The first MC in MCMC methods

Markov chains form a fundamentally important class of stochastic processes. It would be hard to over stress their importance in probability, statistics, and, more broadly, science and technology. They are indispensable in random simulations, particularly those based on the Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. In this post, we’ll have a look some Markov chain basics needed for such simulation methods.

This is the first part of a series of posts on Mark chain Monte Carlo methods. This post covers the basics of Markov chains, which is the more involved part. The second part will cover Monte Carlo methods. The third part will combine the ideas from the first two parts. Overall, the three posts will sketch the mechanics of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.

Markov chains vs Markov processes

All Markov chains are Markov processes. Some people use the term Markov chain to refer to discrete-time Markov processes with general state spaces. Other people prefer the term Markov chain for continuous-time Markov processes with countable state spaces.1In his book Applied Probability and Queues Asmussen writes:

In this book, we use the terminology that a Markov chain has discrete time and a Markov process has continuous time (the state space may be discrete or general). However, one should note that it is equally common to let “chain” refer to a discrete state space and “process” to a general one (time may be discrete or continuous).

Nevertheless, the first MC in the MCMC suggests the Markov chain Monte Carlo crowd prefers the former sense of Markov chain, given the use of discrete-time Markov processes in their simulations.

Markov the frog

Some writers introduce Markov chains with a mental image of a frog jumping around lily pads scattered over a pond. (Presumably the frog never misses a lily pad.) We assume the frog randomly chooses the next lily pad through some random mechanism. Perhaps the distances between lily pads or their sizes influence the chances that frog will jump between them.

We further assume that the frog is a bit particular, preferring to jump in certain directions more than others. More precisely, the probability of our frog jumping from a lily pad labelled \(x\) to another labelled \(y\) is \(P(x,y)\). But jumping in the opposite direction happens with probability \(P(y,x)\), which in general is not equal to \(P(x,y)\).

I typically use the term points, but the Markov literature usually says that the Markov chain visits states.

State space

We can interpret a Markov chain, a type of stochastic process, as a collection or sequence of random variables. 2I briefly detailed stochastic processes in a previous post.The values of the random variables are points in some mathematical space \(\mathbb{X}\). This space can be quite abstract, but in practice it’s usually the lattice \(\mathbb{Z}^n\), Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^n\), or a subset of one of these two spaces. For our frog example, all the lily pads in the pond form the state space.

We’ll only consider countable Markov chains where the number of points in the state space \(\mathbb{X}\) is countable. Although the results and theory generally hold for more general state spaces, the accompanying work requires more technical mathematics. For finite and countable state spaces, we can use standard probability and matrix knowledge. But when we use uncountable state spaces such as \(\mathbb{R}^n\), we enter the world of measure theory and functional analysis.

I will often write a point \(x\) in a (state) space \(\mathbb{X}\). But you can say an element \(x\) of a set \(\mathbb{X}\). Many authors refers to the points or elements as states of the Markov chain. In the frog example, each lily pad is a different state.

Markov property

A discrete-time countable Markov chain is a random process that jumps between points of some countable mathematical space \(\mathbb{X}\) such that, when at point \(x \in \mathbb{X}\), the next position is chosen according to a probability distribution \(P(x,·)\) depending only on \(x\).

More specifically, a sequence of random variables \((X_0, X_1, . . .)\) is a discrete-time Markov chain \(X\) with a countable state space
\(\mathbb{X}\) and kernel \(P\) if for all \(x,y \in \mathbb{X}\) and all \(t \geq 1\) satisfying \(\mathbb{P}[X_{t−1}=x_{t-1},\dots,X_0=x_0]>0\), we have

$$ \begin{align}\mathbb{P}[X_{t+1} =y|&X_{t}=x,X_{t−1}=x_{t-1},\dots,X_0=x_0]\\&=\mathbb{P}[X_{t+1} =y|X_t =x]\\&=P(x,y)\,.\end{align}$$

This equation is often called the Markov property.

The Markov property says that the conditional probability of jumping from point \(x\) to \(y\) remains the same, regardless of which points or states \(x_0,x_1,\dots,x_{t-1}\) were previously visited. This is precisely why the kernel \(P\) contains all the information needed to describe the future random evolution of the Markov chain.

We have assumed the probabilities given by \(P\) are fixed, meaning we have described a homogeneous Markov chain.

Markov kernel

The kernel \(P\) is called the Markov (transition) kernel or probability kernel. Assuming a countable state space \(\mathbb{X}\), we can reference any probability value of the kernel \(P\) with two variables \(x,y\in\mathbb{X}\). If we assume a finite state space \(\mathbb{X}\), then the kernel \(P\) becomes a regular matrix taught in linear algebra. An infinite but countable state space gives an infinite matrix \(P\). The rows of the kernel matrix \(P\) must add up to one, because each row is a probability measure.

A more general space, such as Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^n\), results in a more general kernel with respect to a suitable measure. In this setting, \(P(x,·)\) is no longer a probability mass function, but a general probability measure.

Initial distribution

At time \(t=0\) we describe the random initial configuration of a Markov process with a probability distribution \(\mu_0\). For a finite or countable Markov chain, this initial distribution \(\mu_0\) corresponds to a probability mass function encoded as a row vector.

Jumping from \(x\) to \(y\)

The probability distribution \(\mu_0\) gives the probability of starting in state (or at point) \(x\in\mathbb{X}\). After one time step, we can write down the probability distribution \(\mu_1\) that gives us the different probabilities of the Markov chain being at different states. At \(n=1\), basic matrix algebra and probability rules give us the matrix equation

$$\mu_1=\mu_0 P$$

By induction, after \(t\) time steps we have the expression

$$\mu_n=\mu_0 P^n\,.$$

where the superscript \(n\) denotes matrix power. We can write the \(n\)-time step kernel as \(P_{(n)}\), which for a finite Markov chain is given by the matrix equation \(P_{(n)}=P^n\).

Seeing how \(P_{(n)}\) behaves as \(n\) approaches infinity forms part of work that studies the convergence and ergodicity properties of Markov chains. I’ll make these concepts clearer below. But first I’ll give some conditions that are typically needed.

Regularity conditions

A Markov chain with a countable state space needs some conditions to ensure convergence and ergodicity.

Regularity conditions

  1. A stationary distribution \(\pi\)
  2. Aperiodicity
  3. Irreducibility
  4. Postive recurrence

The nature of the state space and the kernel will dictate these conditions. These conditions are also not necessarily logically distinct. For example, on a finite state space, you’ll get positive recurrence for free, because an aperiodic, irreducible Markov chain with a finite state space is always positive recurrent.

We now briefly detail these conditions and in another post I’ll give examples how the conditions can be met.

Stationary distribution \(\pi\)

It’s possible to encounter a probability distribution \(\pi\) where applying the kernel \(P\) returns the same distribution \(\pi\), meaning

$$ \pi=\pi P\,.$$

This (fixed-point) equation is called the balance equation.

The distribution \(\pi\) is called the stationary, invariant or steady-state distribution. A Markov chain does not need to have a stationary distribution. And if a Markov chain does have one, it may not be unique. Its existence and uniqueness will depend on the Markov kernel \(P\).

Showing that a unique stationary distribution exists and it is possible to reach it with probability one is the stuff of Markov convergence results. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods hinge upon these results .


It is possible for a Markov chain to get trapped in a loop, periodically visiting the same states. The period \(d_x\) of a state \(x\in \mathbb{x}\) is the greatest common divisor of all \(n\) values such that \(P(x,x)^n>0\). If the period of a point is \(d_x=1\), then we say it’s aperiodic. If every state of a Markov chain is aperiodic, we says it’s an aperiodic Markov chain.

Aperiodicity means there are no loops to trap the Markov chain. This property is typically needed for convergence results.


A Markov chain with a countable state space \(\mathbb{X}\) is irreducible if the Markov chain can go from any point \(x\in\mathbb{X}\) to another other point \(x\in\mathbb{X}\) with a positive probability in a finite number of time steps. In other words, there exists a natural number \(s\) such that \(P(x,y)^s>0\) for all \(x,y\in\mathbb{X}\).

Irreducibility ensures that a Markov chain will visit all the states in its state space. This property is also needed for convergence results.


When studying Markov processes, a quantity of interest is how much time it takes to return to a state or point. For a point \(x\in\mathbb{X}\), we define its first return time as

$$ T_x^+=\min\{ t\geq 1: X_t=x\} \,.$$

As the name suggests, this random variable is the number of time steps for the Markov process return to state \(x\), taking whichever path, conditioned on it starting at \(x\).

We call a state \(x\) recurrent if the probability of its first return time being finite is one, meaning \(\mathbb{P}_x(T_x^+<\infty)=1\). Otherwise the state \(x\) is said to be transient.

Positive recurrence

We can classify different types of recurrence based on the expected value of the first return times. A state \(x\) is called positive recurrent if the expected value of its first return time is finite, meaning \(\mathbb{E}_x(T_x^+)<\infty\). Otherwise state \(x\) is null recurrent.

For a countable Markov chain, if all the states in the state space are (positive) recurrent, so \(\mathbb{E}_x(T_x^+)<\infty\) for all \(x\in\mathbb{X}\), then we say the Markov chain is (positive) recurrent.

Again, the concept of positive recurrence is needed for convergence results.


We say a countable Markov chain is ergodic if it is irreducible, aperiodic and positive recurrent.3See, for example, Basics of Applied Stochastic Process by Serfozo (page 26) or Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes by Bremaud (page 262). Ergodicity allows one to find averages by employing a more general form of the law of large numbers, which Monte Carlo methods rely upon. We stress that definitions of ergodicity vary somewhat, but in general it means convergence and laws of large numbers exists.

Further reading

Any stochastic process book will include a couple of chapters on Markov chains such as:

    • Brémaud – Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes;
    • Serfozo -Basics of Applied Stochastic Processes.

For more details, there are many books dedicated entirely to the subject of Markov chains. For example, introductory books include:

  • Brémaud – Markov Chains, Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simulation and Queues;
  • Levin, Peres, and Wilmer – Markov Chains and Mixing Times;
  • Norris – Markov Chains.

Those books cover Markov chains with countable state spaces. If you want to read about discrete-time Markov chains with general state spaces, try the book:

  • Meyn, Tweedie – Markov chains and stochastic stability

All the above books have a section on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, such as the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm or the Gibbs sampler.

The acceptance(-rejection) method for simulating random variables

In a previous post, I covered a simple but much used method for simulating random variables or, rather, generating random variates. To simulate a random variable, the method requires, in an easy fashion, calculating the inverse of its cumulative distribution function. But you cannot always do that.

In lieu of this, the great John von Neumann wrote in a 1951 paper that you can sample a sequence of values from another probability distribution, accepting only the values that meet a certain condition based on this other distribution and the desired distribution, while rejecting all the others. The accepted values will follow the desired probability distribution. This method of simulation or sampling is called the rejection method, the acceptance method, and it has even the double-barrelled name the acceptance-rejection (AR) method.


Let \(X\) be a continuous random variable with a (probability) density \(p(x)\), which is the derivative of its cumulative probability distribution \(P(X\leq x)\). The density \(p(x)\) corresponds to the desired or target distribution from which we want to sample. For whatever reason, we cannot directly simulate the random variable \(X\). (Maybe we cannot use the inverse method because \(P(X\leq x)\) is too complicated.)

The idea that von Newman had was to assume that we can easily simulate another random variable, say, \(Y\) with the (probability) density \(q(x)\). The density \(q(x)\) corresponds to a proposal distribution that we can sample (by using, for example, the inverse method).

Now we further assume that there exists some finite constant \(M>0\) such that we can bound \(p(x)\) by \(Mq(x)\), meaning

$$ p(x) \leq M q(x), \text{ for all } x . $$

Provided this, we can then sample the random variable \(Y\) and accept a value of it (for a value of \(X\)) with probability

$$\alpha = \frac{p(Y)}{Mq(Y)}.$$

If the sampled value of \(Y\) is not accepted (which happens with probability \(1-\alpha\)), then we must repeat this random experiment until a sampled value of \(Y\) is accepted.


We give the pseudo-code for the acceptance-rejection method suggested by von Neumann.

Random variable \(X\) with density \(p(x)\)

  1. Sample a random variable \(Y\) with density \(q(x)\), giving a sample value \(y\).
  2. Calculate the acceptance probability \(\alpha = \frac{p(y)}{Mq(y)}\).
  3. Sample a uniform random variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\), giving a sample value \(u\).
  4. Return the value \(y\) (for the value of \(X\)) if \(u\leq \alpha\), otherwise go to Step 1 and repeat.

As covered in a previous post, Steps 3 and 4 are equivalent to accepting the value \(y\) with probability \(\alpha\).

Point process application

In the context of point processes, this method is akin to thinning point processes independently. This gives a method for positioning points non-uniformly by first placing the points uniformly. The method then thins points based on the desired intensity function. As I covered in a previous post, this is one way to simulate an inhomogeneous (or nonhomogeneous) Poisson point process.


Basic probability theory tells us that the number of experiment runs (Steps 1 to 3) until acceptance is a geometric variable with parameter \(\alpha\). On average the acceptance(-rejection) method will take \(1/\alpha\) number of simulations to sample one value of the random \(X\) of the target distribution. The key then is to make the proposal density \(q(x)\) as small as possible (and adjust \(M\) accordingly), while still keeping the inequality \(p(x) \leq M q(x)\).

Higher dimensions

The difficulty of the acceptance(-rejection) method is finding a good proposal distribution such that the product \(Mq(x)\) is not much larger than the target density \(p(x)\). In one-dimension, this can be often done, but in higher dimensions this becomes increasingly difficult. Consequently, this method is typically not used in higher dimensions.

Another approach with an acceptance step is the Metropolis-Hastings method, which is the quintessential Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. This method and its cousins have become exceedingly popular, as they give ways to simulate collections of dependent random variables that have complicated (joint) distributions.

Further reading

The original paper where the acceptance(-rejection) method appears (on page 769 in the right-hand column) is:

  • von Neumann, Various techniques used in connection with random digits, 1951.

The usual books on stochastic simulations and Monte Carlo methods will detail this method. For example, see the book by Devroye (Section II.3) or the more recent Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods (Section 3.1.5) by Kroese, Taimre and Botev. The book Stochastic Simulation: Algorithms and Analysis by Asmussen and Glynn also covers the method in Section 2b.

Other books include those by Fishman (Section 8.5) and Gentle (Section 4.5) respectively.

The Box-Muller method for simulating normal variables

In the previous post, I covered a simple but much used method for simulating random variables or, rather, generating random variates. To simulate a random variable, the method requires writing down, in a tractable manner, the inverse of its cumulative distribution function.

But in the case of the normal (or Gaussian) distribution, there is no closed-form expression for its cumulative distribution function nor its inverse. This means you cannot, in an elegant and fast way at least, generate with the inverse method a single normal random variable using a single uniform random variable.

Interestingly, however, you can generate two (independent) normal variables with two (independent) uniform variables using the Box-Muller method, originally proposed by George Box and Mervin E. Muller. This approach uses the inverse method, but in practice it’s not used much (see below). I detail this method because I find it neat and it highlights the connection between the normal distribution and rotational symmetry, which has been the subject of some recent 3Blue1Brown videos on YouTube.

(This method was also used to simulate the Thomas point process, which I covered in a previous post.)

Incidentally, this connection is also mentioned in a previous post on simulating a Poisson point process on the surface of a sphere.  In that method post, Method 2 uses an observation by the Muller that normal random variables can be used to position points uniformly on spheres.

I imagine this method was first observed by transforming two normal variables, instead of guessing various distribution pairs that would work.  Then I’ll sketch the proof in the opposite direction, though it works in both directions.

Proof outline

The joint probability density of two independent variables is simply the product of the two individual probabilities densities. Then the joint density of two standard normal variables is


Now it requires a change of coordinates in two dimensions (from Cartesian to polar) using a Jacobian determinant, which in this case is \(|J(\theta,r)=r|\).1Alternatively, you can simply recall the so-called area element \(dA=r\,dr\,d\theta\).  giving a new joint probability density

$$f_{\Theta,R}(\theta,r)=\left[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\right]\left[ r\,e^{-r^2/2}\right]\,.$$

Now we just identify the two probability densities. The first probability density corresponds to a uniform variable on \([0, 2\pi]\), whereas the second is that of a Rayleigh variable with parameter \(\sigma=1\). Of course the proof works in the opposite direction because the transformation (between Cartesian and polar coordinates) is a one-to-one function.


Here’s the Box-Muller method for simulating two (independent) standard normal variables with two (independent) uniform random variables.

Two (independent) standard normal random variable \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\)

  1. Generate two (independent) uniform random variables \(U_1\sim U(0,1)\) and \(U_2\sim U(0,1)\).
  2. Return \(Z_1=\sqrt{-2\ln U_1}\cos(2\pi U_2)\) and \(Z_2=\sqrt{-2\ln U_1}\sin(2\pi U_2)\).

The method effectively samples a uniform angular variable \(\Theta=2\pi U_2\) on the interval \([0,2\pi]\) and a radial variable \(R=\sqrt{-2\ln U_1}\) with a Rayleigh distribution.

The algorithm produces two independent standard normal variables. Of course, as many of us learn in high school, if \(Z\) is a standard normal variable, then the random variable \(X=\sigma Z +\mu\) is a normal variable with mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma>0\) .

The Box-Muller method is rarely used

Sadly this method isn’t typically used, as historically computer processors were slow at doing the calculations, so other methods were employed such as the ziggurat algorithm. Also, although processors can now do such calculations much faster, many languages, not just scientific ones, come with functions for generating normal variables. Consequently, there’s not much need in implementing this method.

Further reading


Many websites detail this method. Here’s a couple:


The original paper (which is freely available here) is:

  • 1958 – Box and Muller, A Note on the Generation of Random Normal Deviates.

Another paper by Muller connects normal variables and the (surface of a) sphere:

  • 1959 – Muller, A note on a method for generating points uniformly on n-dimensional spheres.


Many books on stochastic simulation cover the Box-Muller method. The classic book by Devroye with the descriptive title Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation covers this method; see Section 4.1. There’s also the Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods by Kroese, Taimre and Botev; see Section Ripley also covers the method (and he makes a remark with some snark that many people incorrectly spell it the Box-Müller method); see Section 3.1. The book Stochastic Simulation: Algorithms and Analysis by Asmussen and Glynn also mention the method and a variation by Marsaglia; see Examples 2.11 and 2.12.

The inverse method for simulating random variables

We will cover a simple but much used method for simulating random variables or, rather, random variates. Although the material here is found in introductory probability courses, it frequently forms the foundation of more advance stochastic simulation techniques, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.


The basics of probability theory tell us that any random variable can, in theory, be written as a function of a uniform random variable \(U\) distributed on the interval \((0,1)\), which is usually written as \(U\sim U(0,1)\). All one needs is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the desired random variable.

More specifically, let \(X\) be a random variable with a cumulative distribution function \(F(x)=\mathbb{P}(X\leq x)\). The function \(F\) is nondecreasing in \(x\), so its inverse can be defined as \(F^{-1}(y)=\inf\{x:F(x)\geq y\}\), which is known as the generalized inverse of \(F(x)\).

Some authors assume the minimum is attained so the infimum is replaced with the minimum, giving \(F^{-1}(y)=\min\{x:F(x)\geq y\}\).

In short, the following result is all that we need.

Transform of a uniform variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\)

For a uniform random variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\), the random variable \(F^{-1}(U)\) has the cumulative distribution function \(\mathbb{P}(F^{-1}(U)\leq x)=P(U\leq F(x))=F(x)\).


The above observation gives a method, which I like to call the direct method, for exactly simulating a random variable \(X\) with the (cumulative) distribution (function) \(F\).

Random variable \(X\) with distribution \(F\)

  1. Sample a uniform random variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\), giving a value \(u\).
  2. Return the value \(x=F^{-1}(u)\) as the sampled value of \(U\).

But this approach only works if we can write down (in a relatively straightforward way) the inverse \(F^{-1}\), which is usually not the case. This means you cannot generate, for example, simulate a normal random variable with a single uniform random variable by using just the inverse method, as we cannot write down the inverse of its cumulative distribution function.

(Interestingly, with two (independent) uniform random variables, we can use the transform method to simulate two (independent) normal (or Gaussian) random variables. This approach is called the Box-Muller transform, which I’ll cover in another post.)

Nevertheless, we can apply the inverse method to some useful distributions.


Warning: The following examples are only for illustration purposes. Except for the Bernoulli example, you would never use them in standard scientific languages such as MATLAB, Python (with NumPy), R or Julia, because those languages already have much better functions for simulating these and many other random variables (or variates). If you are writing a function in a language that lacks such functions, I would consult one of the references mentioned below. Although the inverse method is usually intuitive and elegant, it is often not the fastest method.

Bernoulli distribution

The simplest random variable is that with the Bernoulli distribution. With probability \(p\), a Bernoulli random variable \(X\) takes the value one. Otherwise, \(X\) takes the value zero (with probability \(1-p\)). This gives the (cumulative) distribution (function):

$$ F_B(x)=\begin{cases}
0 & \text{if } x < 0 \\
1 – p & \text{if } 0 \leq x < 1 \\
1 & \text{if } x \geq 1

This gives a very simple way to simulate (or sample) a Bernoulli variable \(X\) with parameter \(p\).

Bernoulli random variable \(X\) with parameter \(p\)

  1. Sample a uniform random variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\), giving a value \(u\).
  2. If \(u\leq p\), return \(x=1\); otherwise return \(x=0\).
Application: Acceptance simulation methods

In random simulation code, whenever you do something (or not) with some probability \(p\) (or probability \(1-p\)), then the code will perform the above step. Consequently, you see this in the (pseudo-)code of many stochastic simulations with random binary choices, particularly schemes that have an acceptance step such the Metropolis-Hastings method and other Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.

In MCMC schemes, a random (binary) choice is proposed and it is accepted with a certain probability, say, \(\alpha \). This is the equivalent of accepting the proposed choice if some uniform random variable \(U\) meets the condition \(U\leq \alpha\).

This explains why the pseudo-code of the same algorithm can vary. Some pseudo-code will say accept with probability \(\alpha\), while other pseudo-code will say do if \(U\leq \alpha\). It’s two equivalent formulations.

Exponential distribution

The cumulative distribution function of an exponential variable with mean \(1/\lambda\) is \(F_E(x)= 1-e^{-\lambda x}\), which has the inverse \(F^{-1}_E(y)=-(1/\mu)\ln[1-y]\). We can use the fact that on the interval \((0,1)\), a uniform variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\) and \(1-U\) have the same distribution. Consequently, the random variables \(\ln [1-U]\) and \(\ln U\) are equal in distribution.

This gives a method for simulating exponential random variables.

Exponential random variable \(X\) with mean \(1/\lambda\)

  1. Sample a uniform random variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\), giving a value \(u\).
  2. Return \(x=-(1/\lambda)\ln u\).
Application: Poisson simulation method

Of course you can use this method to simulate exponential random variables, but it has another application. In a previous post on simulating Poisson variables, I mentioned that exponential random variables can be used to simulate a Poisson random variable in a direct (or exact) manner. That method is based on the distances between the points of a homogeneous Poisson point process (on the real line) being exponential random variables.

But this method is only suitable for low values of \(\lambda\), less than say fifteen.

Rayleigh distribution

The Rayleigh distribution is \(\mathbb{P}(X\leq x)= (x/\sigma^2)e^{-x^2/(2\sigma^2)}\), where \(\sigma>0\) is its scale parameter. The square root of an exponential variable with mean \(1/\lambda\) has a Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter \(\sigma=1/\sqrt{2\lambda}\).

Consequently, the generation method is similar to the previous example.

Rayleigh random variable \(Y\) with scale parameter \(\sigma>0\)

  1. Sample a uniform random variable \(U\sim U(0,1)\), giving a value \(u\).
  2. Return \(y=\sigma\sqrt{-2\ln u}\).

Other methods

The inverse method is intuitive and often succinct. But most functions for simulating random variables (or, more correctly, generating random variates) do not use these methods, as they are not fast under certain parameter regimes, such as large means. Consequently, other method are used such as approximations (with, say, normal random variables), such as the ones I outlined in this post on simulating Poisson random variables.

More complicated random systems, such as collections of dependent variables, can be simulated using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, which is the direction we’ll take in a couple posts after this one.

Further reading

The inverse technique is in your favourite introductory book on probability theory. The specific examples here are covered in books on stochastic simulations and Monte Carlo methods. The classic book by Devroye covers these topics; see Section 2.1 and the examples (inverse method) in Chapter 2.

For a modern take, there’s the extensive Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods by Kroese, Taimre and Botev; see Section 3.1.1, Algorithm 4.1 (Bernoulli) and Algorithm 4.29 (exponential), and Algorithm 4.66 (Rayleigh). There’s also the book Stochastic Simulation: Algorithms and Analysis by Asmussen and Gynn; in Chapter 2, see Example 2.1 (Bernoulli) and Exampe 2.3 (exponential).

Other books include those by Fishman (Section 8.1) and Gentle (Section 4.1) respectively. (Warning: the book by Gentle has a mistake on page 105 in algorithm for sampling Bernoulli variables, as noted by the author. It should be \(1-\pi\) and not \(\pi\) when zero is returned for the sampled value of the Bernoulli variable.)

The Newman-Ziff algorithm for simulating percolation models

Imagine you’re trying to estimate some statistics about a certain percolation system. For example, estimating the probability of a given bond being open, which means connected, when a giant component forms. The system or model is too complicated for analytic results, which is true for all percolation models with the exception of a handful.

So you code up the percolation model in your favourite programming language, run a large number of stochastic simulations, collect the statistics, and then look at the results. Percolation systems are, by definition, large, but with fast computers, the simulation method works. You get your statistics.


But that’s just for one parameter. What if you want to see what happens with a range of parameter values? Well, you do the same thing, but now just run the large number of simulations for a range of different parameter values, right?


You could do that, and it would work. But it would be slow. How to make it faster?

Newman and Ziff proposed and implemented a fast percolation algorithm based on the simple ideas of keeping old simulations and using conditional probabilities.


The algorithm was presented in this paper:

  • 2000 – Newman, Ziff – Efficient Monte Carlo Algorithm and High-Precision Results for Percolation

There exists a preprint with a slightly different title.

  • 2001 – Newman, Ziff – A fast Monte Carlo algorithm for site or bond percolation.


The simulation method consists of three components.

Components of the Newman-Ziff algorithm

  1. Re-use parts of previous simulation outcomes by shuffling.
  2. Use fast union-find algorithms.
  3. Find a smooth curve of results by using conditional probabilities.

None of them are entirely revolutionary, but put together they form a fast (and popular) simulation method for studying (monotonic) percolation models.

1. Randomly sampling sequences

The main insight was to sample in an incremental fashion, adding an open bond to the percolation model, such as a lattice, during each simulation run, without  throwing away the previous simulation. More specifically, let’s say they sample a bond model with \(k\) open bonds during one simulation run. Then in the next simulation, use the same configuration, and simply add one bond.

This is a nice trick, but there’s no free lunch here. On one hand, they don’t waste results. But on the other hand, they do throw away independence (and ergodicity) by doing this. But perhaps the numerical results don’t care.

To do this step, Newman and Ziff use a random shuffling algorithm called the Fisher-Yates shuffle. But it’s not clear if Newmand and Ziff thought of this shuffling algorithm independently or not. They never call it by its name nor do they cite any work on this well-known shuffling method. Both MATLAB and Python (SciPy) have functions for doing random shuffles.

2. Using union-find

Imagine you have a collection of things. Some of these things are connected to other things in your collection. You want to understand how these clusters of connected things behave.

To find the clusters, looking for ultimately the biggest one, Newman and Ziff use a union-find method. There are different types of these alogrithms, often hinging upon the use of recursion. They were developed mostly in the 1980s, particularly in work by Robert Tarjan.

These methods are very efficient at finding clusters. The algorithm speed or, rather, complexity is given in relation to the inverse of an Ackermann function, which is a famously fast growing function. These methods rely upon the monotonicity of growing unions.

(If you have a non-monotonic percolating system, then unfortunately you can’t use these algorithms, which is the case for percolation based on signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). )

3. Filling in the parameter gaps

For any random sample of a percolation model, the number of open bonds or sites is a natural number. But the parameter of the percolation model, such as the probability of a site or bond being open, is a real number.

Newman and Ziff use a simple conditioning argument to fill the gaps.

For any statistic \(S\) of of a given percolation model, the Newman-Ziff algorithm finds the expected statistic conditioned on \(n\) number of open bonds (or equivalent objects in other models). In other words, the algorithm finds the expected conditional statistics \(E[S_n|N=n]\). Then we just need the probability of \(N\) being \(n\) as a function of the parameter we’re trying to vary, such as the bond probability \(p\). With this probability \(P(N=n)\), we immediately arrive at the expression for the statistic \(S\) with introductory probability

$$ E(S_n)=E_N [E(S_n|N=n)].$$

For a nice discrete model with \(m\) total, we get the expression

$$ E(S_n)=\sum _{n=1}^{m}[P(N=n)S_n].$$

But we know the probability (distribution) of \(N\), as it’s simply the binomial variable. Assuming there are \(m\) total bonds (or equivalent objects), then we arrive at

$$P(N=n)={m\choose n} p^n(1-p)^{m-n} .$$

Then the final statistic or result is simply

$$E(S_n)=\sum _{n=1}^{m} {m\choose n} p^n(1-p)^{m-n} S_n.$$


I wrote the algorithm in MATLAB and Python. The code can be found here. I’ve included a script for plotting the results (for small square lattices).


It turns out that MATLAB doesn’t like recursion too much. Well, at least that’s my explanation for the slow results when I use the union-find method with recursion. So I used the union-find method without recursion.


My Python code is mostly for illustration purposes. Check out this Python library. That website warns of the traps that multithreading in NumPy can pose.


In the other original paper, Newman and Ziff included C code of their algorithm. You can find it on Newman’s website, but I have also a copy of it (with added comments from me) located here.

Future work

I plan to implement this algorithm using the NVIDIA CUDA library. This is exactly the type of algorithm that we can implement and run using graphical processing units (GPUs), which is the entire point of the CUDA library.

At first glance, the spatial dependence of the problem suggests using texture memory to speed up the memory accessing on the GPUs. But I will explain why that’s probably not a good idea for this specific algorithm

Further reading

Newman wrote the very readable book:

  • Newman, Networks: An introduction, Oxford Academic.

Using more words than equations (not a criticism), Newman explains the logic behind the algorithm.

The Newman-Ziff algorithm exists in the Python library PyPercolate:

Union-find algorithms are now standard fare in computer science books. I recommend the book by Tarjan himself:

  • Tarjan, Data structures and network algorithms, SIAM.

Some of these algorithms are covered in standard computer science textbooks on algorithms. For example:

  • Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein,  Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT Press;
  • Sedgewick and Wayne,  Algorithms, Addison-Wesley.

This website gives a quick introduction to union-find in Python:

Who was S.R. Broadbent?

I found myself recently wondering who the first author was of a seminal paper that created a mathematical field. I did some online digging and I noted my findings here for others who may ask the same question.

Percolation theory

The 1957 paper by S.R. Broadbent and J.M. Hammersley gave birth to percolation theory. I noticed the author affiliations:

S.R. Broadbent, United Glass Bottle Manufacturers
J.M. Hammersley, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Research Establishment Harwell

I knew John Hammersley’s name already, as he had co-written a classic book on Monte Carlo methods. Indeed, if you look at the end of the paper, you see the paper’s idea was born at an early conference on Monte Carlo methods.

But who was S.R. Broadbent? And what was he doing at a bottle factory?

Probability work

This Broadbent character was a bit mysterious. At first, it seemed as though the writer always published as S.R. Broadbent — so much so, I thought he might be a she. Such things have happened before, as the story behind the influential 1960 paper by A.H. Land and A.G. Doig demonstrated.1Alisa H. Land only died in 2021. Alison G. Doig is still alive but she has been known as Alison Harcourt and has worked as a tutor at the University of Melbourne for many, many years.

From the start I could see S.R. Broadbent was strong in probability. In the 1950s Broadbent wrote probability papers, including a 1953 paper co-written by the British father of stochastic geometry David G. Kendall. 2For those across the La Manche, the French father of stochastic geometry is Georges Matheron. The Broadbent and Kendall paper has the improbable title The Random Walk of Trichostrongylus retortaeformis. (It’s a type of larva.)

And then I was thrown by the title of a paper co-written by Broadbent in the 1960s: A computer assessment of media schedules.

Simon says ley lines are just spatial coincidences

Then I lost track of S.R. Broadbent in terms of academic papers. I had almost given up, assuming Broadbent had left academia. But then I saw Broadbent’s name mentioned in the acknowledgements in a famous spatial statistics paper written by David Kendall in 1989. In the paper Kendalls cites a 1980 paper written by S.R. Broadbent. The subject was the statistics of ley lines — it’s a thing — showing they can be explained by mere chance. And in the acknowledgements Kendall thanks a certain Simon Broadbent — presumably he’s S.R. Broadbent whose paper Kendall cited.

Had I found the S.R. Broadbent? I was a bit skeptical, but then he’s mentioned as Simon Broadbent in this obituary of Hammersley:

Despite the title of the paper, ‘Poor man’s Monte Carlo’, the lasting contributions are the clear statement of the problem of counting self-avoiding walks, the use of subadditivity to prove the existence of the connective constant, and the discussion of random media that culminated in Simon Broadbent’s formulation of the percolation model.

That reassured me.

And then I found two 1950s papers (1954 and 1958) by a Simon Broadbent, not S.R. Broadbent, published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics. I had actually stumbled upon the 1958 paper earlier in my searches. Initially I didn’t think it was S.R. Broadbent because the journal referred to the author as Dr Simon Broadbent, and I thought only medical doctors do that to each other. But it’s a statistics journal. So it’s probably S.R. Broadbent. Also, for this 1954 paper in the same journal they call him Mr Simon Broadbent.

And then I looked at the paper by Broadbent that David Kendall cited, and in that paper Broadbent acknowledges Kendall. And then I noticed that this paper was actually written by Simon Broadbent, but Kendall had cited the paper and written its author as S.R. Broadbent. The final link. S.R. Broadbent was Simon Broadbent — whoever that was.

I thought I had come to the end. But I hadn’t.

Advertising guru

A non-scientific article had floated up in my search results talking about the death of some big name in advertising. Seeing the title and reading the start, I thought it couldn’t be the same Simon Broadbent.

Simon asked simple questions: How does advertising work? How much advertising is enough? How can we tell whether our ad campaign has succeeded? Is adspend profitable?
When he entered advertising in the 60s, none of these questions had satisfactory answers. Many doubted they could ever be answered. Simon did more than anyone to show that advertising can contribute to profit, and that it is not a cost that can be cut with no effect on sales.

But after reading more, I realized this had to be the very same Broadbent.

He answered advertising questions with the rigour of a mathematician and the clarity of a poet. He read engineering at Cambridge, took an applauded first in mathematics and a diploma in statistics at Magdalen, Oxford, and completed his doctorate in statistics at Imperial, London. His poetry was published by Blackwell’s while he was still an undergraduate.

His lifelong interest was applying statistics to problems that nobody had thought amenable to statistical analysis. His paper to the Royal Statistical Society, In Search of the Ley Hunter, debunked claims for the existence of megalithic ley lines, pointing out that there were fewer alleged lines than would be expected from a random distribution of points between which lines could be drawn. Preparing the paper also allowed him to crawl about in Greenwich Park, testing the likely accuracy of stone-age surveying devices using instruments he had built himself.

Simon R. Broadbent made quite the impression in advertising, even being called a global legend in media research. Some of his contributions to this field are mentioned in this published tribute. It seems this field remembered him better than his original field. I couldn’t find any tributes focusing on his mathematical contributions.

Mystery solved, except for what the R stands for.

Back to percolation

Now knowing the S stood for Simon, I noticed that Simon Broadbent is mentioned in the Wikipedia article on percolation theory. The article cites a tutorial article by John Hammersley and Dominic Welsh, which gives the original motivation of percolation theory:

The study of percolation originated from a question posed to one of us by S. R. Broadbent (see Hammersley and Morton 1954). Broadbent was at that time working at the British Coal Utilization Research Association on the design of gas masks for use in coal mines. These masks contained porous carbon granules (the medium) into which gas (the fluid) could penetrate. The pores in a granule constituted a random network of tiny interconnecting tunnels, into which the gas could move by surface adsorption; and the question was what properties of such a random network would assist or inhibit the uptake of gas. If the pores were large enough and richly enough connected, the gas could permeate the interior of a granule; but if the pores were too small or inadequately connected, the gas could not get beyond the outer surface of a granule. Thus there was a critical point, above which the mask worked well and below which it was ineffective. Critical phenomena of this sort are typical of percolation processes, and do not, normally arise in ordinary diffusion.

The original Broadbent and Hammersley paper did mention that Broadbent had previously worked at British Coal Utilisation Research Association (BCURA).

(Another aside, the same Wikipedia article says Rosalind Franklin, whose X-ray work helped reveal the structure of DNA, also worked on porous material at the British Coal Utilisation Research Association, before leaving in 1946, which I guess was before Broadbent started working there. You can read about her career, for example, here.)


Simon R. Broadbent was a trained engineer and mathematician who co-founded the thriving mathematical discipline of percolation theory, before leaving that world to go revolutionize the field of advertising by using quantitative methods and writing influential books.

Book manuscript: Random Measures, Point Processes, and Stochastic Geometry

Interested in the theory of point processes? There is the freely available online book manuscript:

  • Baccelli, Błaszczyszyn, and Karray – Random Measures, Point Processes, and Stochastic Geometry.

The authors are established names in the field having written many papers on using point processes to model wireless networks.

(Disclaimer: I have worked and published with them. I have even co-authored a book with one of them.)

Of course there are already books on point process, including the two-volume classic by the Daryl Daley and David Vere-Jones.  Although that work still serves as a good reference, since its publication researchers have produced many new results. This explains the publication of two more recent books on point processes and their generalization random measures:

  • Last and Penrose – Lectures on the Poisson process, Cambridge University Press.
  • Kallenberg – Random Measures, Theory and Applications, Springer.

There’s a free online version of the book by Last and Penrose.

(Disclaimer: Günter Last graciously mentioned my name in the acknowledgements for my very minor contribution to the historical section.)

The manuscript by Baccelli, Błaszczyszyn, and Karray covers newer topics and results by using mathematically rigorous proofs. For example, there are interesting results on determinantal point processes, also called fermion point processes, which started off as a model for subatomic particles in seminal work by Odile Macchi, but they have found applications in wireless network models and machine learning. (I mentioned these later applications in this and this post.)

Despite applications being a strong motivation, the book is not for the faint of hearted in terms of mathematics. In the tradition of French probability, there is plenty of rigour, which means mathematical abstraction, analysis and measure theory.

Update: Mohamed Karray uploaded some lecture slides based on these lectures. Karray is a researcher at Orange Labs in Paris who has research interests in telecommunications (naturally), as well as machine (or statistical) learning.

Further reading

Classic books

Anyone who wants to learn anything about the Poisson point process must consult this gem of mathematical writing:

  • Kingman – Poisson Processes, Oxford Press.

The next volumes were the standard reference on point processes:

  • Daley and Vere-Jones – An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes: Volume I: Elementary theory and Methods, Springer.
  • Daley and Vere-Jones – An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes: Volume II: General theory and Structure, Springer.

Unfortunately, some of the methods are dated and, I am told, there some flaws in some of the mathematical proofs. Still, it has packed full of results and references, serving as a good starting point.

Recent books

As I mentioned above, these two recent books cover the modern theory of point processes:

  • Last and Penrose – Lectures on the Poisson process, Cambridge University Press.
  • Kallenberg – Random Measures, Theory and Applications, Springer.

Determinantal point processes

The applications of determinantal point processes stem from their tractable mathematical properties, some of which were proved by researchers Takahashi and Shirai in the two papers:

  • 2003 – Takahasi and Shirai – Random point fields associated with certain Fredholm determinants I: fermion, Poisson and boson point processes, Journal of Functional Analysis.
  • 2003 – Takahasi and Shirai – Random point fields associated with certain Fredholm determinants II: fermion shifts and their ergodic and Gibbs properties, Annals of Applied Analysis.

Another important paper on these point processes is

  • 2006 – Hough, Krishnapur, Peres, Virág – Determinantal processes and independence.