There’s basically only one method for simulating Poisson variables with a small parameter value. This direct method, as I call it, uses the inter-arrival times of a homogeneous Poisson (stochastic) process, which I covered in a previous post.
But if large parameter, which coincides with its mean, is large, then this method becomes too slow, so you need to use other methods. In another post, I briefly surveyed these methods and listed different language libraries that use them, ranging from open source projects NumPy and R to industry-level libraries MLK (by Intel) and cuRand (CUDA) by Nvidia.
To simulate large-mean Poisson random variables, I coded up in Python and MATLAB (for now) two of these methods from the two respective papers:
- 1979, Atkinson, The computer generation of Poisson random variables;
- 1993, Hörmann, The transformed rejection method for generating Poisson random variable.
You can find my code here.
Again, the code I wrote is only suitable for large parameter values, where the meaning of large depends on the procedure being used, but it’s typically around 30. Consequently, any code for generating Poisson variables should have an if-statement, using the direct method for small parameter values and another method, such as the ones above, for large parameter values.
Update: In another post I presented these two algorithms in C. You can find my code here.
I’ll give some light details of the two methods, which are referred to as PA and PTRS algorithms in the respective papers. I suggest reading the papers for further details.
Both algorithms are (acceptance-)rejection methods. I discuss this general method, first proposed by Neumann, in another post. In context of generating Poisson variables, these methods are, according to the book by Devroye (page 502), known for being relatively simple to implement and fast to execute.
Both algorithms require calculating the log of a factorial or, equivalently, a log of a gamma function, which is done by using approximations, such those of Stirling or Lanczos. This is a common approach in general, as you’ll find that computer functions, such as those in MATLAB or Python (NumPy), that give values for gamma functions and their logs are always based on approximations of the gamma function. That means you can write your approximation for the log of a factorial or use a pre-existing function.
Algorithm PA by Atkinson (1979)
The Algorithm PA proposed by Atkinson, among other methods, is a rejection method that uses a logistic distribution as the envelope distribution. (Often such algorithms use a normal distribution as the envelop distribution.)
After writing my code, I noticed that John D. Cook gave pseudo-code of the method in this post and then presented an implementation in C# in this post. Apart from that, I have not seen any implementations of this method.
Algorithm PTRS by Hörmann (1993)
Hörmann refers to the Algorithm PTRS method as a transformed rejection method. It uses the inverse method, which I covered in a previous post, and a rejection method.
I have only seen one implementation of this algorithm. It’s written in C for the Python library NumPy; see the code here. You’ll notice my code and that C code is very similar, modulus some logarithm identities.
Possible (small) error: I noticed that in that C code, on line 591, the implementation of step 2.0 of the PTRS Algorithm has a strictly less than condition, so it’s \(k <0\), whereas in the original paper (and hence my code), the condition is \(k\leq 0\). Perhaps this possible error is insignificant, as the procedure is for large-valued Poisson random variables, so the \(k=0\) scenario rarely happens.
I only present here the code in Python, but you can go here to see the code implemented in MATLAB. I also wrote a script that tests if the generated variates (or simulated values) adhere to a Poisson distribution. This test compares the mean and variance (the ratio of which should be equal to one) and a chi-squared test.
Warning: My Python and MATLAB code is only for illustration purposes. In Python (with SciPy), MATLAB, or similar, you would use the pre-existing functions for simulating Poisson random variables.
Algorithm PA by Atkinson (1979)
# This code generates Poisson variates (or simulates Poisson variables).
# using a method designed for large (>30) Poisson parameter values.
# The generation method is Algorithm PA, a type of rejection method, from
# the paper:
# 1979 - Atkinson - "The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables"
# In practice, you should *always* use the built-in NumPy function
# random.poisson, which (for large Poisson parameter) uses Algorithm PTRS in the
# paper:
# 1993 - Hörmann - "The transformed rejection method for generating Poisson
# random variables"
# That method is also suggested by Knuth in Volume 2 of his classic
# series "The Art of Computer Programming".
# mu is a single Poisson parameter (or mean) such that mu>=0.
# result_k is a single Poisson variate (that is, an instance of a Poisson random
# variable), which is a non-negative integer.
# Author: H. Paul Keeler, 2019.
# Website:
# Repository:
import numpy as np; # NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import scipy
from getLogFac import getLogFac # type: ignore
def funPoissonLargePA(mu):
#precalculate some Poisson-parameter-dependent numbers
c = 0.767 - 3.36/mu;
beta = np.pi/np.sqrt(3.0*mu);
alpha = beta*mu;
k = np.log(c) - mu - np.log(beta);
result_n=-1; #initialize the Poisson random variable (or variate)
while (result_n<0):
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1); #generate first uniform variable
x = (alpha - np.log((1.0 - U)/U))/beta;
if (x <-.5):
V = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1); #generate second uniform variable
n = np.floor(x+.5);
y = alpha - beta*x;
#above can be replaced with scipy function:
#two sides of an inequality condition
lhs = y + np.log(V/(1.0 + np.exp(y))**2);
rhs = k + n*log_mu- logfac_n; # NOTE: uses log factorial n
if (lhs <= rhs):
return result_n;
#end if-statement
#end if-statement
#end while-loop
#end function
Algorithm PTRS by Hörmann (1993)
# This code generates Poisson variates (or simulates Poisson variables).
# using a method designed for large (>10) Poisson parameter values.
# The generation method is Algorthm PTRS, a type of rejection method, from
# the paper:
# 1993 - Hörmann - "The transformed rejection method for generating Poisson
# random variables"
# WARNING: This code is for illustration purposes only.
# In practice, you should *always* use the built-in NumPy function
# random.poisson, which (for large Poisson parameter) uses Algorithm PTRS in the
# above paper.
# mu is a single Poisson parameter (or mean) such that mu>=0.
# result_k is a single Poisson variate (that is, an instance of a Poisson random
# variable), which is a non-negative integer.
# Author: H. Paul Keeler, 2019.
# Website:
# Repository:
import numpy as np; # NumPy package for arrays, random number generation, etc
import scipy
from getLogFac import getLogFac # type: ignore
def funPoissonLargePTRS(mu):
#precalculate some Poisson-parameter-dependent numbers
b = 0.931 + 2.53 * np.sqrt(mu);
a = -0.059 + 0.02483 * b;
vr = 0.9277 - 3.6224 / (b - 2);
one_over_alpha=1.1239 + 1.1328/(b - 3.4);
result_n=-1; #initialize the Poisson random variable (or variate)
#Steps 1 to 3.1 in Algorithm PTRS
while (result_n<0):
#generate two uniform variables
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1);
V = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1);
us = 0.5 - abs(U);
n=np.floor((2 * a / us + b) * U + mu + 0.43);
if (us>=0.07)&(V<=vr):
result_n = n;
return result_n;
#end if-statement
if (n<=0) |((us < 0.013) & ( V> us)):
#end if-statement
log_mu = np.log(mu);
#above can be replaced with SciPy's function:
logfac_n = scipy.special.gammaln(n+1);
#two sides of an inequality condition
lhs = np.log(V * one_over_alpha / (a/us/us + b));
rhs = -mu + n * log_mu - logfac_n ;# NOTE: uses log factorial n
if lhs <= rhs:
result_n = n;
return result_n;
#end if-statement
#end while-loop
#end function
Further reading
Algorithm PA was proposed in the paper:
- 1979, Atkinson, The computer generation of Poisson random variables.
This algorithm is also given in the book Monte Carlo Statistical Methods by Casella and Robert; see Algorithm A.6.
Algorithm PTRS was proposed in the paper:
- 1993, Hörmann, The transformed rejection method for generating Poisson random variable.