \(x\neq y\).

We further assume that \(\pi(y)J(y,x)\geq \pi(x) J(x,y)\). Then \(\alpha(x,y)=1\), so \(M(x,y)=J(x,y)\). Now we use this last fact in the last line of algebra that follow:

$$\begin{aligned}\pi(y) M(y,x)&=\pi(y)J(y,x) \alpha(y,x)\\ &= \pi(y)J(y,x) \frac{\pi(x)}{\pi(y)}\frac{J(x,y)}{J(y,x)}\\ &= \pi(x)J(x,y)\\&= \pi(x)M(x,y)\,,\end{aligned}$$

which shows that the reversibility condition holds with the last assumption.

But of course we can reverse that assumption, due to symmetry, so \(\pi(y)J(y,x)\leq \pi(x) J(x,y)\), then \(\alpha(x,y)=[\pi(y)J(y,x)]/[\pi(x) J(x,y)]\) and \(\alpha(y,x)=1\), implying this way also works. Then the reversibility condition holds for all cases.

We could have shown this more quickly by observing that

$$\begin{aligned}\pi(y) M(y,x)&=\pi(y)J(y,x)\alpha(y,x)\\ &= \pi(y)J(y,x) \min[1, \frac{\pi(x)}{\pi(y)}\frac{J(x,y)}{J(y,x)}]\\ &= \min[\pi(y)J(y,x) , \pi(x)J(x,y)]\,,\end{aligned}$$

which is symmetric in \(x\) and \(y\).

In summary, the Metropolis-Hastings process is reversible and has the stationary distribution \(\pi(x)\).

Continuous case

As mentioned earlier, the continuous case is similar to the discrete-case with a few modifications. For example, assuming now \(\mathbb{X}\) is continuous, then the stationary distribution is described by a probability density \(\pi(x)\). The jumper process will be described by transition kernel (function) \(j(x,y)\), where \(j(x,\cdot)\) is now a probability density for each \(x\in \mathbb{X}\).

It follows that the acceptance probability is

$$\alpha(x,y)=\min[1,\frac{\pi(y)}{\pi(x)}\frac{j(y,x)}{j(x,y)} ]\,,\quad x, y\in \mathbb{X}\,.$$

The transition kernel (function) is

$$m(x,y) = \begin{cases}
\alpha(x,y) j(x,y) & \text{if }
x&\neq y
\alpha(x,x) j(x,x)+\int_{\mathbb{X}}[1-\alpha(x,z)]j(x,z) dz & \text{if } x=y

For more details, there are derivations online such as this one, as well as the sources cited in the Further reading section below.


Of course, before writing your own code, I would check out any pre-written functions in your favourite language that already implement the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

For example, in MATLAB there’s the function mhsample. Again I would be using this before writing my own code, unless it’s for illustration or educational purposes.

In Python there’s the library pymcmcstat. For those with a machine learning bent, there’s also a TensorFlow function MetropolisHastings.

In R, which is a language designed for statistics, implementations of any Markov chain Monte Carlo methods will be couched in the language and notation of (Bayesian) statistics. For a specific library, I can’t say I know which is the best, but you can check out the MCMCPack library. For R libraries, be wary of using the ones that were published and are (or were?) maintained by a single contributor.


For a couple of simple examples in both one dimension and two dimensions, I’ve implemented the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in the programming languages R, MATLAB, Python (NumPy) and Julia. The code can be found here.

Further reading

There are good articles on explaining the Metropolis-Hastings approach, as well as its history. On this topic, the articles are probably better resources than the books.



The two important papers behind the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are:

  • 1953 – Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth, Teller, Teller – Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines;
  • 1970 – Hastings – Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications.

There are several tutorial and historical articles covering the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. An earlier explanatory article is

  • 1995 – Chib and Greenberg – Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.

I also recommend:

  • 1994 – Tierney – Markov chains for exploring posterior distributions;
  • 1998 – Diaconis and Saloff-Coste – What do we know about the Metrolpolis algorithm?;
  • 2001 – Billera and Diaconis – A Geometric Interpretation of the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm;
  • 2015 – Minh and Minh – Understanding the Hastings Algorithm;
  • 2016 – Robert – The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

The above article by Billera and Diaconis shows that the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is actually the minimization (on the space of possible samplers) using an \(L^1\) norm. (Note that \(K(x,x)\) should be \(K(x,y)\) in equation (1.3), so it agrees with equation (2.1).)

The following article covers the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in the context of machine learning (particularly Bayesian statistics):

  • 2003 – Andrieu, de Freitas, Doucet, and Jordan – An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning.

For a surprising real world application, in the following article, Diaconis briefly recounts a story about a couple of graduate students using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to decipher a letter from a prison inmate who had used a simple substitution cipher:

  • 2009 – Diaconis – The Markov chain Monte Carlo revolution.

For Markov chains on general state spaces, the following paper gives a survey of results (often with new proofs):

  • 2004 – Roberts and Rosenthal – General state space Markov chains and MCMC algorithms.

The history of this algorithm and related methods are described in the following articles:

  • 2003 – David – A History of the Metropolis Hastings Algorithm;
  • 2005 – Gubematis – Marshall Rosenbluth and the Metropolis algorithm;
  • 2011 – Robert and Casella – A Short History of Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Subjective Recollections from Incomplete Data.

Incidentally, the first author of the third paper, Christian P. Robert, posts regularly on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, such as the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, as well as many other topics.


Modern books on stochastic simulations and Monte Carlo methods will often detail this method. For example, see the Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods (Section 6.1) by Kroese, Taimre and Botev. The book Stochastic Simulation: Algorithms and Analysis by Asmussen and Glynn also covers the method in Chapter XIII, Section 3. (For my remark on reversibility, see Remark 3.2 in Asmussen and Glynn.) There is also the book Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing by Liu; see Chapter 5.


There are many, many websites covering this topic. Searching around, the following link is probably my favourite, as it gives a detailed explanation on how the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm works and includes with Python code:

This post also covers it with Python code:

This site details the algorithm with R code:

Here’s a quick introduction with a one-dimensional example implemented in R:

News: Accelerated PyTorch learning on Mac

The PyTorch website reveals that I can now do accelerated model training with PyTorch on my Mac (which has one of the new Silicon M series chips):

In collaboration with the Metal engineering team at Apple, we are excited to announce support for GPU-accelerated PyTorch training on Mac. Until now, PyTorch training on Mac only leveraged the CPU, but with the upcoming PyTorch v1.12 release, developers and researchers can take advantage of Apple silicon GPUs for significantly faster model training. This unlocks the ability to perform machine learning workflows like prototyping and fine-tuning locally, right on Mac.

As the website says, this new PyTorch acceleration capability is due to Metal, which is Apple’s graphics processing (or GPU) technology.

This means I no longer need to use remote machines when training models. I can do it all on my trusty home computer. Let’s check.

The easiest way to check is, if you haven’t already, first install PyTorch. I would use Anaconda:

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

With PyTorch installed, run Python and then run the commands:

import torch

If the last commands works without a hitch, you have PyTorch installed. The last two commands should return True, meaning that PyTorch can use your graphics card for (accelerated) calculations.

New link: Dataflowr – Deep Learning DIY

Want to learn some deep learning? I recommend the Dataflowr website:

It’s a good resource for learning the basics of neural networks using the PyTorch library in Python. The focus is on writing and running code. You can even play around with  GPUs (graphical processing units) by running them on Google’s Colab, though that’s usually not needed.

It’s mostly run by a researcher who is a former colleague of mine and, while I was at Inria, was indirectly the reason I started using PyTorch for my machine learning work.

Summary: Poisson simulations

Here’s a lazy summary post where I list all the posts on various Poisson simulations. I’ve also linked to code, which is found on this online repository. The code is typically written in MATLAB and Python.


Poisson point processes

Some simulations of Poisson point processes are also covered in this post on the Julia programming language:

Checking simulations

Poisson line process

Poisson random variables

Frozen code

My simulation code has been frozen and buried in Norway. Well, some of my code that I keep on a GitHub repository has become part of a code preservation project. Consequently, beneath my profile it reads:

Arctic Code Vault Contributor

This is part of what is called the GitHub Archive Program. The people behind it aim to preserve large amounts of (open source) code for future generations in thousands and thousands of years time. But how do they do that?

Well, basically, the good people at GitHub chose and converted many, many, many lines of code into certain error-resistant formats, such as QR code. They then printed it all out and buried it deep in an abandoned mine shaft in frozen Norway. (The frozen and stable Norway is also home to a famous seed bank.)

My code in this project includes most of the code that has appeared in these posts. Of course my contribution is just a drop in the vast code ocean of this project. In fact, at least two or three of my colleagues have also had their code put into deep freeze.

Still, it’s a nice thought to know that stuff I wrote, including code for these very posts, will be potentially around for a very long time.

Simulating a Poisson point process on a n-dimensional sphere

In the previous post I outlined how to simulate or sample a homogeneous Poisson point process on the surface of a sphere. Now I will consider a homogeneous Poisson point process on the \((n-1)-\) sphere, which is the surface of the Euclidean ball in \(n\) dimensions.

This is a short post because it immediately builds off the previous post. For positioning the points uniformly, I will use Method 2 from that post, which uses normal random variables, as it immediately gives a fast method in \(n\) dimensions.

I wrote this post and the code more for curiosity than any immediate application. But simulating a Poisson point process in this setting requires placing points uniformly on a sphere. And there are applications in that, such as Monte Carlo integration methods, as mentioned in this post, which nicely details different sampling methods.


As is the case for other shapes, simulating a Poisson point process requires two steps.

Number of points

The number of points of a Poisson point process on the surface of a sphere of radius \(r>0\) is a Poisson random variable. The mean of this random variable is \(\lambda S_{n-1}\), where \(S_{n-1}\) is the surface area of the sphere.  For a ball embedded in \(n\) dimension, the area of the corresponding sphere is given by

$$S_{n-1} = \frac{2 \pi ^{n/2}  }{\Gamma(n/2)} r^{n-1},$$

where \(\Gamma\) is the gamma function, which is a natural generalization of the factorial. In MATLAB, we can simply use the function gamma.  In Python, we need to use the SciPy function scipy.special. gamma.

Locations of points

For each point on the sphere, we generate \(n\) standard normal or Gaussian random variables, say, \(W_1, \dots, W_n\), which are independent of each other. These random variables are the Cartesian components of the random point. We rescale the components by the Euclidean norm, then multiply by the radius \(r\).

For \(i=1,\dots, n\), we obtain


These are the Cartesian coordinates of a point uniformly scattered on a  sphere with radius \(r\) and a centre at the origin.

How does it work?

In the post on the circle setting, I gave a more detailed outline of the proof, where I said the method is like the Box-Muller transform in reverse. The joint density of the normal random variables is from a multivariate normal distribution with zero correlation. This joint density a function of the Cartesian equation for a sphere. This means the density is constant on the sphere, implying that the angle of the point \((W_1,\dots, W_n)\) will be uniformly distributed.

The vector formed from the normal variables \((W_1,\dots,W_n)\) is a random variable with a chi distribution.  But the final vector, which stretches from the origin to the point \((X_1,\dots,X_n)\), has length one, because we rescaled it with the Euclidean norm.


The code for all my posts is located online here. For this post, the code in MATLAB and Python is here.

Further reading

I recommend this blog post, which discusses different methods for randomly placing points on spheres and inside spheres (or, rather, balls) in a uniform manner.  (Embedded in two dimensions, a sphere is a circle and a ball is a disk.)

Our Method 2 for positioning points uniformly, which uses normal variables, comes from the paper:

  • 1959, Muller, A note on a method for generating points uniformly on n-dimensional spheres.

Two recent works on this approach are the papers:

  • 2010, Harman and Lacko, On decompositional algorithms for uniform sampling from -spheres and -balls;
  • 2017, Voelker, Gosman, Stewart, Efficiently sampling vectors and coordinates.

Simulating a Poisson point process on a sphere

In this post I’ll describe how to simulate or sample a homogeneous Poisson point process on the surface of a sphere. I have already simulated this point process on a rectangle, triangle disk, and circle.

Of course, by sphere, I mean the everyday object that is the surface of a three-dimensional ball, where this two-dimensional object is often denoted by \(S^2\).  Mathematically, this is a generalization from a Poisson point process on a circle, which is slightly simpler than randomly positioning points on a disk.  I recommend reading those two posts first, as a lot of the material presented here builds off them.

I have not needed such a simulation in my own work, but I imagine there are many reasons why you would want to simulate a Poisson point process on a sphere. As some motivation, we can imagine these points on a sphere representing, say, meteorites or lightning hitting the Earth.

The generating the number of points is not difficult. The trick is positioning the points on the sphere in a uniform way.  As is often the case, there are various ways to do this, and I recommend this post, which lists the main ones.  I will use two methods that I consider the most natural and intuitive ones, namely using spherical coordinates and normal random variables, which is what I did in the post on the circle.

Incidentally, a simple modification allows you to scatter the points uniformly inside the sphere, but you would typically say ball in mathematics, giving a Poisson point process inside a ball; see below for details.


As always, simulating a Poisson point process requires two steps.

Number of points

The number of points of a Poisson point process on the surface of a sphere of radius \(r>0\) is a Poisson random variable with mean \(\lambda S_2\), where \(S_2=4\pi r^2\) is the surface area of the sphere. (In this post I give some details for simulating or sampling Poisson random variables or, more accurately, variates.)

Locations of points

For any homogeneous Poisson point process, we need to position the points uniformly on the underlying space, which is in this case is the sphere. I will outline two different methods for positioning the points randomly and uniformly on a sphere.

Method 1: Spherical coordinates

The first method is based on spherical coordinates \((\rho, \theta,\phi)\), where the radial coordinate \(\rho\geq 0\), and the angular coordinates \(0 \leq \theta\leq 2\pi\) and \(0\leq \phi \leq \pi\). The change of coordinates gives \(x=\rho\sin(\theta)\cos(\phi)\), \(y=\rho\sin(\theta)\sin(\phi)\), and \(z=\rho\cos(\phi)\).

Now we use Proposition 1.1 in this paper. For each point, we generate two uniform variables \(V\) and \(\Theta\) on the respective intervals \((-1,1)\) and \((0,2\pi)\). Then we place the point with the Cartesian coordinates

$$X =  r  \sqrt{1-V^2} \cos\Theta, $$

$$Y =  r  \sqrt{1-V^2}\sin\Theta, $$

$$ Z=r V. $$

This method places a uniform point on a sphere with a radius \(r\).

How does it work?

I’ll skip the precise details, but give some interpretation of this method. The random variable \(\Phi := \arccos V\) is the \(\phi\)-coordinate of the uniform point, which implies \(\sin \Phi=\sqrt{1-V^2}\), due to basic trigonometric identities.  The area element in polar coordinates is \(dA = \rho^2 \sin\phi d\phi d\theta \), which is constant with respect to \(\theta\). After integrating with respect to \(\phi\),  we see that the random variable \(V=\cos\Phi\) needs to be uniform (instead of \(\Phi\)) to ensure the point is uniformly located on the surface.

Method 2: Normal random variables

For each point, we generate three standard normal or Gaussian random variables, say, \(W_x\), \(W_y\), and \(W_z\), which are independent of each other. (The term standard here means the normal random variables have mean \(\mu =0\) and standard deviation \(\sigma=1\).)  The three random variables are the Cartesian components of the random point. We rescale the components by the Euclidean norm, then multiply by the radius \(r\), giving




These are the Cartesian coordinates of a point uniformly scattered on a  sphere with radius \(r\) and a centre at the origin.

How does it work?

The procedure is somewhat like the Box-Muller transform in reverse. In the post on the circle setting,  I gave an outline of the proof, which I recommend reading. The joint density of the normal random variables is from a multivariate normal distribution with zero correlation. This joint density is constant on the sphere, implying that the angle of the point \((W_x, W_y, W_z)\) will be uniformly distributed.

The vector formed from the normal variables \((W_x, W_y,W_z)\) is a random variable with a chi distribution.  We can see that the vector from the origin to the point \((X,Y,Z)\) has length one, because we rescaled it with the Euclidean norm.


Depending on your plotting software, the points may more resemble points on an ellipsoid than a sphere due to the different scaling of the x, y and z axes. To fix this in MATLAB, run the command: axis square. In Python, it’s not straightforward to do this, as it seems to lack an automatic function, so I have skipped it.


I have presented some results produced by code written in MATLAB and Python. The blue points are the Poisson points on the sphere. I have used a surface plot (with clear faces) to illustrate the underling sphere in black.



Note: The aspect ratio in 3-D Python plots tends to squash the sphere slightly, but it is a sphere.


The code for all my posts is located online here. For this post, the code in MATLAB and Python is here.  In Python I used the library mpl_toolkits for doing 3-D plots.

Poisson point process inside the sphere

Perhaps you want to simulate a Poisson point process inside the ball.  There are different ways we can do this, but I will describe just one way, which builds off Method 1 for positioning the points uniformly. (In a later post, I will modify Method 2, giving a way to uniformly position points inside the ball.)

For this simulation method, you need to make two simple modifications to the simulation procedure.

Number of points

The number of points of a Poisson point process inside a sphere of radius \(r>0\) is a Poisson random variable with mean \(\lambda V_3\), where \(V_3=4\pi r^3\) is the volume of the sphere.

Locations of points

We will modify Method 1 as outlined above. To sample the points uniformly in the sphere, you need to generate uniform variables on the unit interval \((0,1)\), take their cubic roots, and then, multiply them by the radius \(r\). (This is akin to the step of taking the square root in the disk setting.) The random variables for the angular coordinates are generated as before.

Further reading

I recommend this blog post, which discusses different methods for randomly placing points on spheres and inside spheres (or, rather, balls) in a uniform manner.  (Embedded in two dimensions, a sphere is a circle and a ball is a disk.)

Our Method 2 for positioning points uniformly, which uses normal variables, comes from the paper:

  • 1959, Muller, A note on a method for generating points uniformly on n-dimensional spheres.

This sampling method relies upon old observations that normal variables are connected to spheres and circles. I also found this post on a similar topic. Perhaps not surprisingly, the above paper is written by the same Muller behind the Box-Muller method for sampling normal random variables.

Update: The connection between the normal distribution and rotational symmetry has been the subject of some recent 3Blue1Brown videos on YouTube.

Here is some sample Python code for creating a 3-D scatter plot.

Simulating a Poisson point process on a circle

In this post, I’ll take a break from the more theoretical posts. Instead I’ll describe how to simulate or sample a homogeneous Poisson point process on a circle.  I have already simulated this point process on a rectangle, triangle and disk. In some sense, I should have done this simulation method before the disk one, as it’s easier to simulate. I recommend reading that post first, as the material presented here builds off it.

Sampling a homogeneous Poisson point process on a circle is rather straightforward.  It just requires using a fixed radius and uniformly choose angles from interval \((0, 2\pi)\). But the circle setting gives an opportunity to employ a different method for positioning points uniformly on circles and, more generally, spheres. This approach uses Gaussian random variables, and it becomes much more efficient when the points are placed on high dimensional spheres.


Simulating a Poisson point process requires two steps: simulating the random number of points and then randomly positioning each point.

Number of points

The number of points of a Poisson point process on circle of radius \(r>0\) is a Poisson random variable with mean \(\lambda C\), where \(C=2\pi r\) is the circumference of the circle.  You just need to be able to need to produce (pseudo-)random numbers according to a Poisson distribution.

To generate Poisson variables in MATLAB,  use the poissrnd function with the argument \(\lambda C\).  In Python, use either the scipy.stats.poisson or numpy.random.poisson function from the SciPy or NumPy libraries. (If you’re curious how Poisson simulation works, I suggest seeing this post for details on sampling Poisson random variables or, more accurately, variates.)

Locations of points

For a homogeneous Poisson point process, we need to uniformly position points on the underlying space, which is this case is a circle. We will look at two different ways to position points uniformly on a circle. The first is arguably the most natural approach.

Method 1: Polar coordinates

We use polar coordinates due to the nature of the problem. To position all the points uniformly on a circle, we simple generate uniform numbers on the unit interval \((0,1)\). We then multiply these random numbers by \(2\pi\).

We have generated polar coordinates for points uniformly located on the circle. To plot the points, we have to convert the coordinates back to Cartesian form by using the change of coordinates:  \(x=\rho\cos(\theta)\) and \(y=\rho\sin(\theta)\).

Method 2: Normal random variables

For each point, we generate two standard normal or Gaussian random variables, say, \(W_x\) and \(W_y\), which are independent of each other. (The term standard here means the normal random variables have mean \(\mu =0\) and standard deviation \(\sigma=1\).) These two random variables are the Cartesian components of a random point.  We then rescale the two values by the Euclidean norm, giving



These are the Cartesian coordinates of points uniformly scattered around a unit circle with centre at the origin. We multiply the two random values \(X\) and \(Y\) by the \(r>0\)  for a circle with radius \(r\).

How does it work?

The procedure is somewhat like the Box-Muller transform in reverse. I’ll give an outline of the proof. The joint density of the random variables \(W_x\) and \(W_y\) is that of the bivariate normal distribution with zero correlation, meaning it has the joint density

$$ f(x,y)=\frac{1}{2\pi}e^{[-(x^2+y^2)/2]}.$$

We see that the function \(f\) is a constant when we trace around any line for which \((x^2+y^2)\) is a constant, which is simply the Cartesian equation for a circle (where the radius is the square root of the aforementioned constant). This means that the angle of the point \((W_x, W_y)\) will be uniformly distributed.

Now we just need to look at the distance of the random point. The vector formed from the pair of normal variables \((W_x, W_y)\) is a Rayleigh random variable.  We can see that the vector from the origin to the point \((X,Y)\) has length one, because we rescaled it with the Euclidean norm.


I have presented some results produced by code written in MATLAB and Python. The blue points are the Poisson points on the sphere. I have used a surface plot (with clear faces) in black to illustrate the underling sphere.




The code for all my posts is located online here. For this post, the code in MATLAB and Python is here.

Further reading

I recommend this blog post, which discusses different methods for randomly placing points on spheres and inside spheres (or, rather, balls) in a uniform manner.  (Embedded in two dimensions, a sphere is a circle and a ball is a disk.) A key paper on using normal variables is the following:

  • 1959, Muller, A note on a method for generating points uniformly on n-dimensional spheres.

As I mentioned in the post on the disk, the third edition of the classic book Stochastic Geometry and its Applications by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall and Mecke details on page 54 how to uniformly place points on a disk.  It just requires a small modification for the circle.

Simulating Matérn hard-core point processes

If you wanted to create a point process with repulsion, a reasonable first attempt would be to build off a Poisson point process by removing points according to some rule to ensure that no two points were within a certain distance of each other. Using this natural idea, Bertril Matérn proposed a family of repulsive point processes called Matérn hard-core point processes.

More specifically, Matérn proposed several points processes, including two types of hard-core point processes now called Type I and Type II. (Matérn proposed a third type, called Type III, but it’s considerably harder to simulate on a computer, as detailed in this article.) These types of hard-core point processes are completely different to the Matérn cluster point process.

As I discussed in a previous post, the Poisson point process may not be adequate for representing point phenomena whose points exhibit large degrees of repulsion or clustering. I already covered the Matérn and Thomas cluster point processes, which show distinct clustering in their configurations. In this post, I’ll cover Matérn hard-core point processes. The Type I point processes is the easier of the two, so I’ll start with that one.


Simulating Matérn hard-core point processes requires first simulating a homogeneous Poisson point process with an intensity \(\lambda>0\) on some simulation window, such as a rectangle, which is the simulation window I will use here. I have already written about simulating the homogeneous Poisson point processes on a rectangle and a disk, so those posts are good starting points.

Given the Poisson point process, the points then need to be thinned in such a manner to ensure that for each point, there is no other point within some fixed \(r>0\) of the point. This distance \(r>0\) is the radius of the hard core of each point.

I have already covered the point process operation of thinning. But it’s important to note here that in this construction a dependent thinning is being applied. (If I just applied an independent thinning, then the resulting point process will be another Poisson point process with no repulsion between points.)

Edge effects

The main trick behind sampling this point process is that it’s possible for points inside the simulation window to be thinned due to their closeness to points that are located outside the simulation window. In other words, points outside the simulation window can cause points inside the window to be thinned. (I discussed a very similar issue in the posts on the Matérn and Thomas cluster point processes.)

To remove these edge effects, the underlying Poisson point process must be simulated on an extended version of the simulation window. The points are then thinned according to a dependent thinning, which is covered in the next section. Then only the retained points inside the simulation window are kept and the remaining points are ignored. Consequently, the underling Poisson points are simulated on an extended window, but we only see the final points inside the simulation window.

To create the extended simulation window, we add a strip of width \(r\) all around the simulation window. Why? Well, the distance \(r\) is the maximum distance from the simulation window that another point (outside the simulation window) can exist, while still causing points inside the simulation window to be thinned. This means it is impossible for a hypothetical point beyond this distance (outside the extended window) to cause a point inside the simulation window to be thinned.

Dependent thinning rules

Type I

For each point inside the simulation window, check if there are any other points (including those in the extended window) within distance \(r\) of the point. If no, then keep the point. If yes, then remove the point and the points that are within distance \(r\) of the point. The remaining points inside the simulation window form a Matérn Type I point process.

This is a relatively simple thinning rule, which only requires calculating all the inter-point distances. But it is also a very strong thinning rule, meaning that it removes many points. Depending on the Poisson point process intensity \(\lambda\) and core radius \(r\), it is quite possible that all the points are removed, resulting in an empty configuration.

Now we examine the case when the thinning rule is not as strong.

Type II

To create Matérn Type II point process, we assign an independent uniform random variable to each point of the underlying Poisson point process defined on the extended window. In point process terminology, these random variables are called marks, resulting in a marked point process. In the the context of the Matérn Type II point process, these random random marks are usually called ages.

Then for each point in the simulation window, we consider all the points within distance \(r\) of the point. If this point is the youngest (or, equivalently, the oldest) point, then the point is kept. In other words, the point is only kept if its random mark is smaller (or larger) than the random marks of all the other points within distance \(r\) of the point. The remaining points inside the simulation window form a Matérn Type II point process.

Intensity expressions

Using point process and probability theory, one can derive mathematical expressions for the intensities (that is, the average density of points per unit area). These closed-form expressions can then be used to check that the correct number of points are being generated on average over many simulations.

Type I

The intensity of the Type I point process is given by

\[\mu_1=\lambda e^{-\lambda \pi r^2},\]

where \(\lambda \pi r^2\) is simply the area of the core.

Type II

The intensity of the Type II point process is given by

\[\mu_2=\frac{1}{\pi r^2}(1-e^{-\lambda \pi r^2}),\]

which can be written with the intensity of the the Type I point process as

\[\mu_2=\frac{1}{\pi r^2}(1-\frac{\mu_1}{\lambda}).\]


I wrote the sampling code in MATLAB and Python, which are, as usual, very similar to each other. The code, which is is located here, simulates both Type I and II Matérn points processes. It also compares the empirical intensity to the the values given by the mathematical expressions in the previous section.


The MATLAB code is here.


The Python code is here.


I have plotted single realizations of the Matern Type I and II point processes, as well as the underlying Poisson point process in the same window.



Further reading

Matérn hard-core point processes are covered in standard books on the related fields of spatial statistics, point processes and stochastic geometry, such as the following: Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R by Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, on page 140; Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns Statistics by Illian, Penttinen, Stoyan, amd Stoyan, Section 6.5.2, starting on page 388; and; Stochastic Geometry and its Applications by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall and Mecke, Section 5.4, starting on page 176. The first two books are particularly good for beginners.

The aforementioned book Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R is written by spatial statistics experts Baddeley, Rubak and Turner. It covers the spatial statistics (and point process simulation) R-package spatstat., which has the functions rMaternI and rMaternII for simulating the two point processes respectively.