
I work with mathematical and statistical models often involving uncertainty. The topics have covered risk models, financial models, phone networks, blockchain dynamics, and machine learning. I use tools from applied probability, statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

My published work can be found as preprints and articles listed on my Google Scholar profile located here.

Some of my code can be found on my GitHub repository located here.


I write posts about various topics including applied probability, statistics, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Often in those posts I present code, typically written in MATLAB and Python, which is all on GitHub located here. Some of that code has been frozen and buried.

Profile photos

Inspired by the many that came before me, I decided to have a dated outdoors photo for my profile picture, demonstrating that I have been outside, at least once, in the real world. The photo was taken in Ecuador.


I have also been to Monte Carlo Land (possibly not its real name).

Me MonteCarlo

Title photo

If the title photo has balloons in it, which is also shown in this post, then it was taken by me early one morning in Cappadocia, Turkey. And I know what you’re wondering: Do the balloons form a Poisson point process? The answer is yes, probably, from that angle, but probably not from above as the balloons would (hopefully) exhibit some form of repulsion.