The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in C

I wrote some C code that basically does what the code in this previous post does without the pretty pictures. The code performs a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, simulating random variables (or more correctly, generating random variates) for two respective probabilities densities in one dimension and two dimensions.

I have covered the topic of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, particularly the central workhorse the Metropolis(-Rosenbluth-Rosenbluth-Teller-Teller)-Hastings algorithm.  For more details on these methods, I have written about these methods in a couple posts, starting with this one and ending with this particularly relevant one.

This code, I suppose, you could call MCMC C code1C:/DOS C:/DOS/RUN RUN/DOS/RUN.

Warning: The code uses the standard pseudo-random number generator in C, which is known for being bad. I only used it to keep the code self-contained. For that reason, I also wrote my code for generating Gaussian (or normal) random variables, by using the Box-Muller transform, but in reality one should never do that.

Where are the pretty pictures?

Unfortunately, doing it in C, you don’t have immediately access to plotting libraries that are available in scientific programming languages such as Python and Julia.

But if you have gnuplot installed, you can perform simple one-dimensional histograms using one-line commands such as:

gnuplot -e “plot ‘MCMCData_1D.csv’ using 1 bins=20;” -persist

In the above command, the file MCMCData_1D.csv has the random variates (the simulated random variables) stored in a single column.


I only present code for the more complicated two-dimensional case. The code can be found here.

Runs a simple Metropolis-Hastings (ie MCMC) algorithm to simulate two
jointly distributed random variables with probability density
p(x,y)=exp(-(x^4+x*y+y^2)/s^2)/consNorm, where s>0 and consNorm is a
normalization constant.

NOTE: This code will create a local file (see variable strFilename) to store results.

WARNING: This code usese the default C random number generator, which is known for failing various tests of randomness.

Author: H. Paul Keeler, 2023.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#define numb(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x)) // size of array
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846        // constant pi for generating polar oordiantes

double *unirand(int numbRand); // generate  uniform random variables on (0,1)
void normrand(double *p_output, int n_output, double mu, double sigma);
// void exppdf(double x_input, double *p_output, int n_output, double m);
double exppdf_single(double x_input, double m);
double pdf_single(double x_input, double y_input, double s);

int main()
    // intializes (pseudo)-random number generator
    time_t timeCPU; // use CPU time for seed
    // srand(42); //to reproduce results

    bool booleWriteData = true;

    // parameters
    int numbSim = 1e4;   // number of random variables simulated
    int numbSteps = 200; // number of steps for the Markov process
    // probability density parameters
    double s = .5; // scale parameter for distribution to be simulated
    double sigma = 2;
    char strFilename[] = "MCMCData_2D.csv"; // filename for storing simulated random variates

    // Metropolis-hastings variables
    double zxRand;      // random step
    double zyRand;      // random step
    double pdfProposal; // density for proposed position
    double pdfCurrent;  // density of current position
    double ratioAccept;
    double *p_uRand; // points to uniform variable for Bernoulli trial (ie a coin flip)
    double *p_numbNormX = (double *)malloc(1 * sizeof(double));
    double *p_numbNormY = (double *)malloc(1 * sizeof(double));

    double *p_xRand = (double *)malloc(numbSim * sizeof(double));
    double *p_yRand = (double *)malloc(numbSim * sizeof(double));

    p_xRand = unirand(numbSim); // random initial values
    p_yRand = unirand(numbSim); // random initial values

    int i, j; // loop varibales
    for (i = 0; i < numbSim; i++)
        // loop through each random walk instance (or random variable to be simulated)
        pdfCurrent = pdf_single(*(p_xRand + i), *(p_yRand + i), s); // current transition probabilities

        for (j = 0; j < numbSteps; j++)
            // loop through each step of the random walk
            normrand(p_numbNormX, 1, 0, sigma);
            normrand(p_numbNormY, 1, 0, sigma);
            // take a(normally distributed) random step
            zxRand = (*(p_xRand + i)) + (*p_numbNormX);
            zyRand = (*(p_yRand + i)) + (*p_numbNormY);

            pdfProposal = pdf_single(zxRand, zyRand, s); // proposed probability

            // acceptance rejection step
            p_uRand = unirand(1);
            ratioAccept = pdfProposal / pdfCurrent;
            if (*p_uRand < ratioAccept)
                // update state of random walk / Markov chain
                *(p_xRand + i) = zxRand;
                *(p_yRand + i) = zyRand;
                pdfCurrent = pdfProposal;

    // initialize statistics variables (for testing results)
    double meanX = 0;
    double meanY = 0;
    double meanXSquared = 0;
    double meanYSquared = 0;
    double tempX;
    double tempY;
    int countSim = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numbSim; i++)
        tempX = *(p_xRand + i);
        tempY = *(p_yRand + i);

        meanX += tempX /1; // output to file
        printf("Data printed to file.\n");

    return (0);

double pdf_single(double x_input, double y_input, double s)
{ // simulate a single exponential random variable with mean m
    double pdf_output;

    // Simulation window parameters
    double xMin = -1;
    double xMax = 1;
    double yMin = -1;
    double yMax = 1;

        pdf_output = exp(-((pow(x_input, 4) + x_input * y_input + pow(y_input, 2)) / (s * s)));
        pdf_output = 0;
    return pdf_output;

void normrand(double *p_output, int n_output, double mu, double sigma)
    // simulate pairs of iid normal variables using Box-Muller transform

    double U1, U2, temp_theta, temp_Rayleigh, Z1, Z2;
    double *p_U1, *p_U2;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < n_output)
        // simulate variables in polar coordinates
        // U1 = (double)rand() / (double)((unsigned)RAND_MAX + 1); // generate random variables on (0,1)
        p_U1 = unirand(1);
        U1 = *p_U1;

        temp_theta = 2 * PI * U1; // create uniform theta values
        // U2 = (double)rand() / (double)((unsigned)RAND_MAX + 1); // generate random variables on (0,1)
        p_U2 = unirand(1);
        U2 = *p_U2;
        temp_Rayleigh = sqrt(-2 * log(U2)); // create Rayleigh rho values

        Z1 = temp_Rayleigh * cos(temp_theta);
        Z1 = sigma * Z1 + mu;
        *(p_output + i) = Z1; // assign first of random variable pair
        if (i < n_output)
            // if more variables are needed, generate second value of random pair
            Z2 = temp_Rayleigh * sin(temp_theta);
            Z2 = sigma * Z2 + mu;
            *(p_output + i) = Z2; // assign second of random variable pair
            break; // break if i hits n_max

double *unirand(int numbRand)
{ // simulate a single uniform random variable on the unit interval

    // double static returnValues[10];
    double *returnValues = malloc(numbRand * sizeof(double));
    // C does not advocate to return the address of a local variable to outside of the function, so you would have to define the local variable as static variable.

    for (int i = 0; i < numbRand; i++)
        returnValues[i] = (double)rand() / (double)((unsigned)RAND_MAX + 1);
    return returnValues;


  1. double)numbSim); meanY += tempY / ((double)numbSim); meanXSquared += pow(tempX, 2) / ((double)numbSim); meanYSquared += pow(tempY, 2) / ((double)numbSim); countSim++; } printf("The number of simulations was %d.\n", countSim); double varX = meanXSquared - pow(meanX, 2); double stdX = sqrt(varX); printf("The average of the X random variables is %lf.\n", meanX); printf("The standard deviance of the X random variables is %lf.\n", stdX); double varY = meanYSquared - pow(meanY, 2); double stdY = sqrt(varY); printf("The average of the Y random variables is %lf.\n", meanY); printf("The standard deviance of the Y random variables is %lf.\n", stdY); if (booleWriteData) { // print to file FILE *outputFile; outputFile = fopen(strFilename, "w+"); // fprintf(outputFile, "valueSim\n"); for (int i = 0; i < numbSim; i++) { fprintf(outputFile, "%lf,%lf\n", *(p_xRand + i), *(p_yRand + i []
  2. x_input >= xMin) && (x_input <= xMax) && (y_input >= yMin) && (y_input <= yMax []